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35 Cards in this Set

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Mallet finger

Injury to the extensor mechanism of the distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint

Boutonnière deformity

Injury to the central slip of the extensor mechanism over the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint

Coax varum

Abnormality of the hip where the hip turns inward

Coxa valgum

Abnormality of the hip where the hip turns outward

Hallux varus

Deviation of the big toe outward, toward the midline of the body

Hallux valgus

Deviation of the big toe inward, away from the midline of the body

Claw toe

Involves the contraction of the toe at the middle and end joint (PIP and DIP). Tight ligaments and tendons cause the joint of the toe to curl downwards.

Hammer toe

Second third or fourth toes are deformed by a bend at the middle joint

Mallet toe

Buckling of the joint (DIP joint) at the end of the toe. The affected toe develops a painful corn near the nail, and this corn may ulcerate.


Also known as club foot. This condition is caused by abnormal development of the bones of the feet.

Ewing’s family of tumors (EFT)

Malignant tumors that affect mostly adolescents and children. Usually affects bones but can affect tissue. Usually found in long bones, the pelvis and chest.


Most commonly occurring type of bone cancer in individuals under 20 years of age. The disease usually starts in the bones but metastasizes into the lungs. Usually present in the knee and upper arm.

Multiple myeloma (plasma cell myeloma)

Cancer of plasma cells and found in bone marrow. Usually causes bone pain, especially in the vertebral column and in the ribs.


Non-malignant mass of new bone. Mostly present in the bones of the skull and face but can be found on the clavicle, pelvic bones and tubular bones.


Non-cancerous tumor formed of cartilage. Doesn’t cause symptoms but can occasionally cause pain at the site with the tumor.

Synovial osteochondromatosis

Condition in which the joint is filled with multiple loose fragments. Known as joint mice.

Giant cell tumor

Fast growing benign bone tumor which develops into the long bones and destroys bone. This condition is rare, and is generally seen in individuals 20 to 40 years of age.

Psoriatic arthritis

This is an autoimmune disease where inflammatory arthritis is associated with psoriasis.

Symmetric psoriatic arthritis

Is the most common type and affects both sides of the body at the same time.

Cauda Equina Syndrome

A condition affecting the nerve roots housed in the end of the spinal column. The condition is a medical emergency. The nerve root become compressed interfering with sensory and motor function. MRI and CT are used in diagnosis and surgery is necessary to correct the problem.

Paget’s disease

Chronic disorder of the bone and involves a disturbance in the normal rate of break down and build up a bone. Result in weak and deformed bones.

Osteitis deformans

Gamekeepers thumb

Injury to the ulnar ligament at the joint of the thumb in the palm (UCL tear) Caused by forceful abduction of the thumb


Type of cancer of the bone that forms in cartilaginous cells (Bone cancer)


Non-malignant tumor which develops from fatty tissue


Involves fluid retention in a specific part of the body caused by a poorly functioning lymphatic system.


Bacterial infection of the bone. Most frequently happens when there is an open fracture.

Septic arthritis

Joint infection. Generally spreads to the joint through blood circulation.

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Brittle bone disease” - Genetic disorder of the bone where people are born with an inability to manufacture collagen, or an inability to manufacture normal, healthy collagen.

Hallux rigidis

Degenerative arthritis that affects the joint of the big toe. Toe becomes rigid and does not move.


Softening of the bone that causes fractures and deformities. Can be caused by a deficiency in vitamin D, a lack of calcium or by disease


Wryneck” - The head is inclined toward one side while the chin is raised and angled toward the opposite side. Caused by a birth defect or trauma to the neck. It affects the sternocleidomastoid


Type of arthritis caused by excess Uric acid in the body. Uric acid is a waste product that is normally excreted in urine

Intersection syndrome

Crossover syndrome” - Condition caused by repeated actions of the wrist which affects the forearm and wrist. The extensor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus along with the extensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor carpi radialis longus are covered by the tenosynovium which becomes inflamed.

Avascular necrosis

Disease that results from the loss of blood supply to the bone. Also known as osteonecrosis, aseptic necrosis and ischemic bone necrosis.

Wrist drop

Condition that affects the wrist and fingers when the radial nerve supplying the extensor muscles is not working properly.