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46 Cards in this Set

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what does immobility effect?
Musculoskeletal system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory (pulmonary) system
Metabolic system
Urinary system
Gastrointestinal system
Psychoneurologic system
Integumentary system
How does it effect the musculoskeletal system?
1.disuse osteoporosis
2. disuse atrophy
4. stiffness and pain in joints
What is disuse osteoporosis?
bone demineralization occurs,calcium is lost regardless of diet, bone becomes spongey and fractures easy.
assessment and intervention for disuse osteoporosis
early ambulation and weight bearing
what is disuse atrophy?
Muscles decrease size, strength and function
assessment and intervention disuse atrophy
implement exercise program every 4 hours: active, isotonic and passive exercise.
Encourage selfcare activities, overhead trapeze bar, and teach them exercises they can perform in bed
Contractures are
Permenant shortening of the muscle, stronger muscle dominates the opposite muscle. Joint mobility is limited
Assessment and intervention for contractures:
Position patient in good alignment, passive and active exercises to maintain joint mobility, dorsiflex feet to prevent foot drop,hip roll to prevent lateral rotation, physical therapy consult
stiffness and pain in joints
ankylosis (stiffness or fixtation of a joint,) connective tissue becomes immobile, and calcium may be deposited in the joints
assessment and intervention for stiffness and pain in joints
exercise program, early weight bearing and ambulation, ROM exercises
Cardiovascular system and disuse syndrom
diminished cardiac reserve, increased use of valsalva maneuver, orthostatic (postural hypotension), venus vasodialation, stasis and edema.
Thrombus formation
disuse syndrome on cardiac reserve
immobility weakens the heart
increases heart rate
increases sympathetic activity
assessment and interventions of diminished cardiac reserve
Monitor vital signs, detect and report any changes
Increased use of Valsalva Maneuver
Interferes with bloodflow to heart and coronary arteries, surge of blood flow to heart with exhalation, results in tachycardia and arrythmias
Assessment and intervention of valsalva maneuver
instruct the client how and when to use valsalva maneuver and avoid constipation
Orthostatic Postural Hypotension
Pooling of blood in legs occur, when moved from reclining to sitting and standing position, Patients feel dizzy, lightheaded and may faint, Increase in heart rate
Assessment and intervention of orthostatic hypotension
Move patient slowly, anti-emboli stockings,monitor vital signs and have adequate hydration (increase fluid intake)
Venus vasodialation, stasis and edema
skeletal muscles atrophy and lose contraction strength, venus valves can become incompetent which causes venus pooling, increased pressure and edema
Assessment and intervention of vasodialation, stasis and edema
anti-embolic stockings, leg exercises, elevate legs 20 minutes, sequential compression pump device
Clot formation, thrombophlebitis, virchows triad (impaired venus return to the heart, hypercoagulability of the blood, injury to a vessel wall) Embolus (dislodged clot, serious to fatal problem) Large emboli may infarct area of lung, pulmonary function seriously compromised, can be fatal
Interventions to prevent cardiovascular complications
anti-emboli stockings, leg elevations, leg exercises,sequential compression device, ROM (passive and active) early ambulation
Respiratory system and disuse syndrome complication
decreased respiratory movement, pooling of respiratory secretions, atelectasis, hypostatic pneumonia,
Decreased respiratory movement complications
restricted chest movement, abdominal organs push against diaphram, prolonged immobility can cause intercostal joints to become fixed resulting in decreased vital capacity
Pooling of respiratory secretions complications
secretions pool by gravity, decreased ability to cough, dehydration thickens secretion,sedative suppress cough reflex
Atelectasis complications
decreased surfactant, mucus blockage of bronchial, can possibly collapse a lobe of a lung,entire lung collapse distal to muscus blockage
complications of hypostatic pneumonia
pool secretions, good medium for bacterial growth,infection can severly impair o2 and co2 exchange, pnemonia is a fairly common cause of death
Interventions of respiratory disuse syndrome
assess breath sounds at least every 8 hours and prn,o2 saturation monitoring, assess chest expansion, TCDB (teach pts. to take 5 deep breaths and cough every waking hour), Position turn every 2 hours around the clock, early standing,chair, ambulation as tolerated
Decreased metoblic rate and disuse syndrome
decreased metobolic rate, anorexia and negative calcium balance
complications of decreased metobolic rate
Negative nitrogen balance, catabolism (breaking down of muscle mass) anabolism (protein synthesis)
Depletion of protein stores is a big problem, protein is essential for building muscle and tissue and protein is needed for wound healing
complications of anorexia
decreased appetite with inactivity, occurs as a result of decreased metabolic rate, increase catabolism contributes to loss of appetite and malnutrician
complications of negative calcium balance
decreased result of immobility, absence of weight bearing and stress to muscoloskeletal structures, loss of calcium from bone demineralization
Intervention of disuse syndrome of metabolic system
Monitor pts. weight atleast weekly and monitor calcium intake,monitor nutritional intake, assess serum protein levels (prealbumin, albumin,) consult dietician (high calorie, high protein diet with calcium rich foods, and once again increase activity/mobility
disuse syndrome on urinary system
urinary stasis, renal calculi, urinary retention, urinary infection,urinary reflux
urinary stasis
gravity important in emptying kidneys and bladder, emptying not as effective in horizontal position, tone of bladder muscles decrease with immobility
Renal Calculi
calcium and phosphate are in excess, calcium is alkaline, calcium salts precipitate to form calculi, can obstruct urinary tract, immobility increases risk for kidney stones
urinary retention
accumulation of urine in the bladder,bladder distension, urinary incontinence can be a problem
Urinary infection
static urine is an excellent medium for bacteria, bacteria likes alkaline urine better than acidic, normal frequent urination is absent, urinary distention can cause minute tears in bladder mucosa (entry for organisims)
Urinary reflux
back up urine into renal pelvis can cause damage, serious problem
assessment and intervention of urinary disuse syndrome
Monitor urinary output, color, clarity and calculi, promote adequete hydration, if tolerated get the patient out of bed to urinate, cranberry juice may prevent, urinary tract infections, its important for client to have adquete perineal cleansing.
Disuse syndrome on gastrointestinal
Constipation effects and disuse on g.i.
decreased perstalis and colon motility, abdominal and perineal muscle weakness, bedpan not easy to use, and pt.s should avoid excessive use of valslava manuever.
Assessment and intervention on G.I disuse
high fiber foods, adequete hydration, stool softeners and laxatives, monitor bowel habits (do not wait until your client is impacted) avoid valsalva maneuver
psychoneurologic system: dis use syndrome
decreased selfesteem,exaggerated emotional reactions, time perception deteriorates, loss of control, loss of intellectual stimuli, situational depression, anxiety, apathy, withdrawn and regression
interventions of psychoneurological effects of disuse syndrome
talk with your pt.s, reorient as needed, promote selfcare and decision making, pt. may need anti-depressant
effects on integutementary system
reduces skin turger, skin atrophy , tears easy, less able to withstand trauma, pressure, friciton and shear.
nursing implications
Activity Intolerance
Airway Clearance, Ineffective
Breathing Pattern, Ineffective
Cardiac Output, Decreased
Divers ional Activity Deficit
Gas Exchange, Impaired
Fluid Volume Imbalance, Risk for
Infection, Risk for
Mobility, Impaired
Nutrition, Altered
Self Care Deficit
Self Esteem: Situational Low
Sexuality Patterns, Altered
Skin Integrity
Sleep Pattern Disturbance
Social Isolation
Tissue Perfusion, Altered
Urinary Retention
Walking, Impaired