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29 Cards in this Set

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Authoritarian Parenting Style
What are the characteristics?

Demanding, unresponsive, unsupportive, restrictive, punishment heavy, little verbal exchange, and orders are not to be questioned.

Authoritarian Parenting Style
What are the common child outcomes?

Conformist, highly obedient, quiet, anxiety about social comparison, lack of initiative, poor communication skills, and suffer from depression and self-blame.

Authoritative Parenting Style
What are the characteristics?

Demanding, responsive, supporting, encourage independence within limits, extensive verbal give and take, warmth and nurturance, and relationship is reciprocal.

Authoritative Parenting Style
What are the common child outcomes?

Social competence, self-reliance and independence, social responsibility, high self-esteem, high levels of activity, exploratory, and motivated to achieve / do well.

Neglectful Parenting Style
What are the characteristics?

Undemanding, unsupportive, little control, little involvement, unaware of what child is doing, low demands for mature behavior, low in support and responsiveness.

Neglectful Parenting Style
What are the common child outcomes?

Anxiety about social comparison, lack of initiative, poor communication skills, and the least component, responsible, and mature of all child outcomes.

Permissive (Indulgent) Parenting Style
What are the characteristics?

Undemanding, supportive, involved with child, but without placing demands, highly permissive, low attempts in control, low demands for mature behavior, and high in nurturance and warmth.

Permissive (Indulgent) Parenting Style
What are the common child outcomes?

Anxiety about social comparison, lack of initiative, poor communication skills, fairly high in social competence and self-confidence, less competent in school and shore more misconduct, higher rates of substance abuse than restrictive parents.

Erikson’s Stages
What is the Crisis of Early Adulthood?

Intimacy versus Isolation
A person develops an intimate relationship with a significant other or risks heading down a path toward social isolation.

Sternberg’s Theory of Love
What are the three components?

Intimacy, Compassion, & Commitment.

Erikson’s Stages
What is the most important thing to focus on in Early Adulthood?

Developing an intimate relationship with a significant other.

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development
How did he collect his data on children? What technique?

He presented a scenario regarding morality and asked questions about what the kids thought what was right and wrong.

Are married people or single people happier?

Studies show married people are happier than single people.

Traditional Family

The man works and the woman stays home with the children.

What percent of divorce do first marriages have?

A 55% chance of divorce within 7-10 years.

What years are considered Middle Age

Between mid-30’s and early 70’s.
Though some data says 30’s and 60’s.

Having a baby in the 1st year of marriage will do what?

Put strain on the marriage.
Also note, the 1st year of a child’s life will strain a marriage regardless of the timeframe.

Midlife Crisis

A time of dramatic self-doubt and anxiety during which people sense the passing of their youth and become concerned with their own aging and mortality.

Erikson’s Stages
What is the most important thing to focus on in Middle Age?

Generativity versus Stagnation
Rearing children, building a family, and contributing to society versus lack of development, growth, or advancement.

When does Dementia (Alzheimer’s) begin to occur?

In people in their 60’s at 10%, and increases to 50% by age 80.

Ross’ 5 Stages of Dying

Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, & Final Acceptance

Is obesity increasing or decreasing in the developing world?


Who can be affected by alcoholism?

Everyone. It crosses all ethnicities, ages, etc. Can be young, old, rich, poor, etc.
Crosses all socioeconomic (SES) statuses.
Effects ~20mil people.

People having sex generally do so with whom?

People of the same age, education, ethnicity, etc.

Friends during your Early Adulthood will be what?

Similar in education, income, gender, age, etc.

What contributes to happiness in homosexual relationships?

The same things that do so in heterosexual relationships.

What are the leading causes of death in Middle Age?

Cardiovascular issues and cancer.

Erikson’s Stages
What is the crisis during Old Age?

This is Erikson’s Final Stage of Life.
Ego Integrity versus Despair
The maintenance of the belief that life is meaningful and worthwhile despite physical decline and the inevitability of death versus depression and hopelessness.

What is the worse death one can experience?

The death of a child.