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160 Cards in this Set

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Normal QRS

Normal transition across Precordium

QRS abnormalities

Abnormalities in height

- high/low voltage

Abnormalities in width




Hemiblocks could be with axis determination

Abnormal QRS EKG complex components

If the first wave of QRS is positive, then it is the ________ wave

R wave

If the first wave of the QRS is negative, then it is the ______ wave

Q wave

Any negative wave after a preceding R wave is the _______ wave

S wave

QRS is due to __________ ___________

ventricular depolarization

QRS complex normally lasts

0.6 to 0.11 seconds

Axis of QRS is between ________ and ________

-30 and +105, downward and to the left

The QRS is the __________ of the vectors


Parts of the QRS can be ___________ in some leads


QRS depolarization sequence

1) Septum depolarizes L to R 

2) Main vector is then posterior and inferior 

3) Then finally, main vector is posterior-superior

1) Septum depolarizes L to R

2) Main vector is then posterior and inferior

3) Then finally, main vector is posterior-superior

LV contains ________% of cardiac muscle in most people


- most electrical activity points towards the LV NO matter what lead you're reading

Example of LV predominance on EKG

A lead over right heart will amplify the right heart voltage a little because it is sitting over the RV


the major voltage is going away from that lead toward the dominant left ventricle

QRS changes across the pericordium

QRS complex in V1 is _________


QRS complex in V2 is _________


QRS complex in V3 is ____________

Negative but leaning more towards isoelectric

QRS complex in V4 is _________


QRS complex in V5 is ___________ with prominent but equal _________ and ________ waves

QRS in V5 is positive

Prominent negative Q and S waves

QRS complex in V6 is ___________ with larger ______ wave than _______ wave


Larger negative Q wave than S wave

Areas of change in the precordial leads where the QRS switches from mostly negative deflection to mostly positive deflection

Transition zone

Transition zone

The normal transition zone is between __________ and _______

V3 and V4

Q waves are significant if they have what characteristics?

Greater than 0.03 seconds

Depth is equal to or greater than 1/3 of R wave

Q waves in MI are _________ and not large enough with most only occurring in 1 lead


Q waves are more indicative of _________ __________


An MI of significant size must have Q waves in at least __________ contiguous leads

2 continguous leads

What do you need to diagnose an Acute MI?

ST-T wave changes

Insignificant Q waves can be seen in __________ ___________

septal depolarization

Significant Q's can be seen in ________ muscle, ______ in more than _______ lead

DEAD muscle, MI, in more than one lead

QS waves can occur with no ___________ inbetween

No R wave

Pseudo Q waves can appear in _________


Septal Q waves are seen in leads _________ and _______

I and aVL

QS waves are seen only in _____________



Significant Q graphical representation

Q > 1/3 of R height 

Q > 0.03 s wide

Q > 1/3 of R height

Q > 0.03 s wide

Which leads have the Q waves? This defines the site of infarction

Leads I, II, aVR, aVF, V4-6

Leads I, II, aVR, aVF, V4-6

Small notch is often seen at the ________ of QRS



QRS notching is insignificant unless the person is a ______________

Curly haired Italian Male

Osborn Wave is a _______ seen in _________

J wave


J wave


The colder the temp, the ____________ the J wave

Higher the J wave

J waves on EKG (blue arrows)

Another example of J wave EKG

Pronounced positive deflection on QRS complex due to hypothermia

Pronounced positive deflection on QRS complex due to hypothermia

LVH would cause _______ voltages on EKG


MI and concurrent loss of LV muscle would cause _________ voltage on EKG


- Yellow scar, wall thinning

- Decrease in voltage

- Increase in Q waves

Pericardial effusion would cause _________ voltage


Men and youth have _______ voltages leading to _______ amplitudes

higher voltages, greater amplitudes

Precordial leads are __________ voltage than limb leads because the precordial leads are _________ to the heart

Higher voltage

Closer to the heart

Pathological increases in amplitude caused by


Low voltage is _____ common than high voltage

LESS common

Causes of Lower voltages on EKG

MI's - scar tissue is electrically inert

Marked increases in body fat

Huge left pleural effusion

Pericardial effusion

Recording at half standard

What do you have to make sure to look at when recording EKG's?

