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40 Cards in this Set

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Ventricular contraction is slower than normal

The ecg strip reveals qrs complexes 0.18 sec in duration. What does this mean about the ventricles


With the Holter monitoring technique, use an event marker on a device. T/f

Holter monitoring procedure

The pt may experience symptoms not related to his physical activity are instructions given to a pt for what

Consult the pt condition with a dr

While performing the test on the treadmill an ecg tech observed that the pt experienced the symptoms of angina. What should the tech do immediately

Sinus dysrhythmia

An ecg tech recognizes irregular pp and rr intervals while all other parameters appear to be within normal limits. What is this

AV junction

What is likely pacing the heart if the pt pulse is regular and 52 BPM

Av node only delays. Intrinsic rate of av juntion is 40-60

Increase speed to 50 mm/sec

What kind of changes in ecg machine settings need to be done while performing test on a 3 yr old pt

Baby heartbeat is naturally fast. So you need to stretch the paper

Increase the speed

When performing a 12 lead ekg on a 3 month old oncoloogy pt, what do you need to do to the ekg

Ischemia, injury, infarction

What is the sequence of events that occur during an evolution of a coronary artery occlusion

Loose electrode artifact

The bizarre, erroneous marks on the ecg tracing should be recognized as what artifact

Significant q wave

On an ecg, what indicates myocardial necrosis


What is responsible for the mechanical action of the heart

Changes the amplitude of the qrs complex

What will be changed by increasing the gain of the ecg machine

Before, every 2.5 minites, after stress test

When are vital signs measured during an exercise stress test


Speaking about a pt w a dr who works at a different facility but specializes in treating the condition is a violation of what

Right arm

Leads I II avr uses which limb lead electrode

Pulmonary veins

These carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium


An accelerated idioventricular rhythm is recognized when the qrs is wide and the heart rate equals how many bpm

Lead I and avr

These leads will show changes if an ekg tech reversed the right and left arm

Failure to capture

An ekg tech sees pacing spikes on a pt ekg but no electrical activity following the spikes. This is likely due to a pacemaker error known as:

In an abnormal location

An ectopic focus is a group of cells in the heart that initiates an impulse where?

Like an ectopic pregnancy, its in the wrong place

Myocardial ischemia

ST segment depression is an indication of what

In the bundle of His

A supraventricular rhythm may appear where in the heart

Av node never produces, only delays. Bundle branches just conducts. Purkinje fibers produce ventricular rhytms


What kind of pts typically require apical pulse measurement

Demand pacemaker

Spikes are produced once in a while in what kind of pacemaker

Estimate hr by counting r peaks in 6 sec strip and multiply by 10

When analyzing a hr of the pt experiencing arrhythmia this method should be used to calculate an average value.

Average not exact

Ventricular arrhythmia

The pr segment is absent in what type of rhythm


Do not drink coffee 3 hours before the test is an instruction before stress test procedure. T/f

Ventricular tachycardia

This is represented by wide, bizarre qrs complexes

Ventricular fibrillation doesnt produce qrs


Toes earlobes and index fingers can be used as probe placement sites. T/f

Cannot use finger of an arm where automatic blood pressure cuff is applied

Every 2 minutes

According to Bruce protocol, how often should bp be measured


The intrinsic rate of rhythm originating in the ventricles is 20-40 bpm. Tf


Metropolol a beta blocker should not be administered 48 hrs before a stress test. Tf

Rr interval

When analyzing a strips you should determine rhythm by:

Wide qrs, no p wave and an abmormal t wave

Impulses that originate in the ventricles have what kind of characteristics


Rhythm strip w 2 normal impulses then 1 premature ventriculat complex in a repeating pattern is:

Every other two

Somatic interference

Erratic spikes on ecg is which artifact

Postural hypotension

This is when a pt feels lightheaded after standing up


Positive qrs in avr indicated a limb lead reversal. Tf

Avr is typically inverted

Loose electrode

Erroneous mark on a ecg tracing which artifact