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39 Cards in this Set

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A, C, D, F

Select all that apply

B, C, D, F

90% of clients with eating disorders are ________


Anorexia begins between the ages of ________

14 and 18 years

Bulimia begins around ages ________

18 or 19 years

_______ _________ _________ is most effective for clients with bulimia

Cognitive behavioral therapy

_________ _________ is a cognitive behavioral techniques designed to help clients with bulimia and may help clients to identify behavior patterns and then implement techniques to avoid or to replace them (example journaling)

Self monitoring

_________ A term meaning difficulty identifying and expressing feelings


Because clients with anorexia have problems with ________, they often have difficulty identifying and expressing feelings

Self awareness

Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Sit with the client during ________ and ________

Meals and snacks

Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Offer liquid _________ supplement if client is unable to complete meal


Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Observe the client following meals and snacks for _______ hours

1 to 2

Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Weigh the client daily in _______ ________

Uniform clothing or hospital gown

Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Be alert for attempts to _______ food or _________ Weight



Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Help the client to identify emotions and develop non-food related ___________ strategies


Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Ask the client to ________ feelings


Nursing intervention for eating disorders:

Help the client deal with body image issues by helping them recognize and identify personal ________ , interests, and talents


Nursing intervention for eating disorders: (client education)

1.basic______ needs

1. Nutritional

Nursing intervention for eating disorders: (client education)

Harmful effects of restrictive (three answers)

Eating, dieting, and purging

Nursing intervention for eating disorders: (client education)

Realistic goals for _________


Nursing intervention for eating disorders: (client education)

_________ of healthy body image


True or false?

Pharmacotherapy has been found to be the most effective treatment for bulimia nervosa.

False; that would be cognitive behavioral therapy

True or false?

Individuals with anorexia nervosa often have a history of being perfectionists with above average intelligence, who are achievement oriented, dependable, eager to please, and seeking approval before their condition began.


True or false?

Individuals with eating disorders are generally self-assured individuals who feel attractive and able to cope with life transitions.

False; they generally have a low self-esteem

True or false?

Men are more likely to seek treatment for eating disorders that are women.

False; 90% of people with eating disorders are women

True or false?

Eating disorders are more common in westernized societies.

True; example of Fiji. Before introduced to television plump women and children were normal but since the introduction of television eating disorders have skyrocketed

__________, or a lack of clearly defined role boundaries, is common and families of individuals with eating disorders.


Individuals with an eating disorder may have difficulty identifying and expressing their feelings, a condition known as __________.


Body image __________ occurs when there is an extreme discrepancy between one’s body image and the perceptions of others in extreme dissatisfaction with one’s body image.

Body image disturbance

Disruptions in the hypothalamus may affect an individual’s sense of hunger and __________, or satisfaction of appetite.


__________ nervosa is an eating disorder that is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors to avoid weight gain such as purging, fasting, or excessive exercising.
