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98 Cards in this Set

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writing vectors

ways to draw vectors

stokes theorum

vector stacks don't match up

discontinuities are sheafs

gauss' theorum

sheaf field where one point is stronger so creates discontinuities


scalar to vector


vector to scalar


vector to vector

helmhotz theorum

a field completely determined by divergence, curl and boundary conditions


splitting curls and divs

types of vector in Cross product

2 arrows make a thumbtack

2 stacks make a sheaf

levi civita symbol

kronecker delta

equations using levi civita function is and kronecker function

unit vectors

maxwell equations

deriving 1st maxwell equation

deriving 2nd maxwell equation

deriving 3rd maxwell equation

deriving 4th maxwell. equation

corrected 4th maxwell equation

lorentz force

original potentials

New potentials

proof of new potentials

Hamiltons equations of motion

poisson equation

method of imagining

laplace in 1D

laplace in 3D

laplace in 2D

First uniqueness theorum

in volume V with a surface S has a unique solution when ø is on surface S

second uniqueness theorum

electric field in volume V is specified by the total charge on each conductor surrounding V and the charge density Inside V

Qml and scalar potential


Qml =0 when L ≠0


Mlm and vector potential

when to calculate Mlm

Mlm for loop of wire

maxwell equations in a vacuum

dispersion relation

what happenes if a wave packet moves in time

linear polarisation

circular polarisation

poynting vector

poynting theorum and meaning of each term

maxwell tensor Tij

lorentz force in terms of maxwell. tensor

creating radiation

accelerating charge

retarded time

retarded dipole moment

retarded scalar potential

retarded vector potential in terms of poynting vector

retarded I in vector potential

relation between Pr and Ir

retarded vector field

calculating E field using retarded potentials

E field must be 1/r

propagating fields direction

E field in theta direction

B field in ø direction

poynting vector direction and in terms of Ir

maxwell equation in macroscopic media

wave equation from maxwell equation when there are no free charges

dispersion relation for a macroscopic material.

k for a macroscopic material in terms of refraction index

k for a dielectric

k ~ nk0

skin depth

conductivity in a plasma

polarisation field

complex dielectric constant

index of refraction

equation for alpha that is 2 times the imaginary part of k

normal and anomalous dispersion compared to alpha

group velocity

boundary conditions

B field in terms of k and E field

conditions of E field

refraction coefficient


have conducting walls

no free charges or currents inside the waveguide

orientated in z direction

wave doesn't travel straight inside the waveguide

TEM wave

when both Ez and Bz are zero

not allows in waveguide

rectangular waveguide with conducting walls

E parallel =0

B perpendicular =0

wavenumber in a waveguide

cut off frequencies in a waveguide

why use group velocity instead or phase velocity

phase velocity is greater than the speed of light

coaxial transmission line

do transmit TEM waves

bc core can be held at a different potential to outer wall

capacitance and inductance of in coaxial cable

impedance in a coaxial cable.

impedance mismatch

if the cable is plugged into a receiver that has a different impedance

part of the signal will be reflected back


black off sides or a metal box Conducting metal plates

want frequencies exist inside a cavity

where a B and d are the side lengths

how well can a cavity hold radiation

position and momentum 4 vector

finding length changes in different reference frames


sum over 2 repeating indices, one if which is upper and one that is lower

lorentz transformation

tensor transforms

lorentz vector for transforming

four vector potential

tensor matrix

used to go to a boosted frame with 2 indices

transformation arguments