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125 Cards in this Set

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probability that a single cycle will result in a pregnancy


probability that a single cycle will result in a live birth

more important because we really only care about the pregnancies that are carried to term

by age 40, how many couples are considered infertile

1 in 4

what are the two most common identifiable female factors in infertility

ovulatory disorders (25%) and endometriosis (15%)

what condition accounts for 70% of ovulatory dysfunction

PCOS- polycystic ovary syndrome

what is the most common endocrine disease in women


a patient presents with hirsuitism and she is obese. questioning reveals oligoovulation and hyperandrogenism. she is 36 and has no children.



presents with 2 out of 3:

- oligoovulatoin

- hyperandrogenism

- polycystic ovaries

37 year old women and er husband have been trying to get pregnant but so far are unsuccessful. how long should they continue trying before seeing a physician.

33 yo

42 yo

<30- 12 months

>35- 6 months

>40 come in immediately

what is the gold standard for tubal evaluation

Laparoscopy and chromotubation

what chromosomes are BRCA 1 and 2 found on

• BRCA1- 17q21

• BRCA2- 13q12.3

what hormones drives growth of the endometrium


what hormone drives preparation of the endometrium for implantation


what role do OCP's play in cancer risk

none except they may decrease risk of endometrioid (type 1) cancer

what hormone/drug combination may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer

estrogen, progesterone, and oral contraceptives

estrogen/progesterone and OCP's may decrease the risk of what

ovarian cancer

Call-exner bodies

granulosa cell tumors


endometriosis of the uterus

uterine bleeding occurring at irregular but frequent intervals, the amount being variable


people who are metro are irregular

prolonged uterine bleeding occurring at irregular intervals


name three systemic causes of abnormal menstrual bleeding


thyroid disorders

liver disease

a patient comes in complaining of abnormally large menses. they are not hemodynamically stable. what will you do?

IV premarin- to stop the bleeding by stimulating clotting

2nd most common cause of primary amenorrhea

Mullerian agenesis- Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser

what are the top three causes of primary amenorrhea

1. Gonadal dysgenesis

2. Mullerian agenesis

3. Androgen insensitivity

a patient presents with anosmia, color blindness, and she has never had a period

Kallman's syndrome (CNS disorder)

a child presents with dome shaped papule with central umbilication on his buttocks

molluscum cantagiosum

woman presents with vesicular lesion with subsequent ulceration. it is very tender


Painless genital ulcer (x)

LGV (chlamydia)



Gonorrhea treatment

penicillin, ceftriaxone, cefixime

azithromycin for chlamydia

patient presents with pruritic papule that ulcerates to form a granulomatous beefy red ulcer


patient presents with strawberry cervix, foul odor, irritation, discharge, and burning


Painful genital ulcer



what drug contains levonorgestrel and what is the advantage of this drug


Levonorgestrel has a very high binding affinity (323%) and thus we need very small doses

OCP's decrease the risk of what cancers

ovarian and endometrial (TIS TRUE)

what contraceptive potentially has a negative effect on spine and long bone growth

Depo-provera (IM injection)1

what drugs use levonorgestrol

Seasonale (oral)

Plan B (progesterone only)


in natural conception what changes in body temperature or cervical mucus are we looking for

increase in body temperature and dry cervical mucus indicate infertility

infertility resumes 3 days after rise in body temperature

malignant neoplasms of the prostate are most commonly what morphology


A 26 year old obese women presents with infertility, oligomenorrhea, and hirsuitism


what is the most common type of ovarian tumor

surface epithelium

mutation of what is seen in Lynch syndrome

mismatch repair genes

ovarian tumor with bladder-like epithelium

Brenner tumor

what is a teratoma composed primarily of thyroid tissue

struma ovarii

a woman presents to the clinic with abnormal vaginal bleeding, cramp-like pain shortly after a toxoplasmosis infection

spontaneous abortion

a Thai refugee comes to the clinic with an abnormally high hCG

Trophoblastic tumor


Asian people are also more likely to have a molar pregnancy

when do we give Rhogam

28 weeks

what is one thing we need to do at 28 weeks gestation

give Rhogam

Clomiphene Citrate

increases FSH trying to increase the likelihood of ovulation

used to treat infertility


increases risk of what cancers

Hereditary Non polyposis colorectal cancer

colon cancer

endometrial cancer

ovarian cancer


infection of the umbilical cord


bilirubin induced brain dysfunction

what is a primary concern of a pregnant woman with diabtetes

sacral agenesis

in what stage of labor does the cervix dilate

stage 1

what is considered a prolonged latent pahse in nulliparas and multiparas

20 hours

14 hours

how much does the cervix dilate in the active phase

it will dilate 1.5 cm/hr in multipara and 1.2 cm/hr in primipara

describe the second stage of delivery

pushing phase

starts with full cervical dilation and ends with delivery

what drugs are used to stimulate cervical ripening and uterine contractions

Prostaglandin drugs:




synthetic prostaglandin used to stimulate cervical ripening and uterine contractions

also used to terminate pregnancy


prostaglandin analog used to stimulate cervical ripening and uterine contractions

what drug is most commonly used to induce labor



prostaglandin analog used to treat postpartum bleeding

causes intense vasoconstriction so we can't use it to induce contraction

what drugs can be given to treat postpartum bleeding

Carboprost- causes massive vasoconstriction




COX inhibitor used to prevent uterine contractions

cant use before 32 weeks gestation

which drug used to prevent utrerine contractions cannot be used before 32 weeks gestation



calcium channel blocker that relaxes the uterus

causes hypotension and is not as effective as indomethacin


beta 2 agonist that relaxes the uterus

also activates beta-1 receptors and can thus cause tachycardia and heart palpitations

causes hyperglycemia in mother and hypoglycemia in child

magnesium sulfate

approved to treat seizures in preeclampsia

a women presents in labor with high blood pressure and seizures.

what will you give her?

