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40 Cards in this Set

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In the Benediction deformity/bishop's hand, what nerve is damaged?

Ulnar nerve

In the benediction deformity/bishop's hand, where is the lesion located?

Intrinsic muscles of the hand

In the benediction deformity/bishop's hand, where is the deficiency

Wasting of the hypothenar muscles of the hand, the interossei muscles andthe two medial lumbrical muscles

In the Claw Hand Deformity, what joint is extended? what is flexed?

metacarpophalangeal (mcp) is extended

interphalangeal is flexed

In the claw hand deformity, what nerve is damaged?

Ulnar and median nerve

In the claw hand deformity, where is the lesion located?

Medial epicondyle fracture

In the claw hand deformity, what is the deficiency?

The clawing of the index and middle fingers due to the weakness of the ulnar-supplied interossei muscles

This is a type of claw hand deformity that hyperextends the MCP with a PIP and DIP flexion

Intrinsic minus

The intrinsic minus is caused by?

imbalance bet. strong extrinsics and deficient intrinsics

This is a type of claw hand deformity that has the mcp flexed, with PIP and DIP extended

Intrinsic plus

The intrinsic plus is caused by?

Imbalance of spastic intrinsics and weak extrinsic muscles of the hand

There is an inflammation of tendon sheaths in the long finger flexors

Trigger finger

The flexor tendon sheath thickens, making a clicking sound when finger flexors are forced inside the sheath

Trigger finger

This happens when your knuckles or MCP joints are swollen, making fingers bend towards the little finger or ulna bone

Ulnar drift/deviation

happens when the inner ligament at the base of the thumb is injured due to overuse or trauma

Gamekeeper's or skier's thumb

This are small swollen bumps that grow on the joints of the fingers; telltale signs of osteoathritis (OA)

heberden or bouchard notes

small bumps that appear on the PIP

Bouchard's node

small bumps that appear on DIP

Heberden's node

Manifestation of rheumatoid athritis in hand

Z deformity

This is caused by radial nerve palsy; extensor weakness

Wrist drop

Happens at the late stage of rheumatoid athritis (has both boutonniere and swan neck)

Zigzag deformity

Happens when the palmar aponeurosis shortens; commonly starting at the middle or ring finger

Dupuytren's contracture

The finger is flexed at the DIP and hyperextended at the PIP

Swan neck deformity

The finger is hyperextended at the DIP and flexed at the PIP

Boutonniere deformity

The tendon is torn at the DIP, making the end of your finger bend inwards toward the palm

Mallet finger

This usually happens during contact sports like volleyball and basketball, where the tendon in DIP is torn

Mallet finger

Stages of grip

Opening of hand, closing of fingers and thumb, exerted force, and release

What muscles are used in the opening of the hand

intrinsic muscles and long extensor muscles

What muscles are used in the closing of fingers and thumb

intrinsic muscles and opposition muscles

What muscles do you use when exerting force

intrinsic and extrinsic muscles, and opposition muscles

What muscles do you use in releasing an object

intrinsic muscles and long extensor muscles

What muscle is used in the three jaw chuck?

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis (FDS)

Flexor Digitorum Profundus (FDP)

What muscles are used in the Lateral prehension/key pinch

FPL, FPB, adductor pollicis

What muscles are used in tip to tip prehension?

FPL, FDP, opponens pollicis

This happens due to an increased pressure in the carpal tunel in the tendon sheaths, causing swelling and irritation of the median nerve and may even cause paralysis of the hand

Carpal tunnel syndrome

This is the swelling of tendon sheaths of EPL, APL, and EPB

De Quervain's syndrome or tenosynovitis

This is used to check if the patient has stenosing tenosynovitis

Finklestein's test: place thumb in closed first and tilt the hand down (pag masakit, indication for tenosynovitis)

Known as the washerwoman's sprain

De Quervain's syndrome/tenosynovitis

3 power grips




Three precision grips

Three jaw chuck

Key pinch

Tip to tip prehension