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7 Cards in this Set

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What is HR and a HR Plan

HR is responsible for management and development of human resources within the organisation. From creation, development and maintenance of an effective workforce

A HR plan is strategy in accordance with the strategic plan which is forward looking 3 to 5 years. Aims to close the gap between demand for labour and supply for labour.

HR Cycle

1. Recruitment

2. Selection

3. Training and development

4. Performance mgnt

5. Incentives and motivation

6. Rewards



Attractive a pool of suitable candidates

Agree a vacancy someone leaves

Job analysis detailed study of tasks

Job description broader requirements scope, purpose and duties.

Person spec Attributes and qualities Rodger recommends background, attainments, disposition, interest

Source candidate internet social media


Best person for the job

1. Application forms screening personal record removes unsuitable candidates

2. Interviews 1.2.1 succession, problem solving and stress tests.

3.selection testing psychometric, proficiency, attainment

4. Assessment centers group work presentations.

5.References don't always be factual

Development and training

This should be viewed as an investment

Training is a planned behaviour through learning events, programmes which allows a level of knowledge skills and competence

Development growth and realisation of a person's ability through conscious and unconscious behaviours

1. Identifying needs

2. Set training objectives

3. Plan training

4. Deliver training

5. Execute training

Evaluate the training

Reaction feedback

Learning tests

Behaviour learning on the job

Results impact on the business

Performance management

Iterative approach to ensure employees are conducting work in an appropriate manner

Set objectives at the start

Monitor performance

Review performance

Action plan with new objectives

Appraisal systematic reviews of employees performance and training needs. Lockets barriers

Confronting badly delivered bias by mangr

Judgement one way judge approach

Breuacrcy just a checklist

Chat lack of will

Annual event no effort

Unfinished business nothing will be followed up

Incentives and motivation

Motivation willingness to perform certain tasks, incentive or reason to behave in a certain way.Psychological contract - an agreement in principle that outlines what is required from both parties employee and employer in order to motivate both must fulfill their end of the agreement.

Workforce flexibility


2.tasks flexibility T skills

3. Financial flexibility reward systems

Reward system

Monetary and non monetary

Basic pay hourly rate

Performance based commission smart obj

Benefits company car

Finance traditionally saw people as a cost

HR traditionally saw people as an asset modern approach people are seen as the greatest asset