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111 Cards in this Set

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Growth from 6-11

slows down, but still steady

team sports

good for everyone, but they are so expensive that only middle class kids get to participate

reaction time

time it takes to respond to a stimuli

selective attention

the ability to concentrate on a specific thing and ignore the other

Attention Deficit Disorder

have problems focusing

concrete operational thought

piget's stage; child can reason about real life situations


thinking about thinking

language problems

a child has this if they can't recognize metaphors

Language & SES

Lower SES tends to have more smaller vocabularies and use simpler grammar

Industry vs. Inferiority

erikson's stage; work hard or feel inferior

social comparison

comparing yourself to your peers

self esteem

tends to fall in school age; people need to have a realistic view of themself


can weather problems and still succeed

2 parent vs. 1 parent homes

2 parent homes have an advantage because of money


both sexes crave a bestfriend

social cognition

the ability to understand social interactions


repeated, deliberate, targeted attacks

victims of bullying

typically withdrawn = rejected children

puberty age


hormones and emotions have.......

a reciprocal relationship


can delay the onset of puberty


can cause early onset of puberty

eating disorders

family meals lessen the likelyhood of a child developing this

age of brain maturation



"no one understands me"

imaginary audience

thinking that people are always watching you

inductive and deductive reasoning

inductive- more difficult; specific to general

deductive- generalized

dual process model

analytical(logical)- matures later

intuitive (emotional)- matures at 18

religion and adolescence

tend to have the same religion as parents

experience in middle school

influences and can predict if a child will graduate high school

high stakes testing

Kansas assessment; decreasing learning because emphasis is placed on scores rather then understanding

identity achievement

have crisis and resolve


no crisis or resolution


no crisis but have resolution


have crisis then postpone; BAD

parent child conflict

peaks in early adolescence

parental monitoring

knowing where your kids are and who they are with

cliques and crowds

give social control and support

peer group choice

friends have similar interests

competence in adolescence



attempted suicide; deliberate acts of self destruction that does not end in death

life course persistent offender

always in trouble with the law; often neurological

adolescence limited offender

underage crimes

beginning of adulthood

age 25; based on social function

reduction of reaction time

begins in early adulthood

psychopathology in adulthood

increased diagnosis rate

stereotype threat

fear that others are going to judge you based on your group


measuring intelligence; IQ testing

post formal thought

finding problems; proactive

time managment

major obstical faced in early adulthood

characteristic of adult thought

able to combine logic and emotion


an idea that comes from two opposite ideas

effects of college education

deeper cognition and more flexible thoughts

family income and effects on finishing college

low income is less likely to finish

demographics of college students

more minorities, non traditional students and woman

motivation and success in education

motivation is the primary predictor on if you are going to succeed

vocational identity

almost impossible to establish during adolescence

demographics of 18-25 year olds

half are not of European decent

average # of jobs during emerging adulthood


intimacy vs. isolation

Erickson; want to share your life with someone else

friendship in adulthood

you make more friends now than at any other time

emotional support vs practical solutions

women= emotional

men= practical

cross sex friendships

more prevalent; hard b/c people will say it is sexual

marriage types

arranged, semi-arranged, free- 1/3 of each

sternburg theory of love

commitment,passion (sexual), intimacy (emotional). All 3= consummate love


people who love together before marriage have a higher divorce rate and report being less happy

finding a partner with similar interest and values

1% chance

relationships between adult children and parents

emerging adults tend to not livewith parents but tend to receive potential help and have good relationship


parents of adult children always want to know where their child is; not healthy

physical changes in adult hood

wrinkles,grey hair, lose about 1 inch of height


most acute at age 10

age and reproduction

most fertile between 18-25; older you get increases the chance of infertility


sudden drop in sex hormones; ends ovulation

hormone replacement therapy

used to be prescribed to women on menopause;now is considered largely invalid

"male menopause"

not real; drop in testosterone is stress related

alcohol use

moderate use is associated with longevity

metabolism in middle age

slows by 1/3

overweight adults

66% of population


need social support to change


men tend to be more problem focused

women tent to be more emotion focused

why women live longer than men

extra X chromosome gives protection; estrogen


difficulty performing daily tasks

difference in life span between rich and poor

rich love longer

cross sectional research and intelligence

people tend to continue to achieve over their life

flynn effect

ideathat each generation can answer more IQ questions; have to re-standardize tests

cohort difference in intelligence

today's women know more b/c of their role change

fluid intelligence

speed of processing mental activities; declines with age

speed of response and intellectual decline

old people are slower at processing things but they can still think the same

practical intelligence

practical things people need to succeed


increase in intelligence in area you are interested in

key to successful aging

accommodation over time

long-term marriage

last 20+ years; happiness increases

kin keeper

person who gather and keeps track of family


judging people based on age


study of old age

current population figures and low birth rate

lack of babies to keep the workforce going

three stages of late adulthood

young old, old old, and oldest.Based on physical and cognitive ability

primary and secondary aging

primary- inevitable

secondary- influenced by lifestyle

maximum life style

122 years

cellular aging

aging is caused by the lack of ability of cells to duplicate correctly

hayflick limit

cells can only divide 50 times then you die

brain activity in older adults

use more parts of the brain b/c they are compensating for losses

raven's progressive matrices

complicated test; older adults didmuch worse than younger adults

prefrontal cortex and hippocampus

shrink more than other parts of the brain

fear in old age

reduces control

cognitive decline in late adulthood

most evident in processing speed


pathological loss of brain function

erikson's last stage

integrity vs dispair; supposed to gain wisdom

importance of work

gives you status, money, social support, and self esteem

types of grand parents

remote- emotional distant

companible- takes kids and spoil them; involved- see kids every day but don’ttake control

surrogate parent- have to take control of parents job

never married adults

report happy and active life