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55 Cards in this Set

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meconium aspiration syndrome

-2 forms of lung pathology

1. atelectasis

2. emphysema resulting from "ball-valve" effect

2 strong stimulators of pulmonary vascular spasm:

1. hypoxemia

2. acidosis

Describe cycle of PPHN

1. Hypoxemia

2. pulmonary vasoconstriction

2. pulmonary hypertension

4. r- l shunting

Pre vs Post Ductal Sats

Pre- measured at right hand/ temporal artery

Post- lower extremeties ( or left hand depending on location of PDA)

* > 15% diff indicates shunting at the ductal level

- there is no diff in sats when shunting at PFO

NON-ECMO therapies to be trailed for the pediatric patient prior to ECMO

-permissive hypercapnia (PaC02 to 70 with pH>= 7.28)

-permissive hypoxemia (Sats tolerance of 80% with HCT >=45)

-peep trial (to 15 cm H20)



Advantages of VA ECMO

-one surgical site

-not dependent on cardiac function

-excellent oxygenation at low flows

-excellent support of heart and lungs

Disadvantages of VA ECMO

-particles, bubbles, air to arterial system

-ligation of carotid artery

-blood entering cerebral tree is highly oxygenated and under high pressure increasing risk of ICH

- > risk of ischemic lung injury due to decreased pulmonary blood flow

What is a cardiac advantage of VA ECMO?

Not dependent on cardiac function

What are some cardiac disadvantages of VA ECMO?

-dec pulmonary blood flow

-dec physiological pulsitility

-dec o2 to the coronary arteries

-inc left ventricular after load

Advantages of VV ECMO

-avoids cannulation and ligation of the carotid artery

-Hyperoxygenated blood enters the PA and may help dec PAP and echo run time

-dec risk of ischemic lung injury

-dec risk of neurologic injury

-dec risk of emboli to systemic circulation

-possible percutaneous cannulation

Disadvantages of VV ECMO (5)

-2 Cannulation sites in > 16 kg patients

-higher flows are required to achieve adequate oxygenation

-dependent on cardiac function

-still requires IJV ligation


What is Recirculation on VV ECMO?

-oxygenated blood from the circuit being drained back to the circuit

What is the ideal recirculation?

- < or = 20 to 30%

-svo2 of 75% is ideal

What Factors Effect Recirculation? (4)


1. Pump Flow

2. Catheter Placement

3. Cardiac Output

4. RA Volume

What cannula is used for the single site cannulation for VV ECMO and when?

- Origen Double Lumen Cannula

-used unless the patient is > than 16 kg

What is the Primary Goal of ECMO.

to rest the lungs

Patient Selection Guidelines (NEONATAL)

- weight> 2 kg and gestational age> 34 weeks

-reversible lung disease

-AaDo2> 610 and OI> 25 for at least 8 hours despite max therapy

-conv vent< 10 days


-no lethal cardiac heart defects or irreversible cardiac failure

-no IVH> 11

-no lethal chromosomal abnormalities /coagulopathy

-absense of prolonged asphyxia

Patient Selection Guidelines (PEDIATRIC)

-reversible lung disease

-failure with non-ECMO therapies

-AaD02>350 for 8 hours, PIP limit 40, inability to wean Fi02 to 65% within 8 hours

-refactory Barotrauma (uncontrolled/persistent air leaks)


-severe CNS disease or hemorrhagic CNS disorder

-recent GI bleeding

-terminal stage of lethal condition

-mechanic vent > 10 days

How do we control Co2 with the pump?

- Increase sweep gas to decrease c02 and vice versa

* we no longer add c02 to the pump

What things determine the output from the roller head pump?

-size of the tubing

-size of the roller head

-RPMs of the roller head

-occlusion of rollers against tubing

What material is the raceway made off?

- super tygon tubing

What is the oxygenator made of ?

-the quadroxD is a hollow fiber oxygenator made of polymethylpentene (PMP)

What are 2 indicators of oxygenator failure?

1. Increased c02 on pump ABG

2. Decreased P02 on pump ABG

What are possible causes of oxygenator failure?