Make sure you're not at half standard, and if you are, adjust the reading accordingly

Scar tissue is electrically __________

inert and causes decreased voltages

In pericardial effusions, the limb leads will record less than ________ mm voltage

5 mm voltage

In pericardial efusions, the precordial leads will record less than _________ mm voltage

10 mm voltage

The larger the effusion, the ________ the QRS

- Affects all components, not just QRS


- Affects all components, not just QRS

Half Standard

Rectangle height is only 1 big square 
- Need to double to normalize

Rectangle height is only 1 big square

- Need to double to normalize

Standard speed is ____________

25 mm/sec

Each little box equates to _______

.04 seconds

Each big box equates to ___________

.2 seconds (5 little boxes)

Whole EKG strips spans __________ seconds


Pericardial effusion EKG

Low voltage all waves

Low voltage all waves

LVH leads to ___________ voltages


LVH causes

Outflow obstruction - Aortic stenosis/HTN

Less likely with volume overload problems

- Mitral Regurg/Aortic Regurg

Increased muscle mass causes ______ AP, _____ vector with resultant increased EKG _________

Increased action potential

Increased vector

Increased EKG amplitude

EKG Criteria for LVH

S in V1/V2 + R of V5/V6 > 34mm

Any precordial lead > 45mm

R wave in aVL > 10 mm

R wave in lead I > 11mm

R in AVF > 19mm

In LVH, the ____ wave in leads V1/2 are added to the ______ wave of V5/V6 with a sum greater than _______

S wave of V1/2

R wave of V5/6

Greater than 34 mm

In LVH, precordial lead voltage has to be greater than ___________

45 mm

In LVH, The R wave in aVL has to be greater than ________


In LVH, the R wave in lead I has to be greater than ____________


In LVH, the R wave in AVF has to be greater than __________


Can't have LVH if _______________ is present

Left bundle branch is present

You must use calipers to calculate LVH

LVH EKG changes


RVH is ________ common than LVH

Less common

An additional vector produced by the enlarged RV causes increased voltages in leads ______ and _________

V1 and V2

V1 and V2

Right Ventricle is located right underneath the _________


RVH vector is directed to the ______ and ________

anterior and right

In RVH, you have the summation of the ___________ forces and ________ RV forces

Septal forces and enlarged RV forces

RVH measurement via calipers

RVH causes

Secondary to pathology of RV or distal to RV

- lungs

- left heart failure

Mimicry of RVH (can't make diagnosis) includes

Right BBB

Very young children


Posterior wall MI


Abnormal QRS duration is greater than

0.12 seconds

If tachycardia with a wide QRS think, _______________ until proven otherwise

V tach

Etiology of wide QRS complexes


Intraventricular conduction delays



Intraventricular conduction delays


Bundle Branch Block EKG

How many bundles are there?

Two, Right and Left

Left bundle divides left _________ and ________ fascicles

anterior and posterior fascicles

Blocked bundle affects both ______ and _______

conduction and axis via cell to cell transmission

Bundle branch blocks have slow, _______, and _________ QRS complexes

slow, wide, and bizarre

Bundle branch blocks have ___________ conduction until the block

Normal conduction until the block

If there's a wide QRS consider



IVCD - HYPERkalemia

Ventricular tachycardia - sinus tachycardia with a bundle branch block

Any lead in which the QRS is greater than 0.12 seconds or greater means that _____________ lead is of that duration

EVERY lead is at least 0.12 second

When checking for QRS width, look at the ________ QRS in any lead

widest QRS in any lead

During RBBB, there is ______ impulse to the left bundle

Normal impulse to left bundle

In RBBB, part of the ______ and right ______ are delayed secondary to cell to cell spread on the Right

Septum and Right Ventricle

Delayed cell to cell spread slows depolarization time leading to ___________ QRS


R' is the additional slow vector, LATE


R' is the additional slow vector, LATE

RBBB has a QRS greater than ________

0.12 seconds

In RBBB, there is an _________ pattern with _______ > _______ in lead V1

RSR'  pattern 

R' > R

RSR' pattern

R' > R

Slurred ____ wave in leads 1 and V6 during RBBB

Slurred S wave

- Lead overlies L ventricle, looking at slowed electrical activity going away from you toward R ventricle

In RBBB, the ST wave is in the _________ direction of QRS

opposite direction of QRS


Look for slurred S wave in leads I and V6 

RSR' pattern in lead VI

Look for slurred S wave in leads I and V6

RSR' pattern in lead VI

RSR' Bunny Ears picture

Slurred S waves picture


Look for Rabbit Ears RSR'

Look for Rabbit Ears RSR'

In RBBB, __________ has a small _________ wave at the beginning aka Mutant Rabbit

V1 has a small r wave 

V1 has a small r wave

Floppy Eared Bunny = _____________ with a negative Q wave and Positive R'