Magnesium sulfate


progestin drug used to prevent preterm labor

estrogen increases the risk of which cancer(s)?


what affect do OCP's have on cancer?

decreased risk of ovarian and endometrial

maybe increased risk of cervical

during peimenopause what hormone will increase?


as estrogen decrease we get an increase in LH

what factor can lead to early onset menopause


what is the gold standard in the diagnosis of osteoporosis?

DXA scan of the lumbar spine and hips

start at 65 or postmenopausal women with high risk

which drugs reduce hip fractures?


Alendronate and Zolendronate


Used to treat women who are not hemodynamically stable and are actively bleeding vaginally (abnormal uterine bleeding)

Treatment of women with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), hemodynamically stable?

1. Yes

2. No

1. IV Premarin

2. OCP's

what is the order of progression in the treatment of women with anovulatory DUB?

OCP --> IUD --> Ablation --> Hysterectomy

what tells you an ovarian tumor is a granulosa cell tumor?

Call-exner bodies

give several examples of surface epithelial tumors of the ovary (x4)

1-2. Serous and Mucinous

-Benign, malignant, and borderline

-Cystadenoma, cystadenocarcinoma,

3. Endometrioid

4. Brenner

what is an endometriod carcinoma

it is a type of surface epithelial ovarian tumor

what germ cell tumor is very responive to radiation and chemotherapy

Dysgerminoma or testicular seminoma

name two factors that would identify a granulosa cell tumor (hormone and pathomnemonic)

high estrogen (granulosa cells aromatize androgens)

call-exner bodies

in what condition will we need to remove the testicles before puberty due to high risk of malignancy

androgen insensitivity

a woman presents with webbed neck, short stature, and no breasts

what is her condition and describe her hormone levels?

Turner Syndrome- 45,X

hypergonadotropic (high FSH/LH)

hypoestrogenic (no follicles)

a woman presents with ammenorrhea, anosmia, and color blindness

Kallman's syndrome

Sheehan's Syndrome

low blood pressure during delivery causes damage to the pituitary

loss of GH, FSH/LH, ACTH, TSH

causes amenorrhea

what do you need to do if a woman is found to have a Y chromosome

remove the gonads due to increased risk of malignancy

what hormone(s) will be high in menopasue

LH and FSH

Mostly FSH

woman presents with discharge, irritation, and burning of her genitals. she has a foul odor and strawberry cervix

what is her treatment?


Metronidazole or Tindazole


same as Camila

progesterone only OCP

norethindrone only (progesterone)

taken monthly


same as micronor

progesterone only OCP

norethindrone only (progesterone)

taken monthly

name the 4 progesterone only OCP's

1. Micronor/Camila

2. Implanon/Nexplanon

3. Mirena (IUD) (Levonorgestrol)

4. Depo-Provera (IM injection)

what might be administered in an emergency to avoid a pregnancy

Plan B (levonogestrel)

Copper IUD



Ethinyl estradiol

Norethindrone (progesterone)

Ortho evra

transdermal OCP


male contraceptive

blocks FSH and LH from binding to androgen receptors leading to oligospermia (low sperm count and infertility)

define the standard days method of contraception

I think don't have sex between days 8-19 in your cycle

Battledore placenta

placenta in which the umbilical cord attaches to the border (margin)

circumvallate placenta

the fetal membrane doubles back on the fetal side around the edge of the placenta

typical causes of chorioamnionitis

infection of the chorion and amnion

due to an ascending infection caused by group B strep, Neisseria, or fusobacterium

what is one tumor that is much more common in women from southeast asia

gestational trophoblastic tumor

which trophoblastic tumor has the better outcome and is more responsive to chemo

gestational is better

ovarian choriocarcinoma is worse

describe respiratory change in pregnancy

decrease in FRC

increase in TV

no change in respiratory rate and vital capacity

decrease in CO2 and increase in ventilation

during pregnancy how often do we need to see the doctor

every 4 weeks until week 28

every 2 weeks until week 36

weekly after week 36

when should an STD test in a pregnant woman be performed

36 weeks and maybe ealier

when should the hematocrit be taken

maybe initially

24-28 weeks

36 weeks

what does a high AFP tell us during pregnancy and not in pregnancy

pregnancy- neural tube defect

other- yolk sac tumor or embryonal tumor

describe the role of prostaglandins in labor

they increase cervical ripening, uterine contractions, and they induce labor


do you know why the dinosaurs are extinct? it's cause they didn't have a prostate gland (prostanglandin), their wan't enough ripe (cervical ripening) food and they contracted (uterine contractions) disease. now they are terminated (terminate pregnancy).


prostaglandin E drug used to induce contractions, labor, and cervical ripening


prostaglanidn drug used for postpartum bleeding

Ergot alkyloids

drugs used to limit postpartum bleeding


ergot alkyloid used to limit postpartum bleeding


ergot alkyloid used to limit post partum bleeding

waht drugs can we give to decrease postparym bleeding





prevents uterine contractions

COX inhibitor

only give before 32 weeks gestation because it can close the ductus arteriosus


calcium channel blocker that relaxes the uterus

prevent preterm labor


beta- agonist that relaxes the uterus

prevent preterm labor

how do we treat eclampsia

Magnesium sulfate

what drug that prevents pre-term labor will we not give before 32 weeks getation


Pituitary apoplexy

low blood pressure or hemorrhage causes infarction of the pituitary gland

Conn's Syndrome

primary hyperaldosteronism

often due to an aldosterone secreting adenoma

Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome

hemorrhage into the adrenal gland causes adrenal insufficiency

often seen in enwborn infants after prolonger deliveries


transporter of circulating cortisol