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31 Cards in this Set

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afib in RVR in post op patient with no cardiac history, next step?

Synch cardioversion.

Afib can happen in post op patient regardless of fluid overload or dehydration

Phenylephrine effect on HR?

No effect, because no beta rc action.

Out of milirone, phenylephrine, dobutamine, and dopamine, which one does not raise CO?


Neurogenic shock means SVR and CO is low or high?


Post op of patient with perforated bowel and peritonitis, returns after Hartman procedure. Patient just hypotensive and tachycardic. Do fluid resustation with albumin and what medication?

Norepinephrine because patient had persistent septic shock

Patient has recent steroid use hx, and refractory hypotension, so diagnosis?

Adrenal insufficiency

Liver metastases are best visualized by what?

Transabdominal ultrasound

When do you resection the colon cancer mets in liver without transplant?

Single lesion less than 5cm, or 3 lesions less than 3cm

Hepatic adenoma, due to OC, has Kupffer cells, so how does this effect it's imagining?

Kupffer cells don't take up the radioisotope so it looks hypodense

Sole indication to delay insulin therapy in DKA patient?

Hypokalemia K+ <3.3. Only give insulin once K+ is >3.5

Projectile vomiting, is it seen with malrotation of midgut?

No, only pyloric stenosis and upwards have projectile. Below that, there is non-projectile bilious vomiting.

Abdominal compartment symptom develops in a patient with liver injury, what do you do next?

Greater than 25 abdominal pressure is immediate indication to go into the OR

Hypoglycemic 34 yr old M presents with 50 blood glucose. The diagnosis is confirmed by?

Insulinoma - insulin/glucose ratio is elevated

Most common presentation of branchial anomaly in adolescents?

Cystic mass

Chronic enteric blood loss from an area within a hiatal hernia is called?

Cameron's lesion

Prolonged nasogastric suction has what acid profile?

Metabolic alkalosis

Successful biliary anastomosis depends mostly on hepatic arterial supply after liver transplant, True or False?

True. It depends on the blood not on things like length of the ducts available in receipt.

Most common complication following pulmonary contusion?


5 yr M comes in with acute torticollis, he recently had a surgery, what was it for?


Hyposplenic functioning newborn should be given what?

Prophylactic antibiotics against encapsulated bacteria. They cannot be given vaccines as they won't be able to mount a response.

Hypercalcemia >14 in a patient with palpable thyroid nodule is?

Parathyroid carcinoma until proven otherwise

What is parathyromatosis?

Hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissues scattered throughout the neck, is a rare cause of recurrent hyperparathyroidism. May not always have uptake on iodine scan.

What is hungry bone syndrome?

After parathyroidectomy of patient with severe primary hyperparathyroidism with high bone turnover, patient has severe hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia

TRALI treatment?

Supportive, entails mech vent with small tidal volumes. Self resolves in 2-8 days. Compared to ARDS, this has normal PCWP

Anterior compartment syndrome of lower extremity lower half, fasciotomy is done how?

Open all 4 compartments regardless of which compartment is affected, with 2 incisions on medial and lateral, each opening 2 compartments.

In abdominal compartment syndrome what happens to CVP?

Central venous pressure is decreased. Leads to reduced CO and increased PCWP.

Uterus is protected by bony pelvis until what trimester?

Until 3rd trimester. 1st and 2nd are protected.

Blood loss volume and corresponding haemorrhagic shock class?

Love - 1

15 - 2

30 - 3

40 - 4

Tennis scores

Splenic injury grading:

1- less than 1cm and <10% hematoma

2- less than 2cm and 10-50%

3- more than 3cm and >50% or ruptured

4- segmental hilar or >25% devascularized

5- complete hilar or shattered spleen

What is a positive DPL RBC count?

>10,000 RBC

>500 WBC

Or >10 cc gross blood

Areas to look for a FAST:

Splenic, pericardial window, pouch of Morrison (hepatic), and pouch of Douglas (bladder).