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22 Cards in this Set

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DNA replication requires DNA Polymerase

DNA Polymerase

- catalysed step by step addition of deoxyribonucleotide units to DNA

- New DNA assembled on template DNA

- Requires primmer (with free 3’-OH) to begin synthesis

- New DNA grows at 3’ (synthesis is 5’ to 3’)

DNA Replication

DNA template


RNA primer

DNA Polymerase

Newly synthesised DNA

Strands in DNA replication

Second (anti parallel) strand of DNA is synthesised in fragments called OKAZAKI FRAGMENTS in a 5’ to 3’ direction.

Fragments are joined together by ligase

Types of RNA and RNA Polymerases


Template for protein synthesis

RNA polymerase 2 [Pol 2]

ATP dependent


Carries activated amino acids to ribosomes

RNA polymerase 3 [Pol 3]


Major component of Ribosomes

RNA polymerase 1 [Pol 1]

All require template DNA, ribonucleotides and a divalent metal ion (Mg+)

RNA Synthesis Steps


RNA polymerase 2 and transcription factors assemble at promoter; RNA synthesis begins


RNA polymerase 2 moves alone template strand as a RNA molecule grows in a 5’ to 3’ direction


RNA molecule completed and stabilised by modifications

Initiation step

Pol 2 bunds to a specific region of DNA - the PROMOTER

TATA box [-25]

CAAT box [-75]

GC box

Other RNA Pols and their Specific Promoters

Pol 1 : UPE (upstream Promoter Element) and rInr

Pol 3 : type 1 5sRNA

type 2 tRNA

How does RNA Polymerase read DNA

RNA Polymerase must unwind the DNA to allow the template strand to be read [unwound DNA usually 17bp open]

What is Required for Initation?

Transcription Factors are also required, assembled in a complex with “mediator”

Phosphorylation of Pol 2 allows it to move along the template

Elongation Step

RNA molecule grows 5’ to 3’

(new nucleotides added to 3’)

Termination and Modification Step

Modifications provide stability to RNA molecule

Requires 5’ cap and a Poly A Tail

Translation Requirements

[Synthesis of Protein]

mRNA - template with code of protein to be synthesised

tRNA - adapters that make the link between nucleus acid and protein

Amino Acids - in the form of aminoacyl tRNA requires aminoacyl tRNA Synthase


The Genetic Code



Aminoacyl Transfer RNA Synthase

Links a specific amino acid with a specific tRNA (defined by its anticodon)

3 Steps:

1) Amino Acid Activation step

2) Transfer of aminoacyl-AMP to specific tRNA

3) Driven by hydrolysis of pyrophosphate (PPi) using ATP (as reaction is energetically unfavourable)

Amino Acid + 2ATP + tRNA + H2O


Aminoacyl tRNA + AMP + 2Pi

Qualities of Aminoacyl tRNA Synthases

Highly Discriminating

One for each TYPE of amino acid

Attachment of amino acid to tRNA occurs at activation site

Have proof reading ability

An editing site which can reject incorrect amino acids (recognised by incorrect sizing)

Recognise tRNA on the basis of size, shape and/or by anticodon


Has E, P and A sites

Translation initiation in Eukaryotesi

Requires initiation factors, GTP, Met-tRNAi and 40S ribosomal subunit

Contains 4 stages

STAGE 1 of Translation

Assembly of complex on 5’cap

Includes 40S Ribosomal Subunit and Met-tRNAi

Met-tRNAi is a special initiation tRNA bearing methionine

STAGE 2 of Translation

ATP Hydrolysis to allow 40S to scan the mRNA for the start codon AUG (encoding Methionine)

STAGE 3 of Translation

Pairing of anticodon of Met-tRNAi with AUG codon if mRNA

STAGE 4 of Translation

Recruitment of 60S Ribosomal subunit (and removal of initiation factors) to form 80S initiation complex

Elongation of Protein

1). Aminoacyl-tRNA binds to A site

2). Peptide bond formed between growing polypeptide chain and new amino acid

3). Elongation factor hydrolysis GYP, driving mRNA through ribosome. Vacant tRNA moves to P site

4). Vacant tRNA dissociates

5). Repeated until STOP CODON release factor at the A site stimulates release of newly synthesised protein.

Growing Protein exits via Tunnel