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66 Cards in this Set

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مُمكن حَدْ يساعِدْنا؟

Can someone assist us?

mumkin Had yesaa'idna?
إحنا هِنا عَلَشان نِساعْدَك

We are here to help you.

iHna hina 'alashaan nesaa'dak
المُساعْدَة جاية

Help is on the way.

il musaa'da gaaya
إحْنا أمْريكان

We are Americans.

iHna amreekaan
مِش حَنأذيك

You will not be harmed.

mish Hani-zeek
إنت في أمان

You are safe.

inta fee amaan
طيب، مَفيش مُشْكِلَة

OK, no problem.

Tayeb, mafeesh mushkila
إيه اللي حَصَل؟

What happened?

ey ilee HaSal?
مِحتاج مُساعَدَة؟

Do you need help?

miHtaag musaa'da?
لَوْ سَمَحت

Excuse me.

law samaHt
أنا آسِف

I'm sorry.

anaa aasif
مَعاك قَلَم رُصاص؟

Do you have a pencil?

ma'aak alam ruSaaS?
أنا عَسْكَري

I am a soldier.

anaa 'askaree

How are you?

How are you? (plural form)
أنا كُوَيِّس، شُكْراً، وانْتَ؟
I'm fine, thanks, and you?
anaa kwayis, shukran, wu inta?
فُرصَة سَعيدة
I'm pleased to meet you.
furSa sa'eeda
شُكراُ على مُساعْدِتَكْ
Thank you for your help.
shukran 'ala musaa'ditak
بِتَتْكَلم إنْجليزي؟

Do you speak English?

bititkalim ingleezee?
أنا ما بَتْكَلِّمش عَرَبي

I do not speak Arabic.

anaa maa batkalimsh 'arabee
إسْمَك إيه؟

What is your name?

ismak ey?

Help me

اخْلوا المَكان

Evacuate the area

iKhloo il makaan
عايزين دكتور

We need a doctor

'aayzeen duktoor
ما تِزقوش! عَنْدِنا أكل كِتير
Don't push! We have plenty of food.
maa tzi-oosh! 'andina akl kiteer
اديني طَبَقَك

Give me your bowl.

ideenee Taba-ak
المَيَّة دي كِوَيَّسَة لِلشُرْب؟

Is the water safe to drink?

il maya dee kwayisa lil shurb?
اغْلي الميَّة

Boil the water.

ighlee il maya
اغْسِل ايديك

Wash your hands.

ighsil eedeyk
استحم هِنا

Wash yourself here.

istaHama hina
مِحتاجين تَلاتَة لتر مَيَّة شُرب
We need three liters of potable water.
miHtaageen talaata litr mayet shurb
فين الحَمّام؟

Where is the latrine?

feyn il Hamaam?
إحْنا مِحْتاجين خدمة صيانَة

We need maintenance support.

iHna miHtaageen Khidmit Seeyaana
مَعاكْ قلَم؟

Do you have a pen?

ma'aak alam?
إحنا مِحْتاجين مُساعدَة

We need help.

iHna miHtaageen musaa'da
انا دُكتور

I am a doctor.

anaa duktoor
أنا مِش دُكْتور

I am not a doctor.

anaa mish duktoor
أنا حَأساعِد

I am going to help.

anaa Hasaa'id
تِقْدَر تِمشي؟

Can you walk?

ti-dar timshee?
حاسِس بِوَجَع؟

Are you in pain?

Haasis bewaga'?
حَتاخُد حُقْنَة

You will get a shot.

HataaKhud Hu-na
حَأخْدَك المُسْتَشفى

I will take you to the hospital.

HaKhdak il mustashfa

What is wrong?


إنْتَ مِتعور؟

Are you injured?

inta mit'awar?
تَقْدَر تأكَلْ نَفْسَك؟

Can you feed yourself?

ti-dar ti-akal nafsak?
افْتَح بُقَك

Open your mouth

iftaH bu-ak
إنْتِ حامِل؟

Are you pregnant?

intee Haamil?
تَقْدَر تُقْعُد؟

Can you sit?

ti-dar tu'ud?
تَقْدَر تُقَفْ؟

Can you stand?

ti-dar tu-af?
مُضْطَرّين نِقضي الليلة هِنا

We must spend the night here.

muDTareen ni-Dee il leyla hina
هَل في مِس هِنا؟
Is there a dining facility here?
hal fee meys hina?
كام كيلومتر من هِنا لأقرب مَدينَة؟
How many kilometers to the nearest town?
kaam keelomitr min hina le-a-rab madeena?
في أي لوكاندة قُريبَة مِن هِنا؟
Are there any hotels near here?
fee ay lokaanda urayiba min hina?
في أي مَطاعِم قريبة مِن هِنا؟
Are there any restaurants near here?
fee ay maTaa'im urayiba min hina?
عايزين نِروح القَرْيَة
We want to go to the village.
'aayzeen nirooH il-qarya
هو مُمكن نأجر عربيات هِنا؟
Are there rental cars available?
huwa mumkin ni-agar 'arabeeyaat hina?
في تليفون قُرَيِّب؟
Is there a telephone available?
fee teleefon urayib?
عايزين تَلاتَة جالون مَيِّة شُرْب
We need three gallons of potable water.
'aayzeen talaata gaaloon mayet shurb
فين الاقرار الجمركي؟

Where is my customs declaration?

feyn il iqraar il gumrugee?
مَعْييش حاجَة تِتْجَمْرَك

I do not have anything to declare.

ma'eeyeesh Haaga titgamrag
دي حاجاتي الشَّخصيَة

These goods are personal.

dee Haagaatee ish shaKhSeeya
مُمكن تساعدني أملا الإستمارَة؟

Can you help me fill out the forms?

mumkin tisaa'idnee amla il istemaara?
دَه كِده صَح؟

Is this correct?

dah kida SaH?
إتْفَضَّل الباسبور بِتاعي

Here is my passport.

it faDal il paaspor bitaa'ee
دي تأشيرة السفر بتاعتي

Here is my visa.

dee ta-sheerit is safar bitaa'tee
مَعْييش أي عُمْلَة بتاعتكم
I do not have any of your country's currency.
ma'eeyeesh ay 'umla bitaa'itkum