Floppy Ear (MI) in VI

Floppy Ear Example with Q, R, and R' on VI

LBBB is called an ___________ by Heibel


If both parts of the left side are involved, the doctor should be ___________

more concerned

LBBB is a ____________ wave

Monomorphic wave 

Monomorphic wave

In LBBB, there are discordant _______ waves that occur in ____________ direction

discordant T waves

opposite directions

In LBBB, the RV is ________ with the left being ________ via cell to cell

RV is OK, left is slow cell to cell

LBBB criteria

Duration of atleast 0.12 seconds 

Broad, monomorphic R waves in I and V6 with no Q's 

Broad monomorphic S in V1, small R wave possible 

Duration of atleast 0.12 seconds

Broad, monomorphic R waves in I and V6 with no Q's

Broad monomorphic S in V1, small R wave possible

LBBB must last for at least _____________

0.12 seconds

LBBB have broad __________ R waves in _____ and ________ with no Q's


I and V6

In LBBB, there is broad monomorphic ______ in V1 with a small ______ wave

Monomorphic S wave in V1

Small R wave possible

The R waves in V1 - variation of LBBB

In LBBB, there may be notching of the R wave in lead ________




Look for notching in R wave on V6 
R waves in V1
Monomorphic S wave in V1 
Monomorphic R waves in 1 and V6 

Look for notching in R wave on V6

R waves in V1

Monomorphic S wave in V1

Monomorphic R waves in 1 and V6

Can you diagnose LVH and LBBB on the same EKG?


Causes of LBBB







IVCD Criteria

Intraventricular Conduction Delay

- Doesn't have to be 0.12 seconds

- Has some but not all features of either RBBB/LBBB

- LVH, peri-infarction, Hyperkalemia, Quinidine and Flecanide (1A/C)

In IVCD, the QRS is __________


In IVCD, the S in slurred in ___ and ________

S slurred in 1 and V6

In IVCD, there is an ___________ R:S ratio in V1



Hemiblocks occur only on the ________ and involves __________ of the ________ bundle

left, half of left bundle

Left anterior hemiblock is called ____________

Left anterior fascicular block

Left posterior hemiblock is also called _______________

left posterior fascicular block

Left anterior fascicle is ___________ and innervates the __________ walls of the LV

Thin, anterolateral walls of LV

Left posterior fascicle is _________ dispersed and fans supplying the ___________ and ________ walls with electrical stimulation

inferior and posterior walls

Graphical representation of Hemiblocks

Left Anterior Hemiblock sequence

1) Depolarization has to come from the septum, inferior wall and posterior wall toward the anterior and lateral walls

2) Unopposed vector arises that points superior and leftward

3) Expect a qR complex or Large R in lead I and an rS complex in III

4) cause of small q and r is the abnormal direction of septal depolarization

In Left Anterior Hemiblock, expect a qR complex or large R wave in lead ____________ and an rS complex in lead ________

qR complex/R wave - lead I

rS complex - lead III

Left anterior hemiblock graphical representation

Vector is superior and leftward 

Vector is superior and leftward

Left anterior hemiblock criteria

Left axis deviation with axis -30 to -90

qR or an R wave in Lead I

rS complex in III

To recognize left Anterior Hemiblock, use leads

I, AVF, and II 

I, AVF, and II

In Left anterior hemiblock, lead I will be ___________, lead II will be ____________, and aVF will be ____________

I - positive 
II - negative 
avF - negative 

I - positive

II - negative

avF - negative

Left anterior hemiblock EKG

R wave in lead I 
rS complex in lead III (no Q wave) 

R wave in lead I

rS complex in lead III (no Q wave)

Left Posterior hemiblock is ______ to diagnose and ________

difficult to diagnose and RARE

Left posterior hemiblock sequence

1) Depolarization of inferior and posterior aspects of LV delayed

2) Unopposed vector from the septum and anterior walls is to the right

3) small q in III, and S in lead I

Criteria for left posterior hemiblock

1) Axis 90 to 180 to the right

2) S wave in lead I

3) q wave in lead III

4) Exclusion of RAE/RVH - can't call LPH unless these two are absent

In Left posterior hemiblock, there is an _______ wave in lead I

S wave

In left posterior hemiblock, there is a ______ wave in lead III

q wave

Left posterior hemiblock requires _______________


- other causes of R axis deviation

- exclude RVH, RAE

S1, Q3, T3 can indicate PE

Most common cause of R axis deviation is ____________


Most common cause of RAE is ___________

anything distal to the RA

What three leads/waves can indicate PE?

S wave in lead I

Q wave in lead III

T wave in lead III

Left Posterior Hemiblock EKG

What is the diagnosis of this EKG?

What is the diagnosis of this EKG?

Not a clue

What is the diagnosis of this EKG? 

What is the diagnosis of this EKG?

Not a clue

Bifasicular Block must have a __________ component

RBBB component

Bifasicular Block Types

Must be RBBB+

RBBB + LAH - stable unless acute

RBBB + LPH - Unstable

RBBB + LAH is __________ unless acute

stable unless acute

RBBB + LAH is ___________


What is the diagnosis of this EKG? 

What is the diagnosis of this EKG?

No clue

What is the diagnosis of this EKG? 

What is the diagnosis of this EKG?

No clue