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24 Cards in this Set

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Tennessee Williams and Elia Kazan were writers who you don’t know who you are rooting for. Brick is the anti-hero as opposed to the protagonists as in an Ibsen play
ballad opera
what preceded operetta, 18th century, The Beggar’s Opera
The Black Crook
happened almost completely by accident, was a really bad normal play so thought they would bring French ballet dancers in that were around and decided to bring the girls in between scenes to supplement the shitty play – wildly successful, made million dollars in first run, toured around country for almost 40 years, was 5 and a half hours long because they just kept stuffing stuff in
designs movements and creates visual vocabulary of musical
who writes the music and instrumentation in a musical
Richard Dyer. “Entertainment and Utopia” (1992)…film critic…talks about how musicals are populist and appeal to a wide audience and are kind of conventional, but in means of using song and dance as dramatic elements he says we take a temporary trip into utopia (an ideal world)…so what we get in musical numbers is a temporary easing of the conflicts that we get in a typical play, then we revisit those conflicts in the spoken scenes…we can get some sort of reconciliation or synthesis by merging these two realities
condensed narrative, storyline characterization. “little book”/one who condenses the story
the writer of lyrics in a musical
method acting
idea of actors blurring lines between themselves and character till its hard to tell the difference
breaks off with past forms and traditions; seeks new forms w/out historical distance with new content
musical comedy
has plot, characters, narrative, does not tightly weave those elements together. Plot often stops dead for dance number
musical revue
collection of song and dance that has no plot, but may be based around a theme or singer, etc
musical play
similar to operetta, try and integrate narrative and music together, songs and dances usually serve the plot, music and dances move the story line and help us understand our characters
the first movement from opera to musicals, more audience friendly, started mixing spoken scenes with music- Rosemarie scene
Performative spectacle
post modern era, plays into stereotypes with characters with satirical and outlandish actions that break characters
ideas like simulation, where reality takes on an air of the virtual, and the idea that everything has been said or done, and all art is recombining those things.
artists are stuck in the same world as the rest of us, and artists cant really comment on it with art
type of modernism that uses a stable world to analyze situations. Everything has a strict cause and effect, and peoples actions are influenced by their past, situation.
father of modern “internal” acting. First person to teach it, from Russia. Sysem acting, late 19th century. Moscow art theatre, taught actors to inhabit their character
took over when moved to US, 1940’s “Method Acting” stars of 40’s learned ST technique from Strasberg, watched Rebel Without a Cause, Streetcar named Desire
Information within a text that is hidden behind the surface of action and must be inferred, Seen in a Doll's house.
through-sung musical
nothing but music, start to finish
idea of a perfect place that humanity strives for, literally means “no place”
multi act pieces, usually comedy, could involve singing and dancing, acrobatics, etc popular in the 1920’s. variety shows “voice of the city” series of unrelated novelty acts, popular commercial entertainment. Singing in the Rain.