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40 Cards in this Set

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Approved tank or pit



Intercept or to separate, prevent the passage of oil, grease and sand


Device to retain grease from one to four fixture

Grease trap

Intercepter of 3cubic meter capacity

Grease interceptor



A flange that is not drilled for bolt holes

Blank flange

A flange that closes the end of a pipe

Blind flange

A pipe fitting shape like "S"

Double-bend fitting

Underground drain pipe recieves only subsurface or seepage water

Subsoil drain

Portion of an underground system, cannot drain by gravity

Building subdrain

Device installed in drainage system to prevent reverse flow

Backwater valve

Backflow preventer

Vacuum breaker

A pressure less than atmospheric


A suction created by the flow of fluids in pipe


Occurs due to an increased reverse pressure above supply pressure

Backpressure backflow

Condition/arrangement where reverse flow can occur

Backflow connection

Flow of water into a water supply system from any source other than its regular source


Pipe or tubing that connect the outlet of a plumbing fixture to a trap


An open return bend made up of two 90 degrees bend

Return bend

Soil or waste system where all piping are threaded pipe

Durham system

Hemp or old hemp rope soaked in oil/tar to make it water proof


Equipment/materials included in a list published by a listing agency


Equipment/materials beating a label of listing agency


A receptacle in which liquids are retained for a sufficient period of time

Catch basin

Vertical portion of a rain water conductor

Downspout/conductor pipe

That portion of the rainfall or other precipitation

Storm water

A pit beneath the privy in which excrement collects

Privy vault

Loosely lined excavation in the ground

Seepage pit

Outhouse or structure used for the deposition of excrement


Measure 0.60 meter downstream from the last mobile home site

Mobile homepark sewer

A pit for the reception or detention of sewage

Cesspool/leaching cesspool

Design and constructed, digest organic matter

Septic tank

A common sewer directly controlled by public authority

Public sewer

Septic tank with the effluent discharging

Private sewer disposal system

Privately owned/not directly controlled by the public authority

Private sewer

Brown and shape

B and S

Sufficiently enlarged to receuve the end of another pipe

Bell or hub

The lowest portion of inside of any pipe


Pluuging an opening with oakum/lead


Caries only rain water collected from the storm drain or from the street

Storm sewer