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32 Cards in this Set

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leaf structure

- cuticle

- upper & lower epidermis

- palisade mesophyll

- spongy mesophyll

- stomata

- vascular bundles

properties of cuticle

waxy to reduce water loss from leaf surface

properties of epidermis

protects cell from mechanical damage

properties of palisade mesophyll

lined along upper epidermis

contains chloroplasts

properties of spongy mesophyll

loosley arranged in intercellular air space

allows diffusion of CO2

properties of stomata

gaseous exchange

when guard cells are turgid, stomata open

when guard cells are flaccid, stomata closes

properties of vascular bundles

transport water for photosynthesis to leaf

transport food from leaf to rest of plant

provide mechanical support

chloroplast structure

- thylakoid, granum, stroma

- thylakoid contains chlorophyll

- stroma is the liquid in chloroplasts

- contains starch grains, lipid droplets & ribosomes


6CO2+6H2O+energy -> C6H12O6+6O2

consists of light-dependent & light-independent stage

light-dependent stage

occurs in thylakoids

1) photolysis + oxidation of NADH

2) substrate level phosphorylation

light-independent stage

- AKA Calvin cycle

- takes place in stroma (in low or no light)

- uses ATP & NADH from light-dependent stage

1) carbon fixation w RuBP

2) reduction of triphosphate

3) regeneration of RuBP

limiting factors

1) light intensity

2) CO2 concentration

3) temperature


consists of sieve tubes & companion cells

sieve tubes

- lined end-to-end to allow flow of sap

- little cytoplasm & no nucleus to maximise space

companion cells

- contain mitochondria to produce energy for active transport


- made of dead cells

- long & hollow

- lined with lignin for structural support


- process by which water vapour is lost from aerial parts of plant due to evaporation of water

- at surface of spongy mesophyll cells into air spaces

- via stomata out of leaf

transpiration stream

- flow of water up stem

- strong cohesion forces between individual H2O molecules

- strong adhesion forces by which individual water molecules cling to surrounding materials and surfaces

factors of transpiration

1) humidity

2) temperature

3) wind

4) light intensity

5) water supply

aerobic respiration

glucose + O2 -> CO2 + 6H2O + energy

1) glycolysis

2) link reaction

3) krebs cycle

4) electron transport chain


- location : cytosol

- 4 stages : substrate level phosphorylation, lysis, oxidation, ATO synthesis

- output : 2 ATP + 2 NADH

this stage does not require oxygen

link reaction

- location : mitochondrial matrix

- oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate

- decarboxylation : CO2 removed from pyruvate

- oxidation : transfer of electron from pyruvate to NAD to form NADH

- 2 pyruvate is converted to 2 acetyl CoA + 2 NADH

krebs cycle

location : mitochondria matrix

1) acetyl CoA + oxaloacetate -> citrate + CoA (reused in link reaction)

2) citrate -> oxaloacetate (not impt just know oxaloacetate is regenerated to repeat cycle)

electron transport chain

- location : inner mitochondrial membrane

- 2 parts : oxidative phosphorylation + chemiosmosis

oxidative phosphorylation

- oxidation of NADH & FADH2, H electrons are transported down a gradient

- oxygen is the final electron accepter


- protons are moved to intermembranal space through ATP synthase using energy from ETC

anaerobic respiration

- does NOT require oxygen

- 2 types : alcoholic fermentation + lactica acid fermentation

- in absence of oxygen, final electron acceptor for ETC is absent

- oxygen is replaced by ethanal (alcoholic fermentation) & pyruvate (lactic acid fermentation)

- yields small amount of energy

yields small amount of energy

yields small amount of energy

anaerobic respiration

- does NOT require oxygen

- 2 types : alcoholic fermentation + lactica acid fermentation

- in absence of oxygen, final electron acceptor for ETC is absent

- oxygen is replaced by ethanal (alcoholic fermentation) & pyruvate (lactic acid fermentation)

- yields small amount of energy

important structures in respiratory system

bronchi : large tube bringing air to alveoli

bronchioles : smaller tubes to individual alveoli

trachea + bronchi : secrete mucus to trap dust

ciliated epithelium : sweeps mucus into cavity to be swallowed

ventilation of lungs

air drawn in when air pressure in the lungs is lower than atmosphere

air is blown out when air pressure in lungs is higher than atmosphere


1) rib cage expands

2) rib muscles contract

3) diaphragm contracts & moves down

4) thorax contracts (volume decreases, pressure increases)


1) rib cage shrinks

2) rib muscles relax

3) diaphragm relaxes and moves up

4) thorax expands (volume increases, pressure decreases)

alveolar structure

1) one-cell thick = short diffusion distance

2) rich supply of capillaries = maintain steep concentration gradient of gases

3) thin film of moisture inside alveolus = allows oxygen to dissolve, keep alveolar wall flexible

absorption of oxygen

1) one-cell thick alveolar wall is permeable to O2 & CO2

2) alveolar wall has higher concentration of O2 than blood & O2 diffuses out

3) O2 combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin

4) blood passes through O2-poor tissues and oxyhaemoglobin releases O2

removal of carbon dioxide

1) tissues produce CO2 after respiration

2) CO2 reacts with H2O to form H2CO3 with carbonic anhydrase

3) H2CO3 is converted to bicarbonate ions

4) in lungs, bicarbonate ions are converted back to H2C03 then converted back to CO2 and H20

5) CO2 diffuses from capillaries to alveoli then expelled during exhalation

harmful components of smoking

1) tar

- lung/nose/throat cancer

- damages DNA leading to uncontrolled cell division

2) nicotine

- increase heart rate & blood pressure

- causses addiction

- causes blood clots in arteries

3) carbon monoxide

- forms carboxyhaemoglobin (haemoglobin now useless)

- less haemoglobin to transport oxygen

4) irritants

- paralyses cilia in airways

- dust cannot be removed