- congenital defect

- pressure drop across membrane of > 300 mmHG

- subjecting it to post oxygenator pressures > 450 mmHG

- clots

- water vapor

How does the oxygenator work?

- Gas exchange occurs by diffusion across a semi-permeable membrane with no direct contact between blood and gas.

What is the max blood and gas flow rate across the Quadrox D oxygenator?

Max blood flow- 7 lpm

Min blood flow- 0.5 lpm

Gas flow rate is 15 lpm

When should a "shunt" be placed when using the Quadrox D oxygenator?

-blood flow rates of < 500cc/min

If the gas outlet port was occluded what would be the first thing to happen?

Foaming of the oxygenator. (supersaturation)

What is drawn at the Pre-Bladder?

-SV02, Labs

What is done at the Bladder site?

-infuse PRBCs only and other volume.

-monitor bladder pressure

-return for CRRT

What is given post-bladder?

-Meds and Heparin gtt

What is done post race way?

set occlusion?

What is drawn and infused post-oxygenator?

-draw pump ABGs

-infusion of certain blood products:

(FFP, Cryo, Platelets)

-CRRT connection here

Calculate Cardiac output. What is the formula for neonates?

Cardiac output

VA pediatric

100 cc/kg

VA( neonates)

200cc/kg *kg *% = % of bypass


100-140cc/kg* kg* % = % of bypass

Formula for AaDO2 and OI

AaD02= (713*Fi02)-PaC02/0.8-PaO2

OI= MAP*Fi02*100/Pa02

Formula for 02 content

CO * ( Sats * Hgb* 1.34) + ( P02*0.0031)

Oxygen Delivery (OD) is based on what two values?

02 content and CO

Heparin acts on Antithrombin III to....

Heparin acts on Antithrombin III to prevent the conversion of Prothrombin to Thrombin

What is the normal ACT range for healthy neonates?


What is the ACT range for non-bleeding pt on ECMO?


What is the ACT range for bleeding patients on ECMO?


What is the dosage for initial Heparin bolus? When is this given?

50 units/kg. When the vessels are isolated.

What do you do when 30 min have passed and the vessels have not been isolated?

Draw ACT.

What things could effect Heparin requirements?

-urine output

-blood transfusions

-platelet transfusions

-abnormal coags


What response is needed for ACT greater than 300? or unusual results?

-Recheck ACT

-Change stopcock

-Decrease drip to 0.1cc/hr and notify ECMO physician on service

What are the typical effects of ECMO on the pt's K and NA?

-K is lost

-Na is retained

What is done if patient is to be taken off bypass?

1. cross clamp pt

2. emergency vent settings

3. Disconnect 02 to oxygenator

4. Move all drips to patient.

If patient has been off ECMO > 10 min, what should happen after ECMO is restarted?

Recheck ACT

What are the 3 most common places for clot formation?


-Corners of oxygenator


What are the 2 places bubbles are most commonly trapped in the circuit?


-top of the oxygenator

Describe the order for clamping and unclamping when cross clamping...

Going ON- Unclamp arterial then venous lines, close the stopcock bridge.

Going OFF- Open the stopcock bridge, clamp the venous/ arterial lines

Signs and Symptoms of PDA

-pulmonary edema

-decrease UOP

-poor perfusion


If the pt is on 70 to 80% bypass the pts Pa02 depends greatly on what?

ECMO flow

*Remember in VA -NEED more 0s....INCREASE the FLOW!!

What is considered "idle" for VA ECMO and what should your pump FI02 and Sweep be set at?

-Idle is a flow rate decreased to 80-90 cc/min. Once 100cc/min reached, decrease Fi02 to 60% and sweep no > than 1 ppm.

Describe "capping off"

-Vent settings are increased per physician orders

-02 line is removed from circuit and placed over the vent at the bottom of the oxygenator

-pt can then be capped off if tolerates

-monitor blood gases (30 min post cap off, then Q2)

-successful capping off, time to decannulate

-if unsuccessful, reconnect 02 line to circuit blender.