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31 Cards in this Set

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What is educational theatre?

A form of theatre aimed at educating audiences in relevant issues.

What is the aim of educational theatre?

Is to educate audiences. And the plays should have educational and social messages.

Educational theatre is designed to ?

To help youth,adults and older older people identify and address threatening situations that challenge them in their daily lives.

Educational plays are performed?

School halls,town halls,prisons and often in rural areas.

Educational theatre troupes are often small and the performances should be energetic. Why?

To compensate for a lack of sets and props and sometimes lack of stage.

What kind of themes are addressed in educational plays?

They are serious and provide information that will be remembered and used by the audience.

Even though plays are serious, why are they comical?

So the child could respond to the message and gain an understanding of the latter.

At times animal characters are used to make the production more acceptable

Themes addressed are ?

HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, date rape,substance abuse ,prejudice, safety.

What is children's theatre?

A formal theatrical experience in which a play is presented for an audience of children.

What is shadow theatre?

Form of puppet theatre using silhouettes of figures

Explain Marionette

A puppet with strings attached to it's limbs.

Hand puppets

Puppets that are worn as a glove on the hand.

Purposes of children's theatre?

To teach, lessons are limited to values,morals and some bits of information .

1.Children's theatre is performed by?

2.What is the key element to enjoying theatre?

1.It is performed by adults

2. Participation is a key element of enjoyment of children's theatre as they cheer,scream,help,sing and dance

Characteristics of children's theatre

·An actor in the auditorium who makes the children feel comfortable and lower their inhibitions.

·Auditorium or house lights are dimmed to half their intensity.

·Sets are brightly coloured and not necessarily realistic

·Characters are slightly larger than life

·Characters Taken from extremes such as the villain 'super evil' and hero with no flaws.

·Bad guys are often comical in terms of appearance,level of intelligence so children aren't that scared.

·The heroine or hero is the most human character so children can relate with it.

·Children theatre plays have magical quality.

·Not all but most children's thwarted have direct interaction between characters and audience

·Ending is always happy

·It's custom for the actors ,still in costume and character to greet the children outside the auditorium

Acting for the children's theatre

·Characters in a children's play have to be as motivated and should represent human attributes like generosity and greed

·It gives fairy tales their universal appeal and significance

·Character should be dramatized

·Actor has to build the character on very little information from the playwright.

·Create a believable character as an audience of children are not so well mannered.

·Characters in a play for children must be approached with honesty and respect.

·Performance should have consistency and concentration.

Puppet theatre

·It is another form of children's theatre.

In India, shadow theatre were used for religious rituals. And finally spread to Europe with Commedia Dell Arte

Shadow theatre.

Based on the effect of lighting from behind solid figues on a cloth.

When moving light to the front or back, images appear smaller or larger. Props and characters can be made from cardboard cut outs.

Flat figures

Requires a smaller space .

It is brightly coloured figures cut out of cardboard or thin layer of wood

Creates visual stimulation


Is a puppet that hangs from strings that are attached to their limbs. Most moveable puppets and vary in sizes.

The use of a large stage is possible.

The puppeteers operate the marionette from behind the backdrop.

Hand puppets

Are worn as a glove.

Can 've made from wood,stuffed animal ,paper mâche or clay.

Can happen anywhere

What is TIE

It is when a group from outside come to a school and perform something part of the curriculum. It's an educational method.

TIE programme differs how?

It is a co-ordinated and carefully structured pattern of activities.

It is usually devices and researched by company.

It utilises elements of.

1. Traditional theatre- the actors in role,scripted dialogues and costumes

2.Educational drama- active participation of the children

3.simulation-recreate real life activities

TIE team

Actor-teachers who are either professional actors, qualified teachers or people with experience in both.

Teacher Nat use TIE in classroom without the aid of a TIE team.

The TIE programme

1. Teachers have a workshop whose classes will receive the programme

2. Teacher given a project pack which have relevant research

3. A feedback mechanism like a questionnaire or an open forum through which teacher can offer constructive criticism


Drama in Education which is a educational method using drama to lead learners to knowledge.

Mother of DIE

Dorothy Heathcote

What does DIE do?

·Allows children to make their own decisions.

·Learners are more committed as not being forced to do something.

· Makes learners see it as a real-life situation.

Process takes over for a few days.

·Makes the learners be passive lookers

The brotherhood code

It's the common experience/feeling and is done to help people relate.

What is segmenting?

It is to divide a vast topic to small other topics. Teacher will then choose the specific one he or she wants.