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59 Cards in this Set

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what heart sound is atrial contraction
mitral closure is __ wave
__ wave is peak LA pressure near end systole
suction by rapid filling is __
conditions that increase LA V wave pressure cause what heart sound
A wave is
mitral valve flow
what might cause an S4
stiff wall
a large pressure drop cause (high or low?) velocity jets
is fast high or low frequency
what does aortic regurg sound like
holosystolic high pitch because big pressure drop
what does diastolic regurg murmur sound like
low decrescendo caused by incompetent aortic/pulmonic valve
what does mitral stenosis murmur sound like
low rumble with two components
what two valve problems cause diastolic murmurs
mitral stenosis
Aortic insufficiency
______ is the most common valve disease in the western world
what is the most important initiating factor of AS
mechanical shear stress
hwat is normal aortic valve size
what is severe AS size
T or F. about 20% of severe AS patients develop platelet malfunction and decline in vWF which leads to bleeding
this can resolve with valve replacement
why can't AS increase CO during exercise
becuase are pushing against fied outflow tract obstruction... inability to perfuse with reflex vasodilation of exercise leads to syncope
what is bezold jarish
exertional syncope
mechanoreceptors are stimuated by high pressure and reduce contractility in the face of vasodilation and cause syncope
how much area is usually lost per year with AS patients
what happens to afterload and preload in aortic insufficiency
what way does FS move in AS
left and up
increased pressure
the shorter _____ the less time there is for insufficiency
what valve problem might imrpove with exercise
what does aortic insufficiency sound like
systolic cres decres
diastolic decrescendo
why does diastolic decrescendo stop before the end of diastole in the acute setting
becuase such an increase in LV pressure has already slammed the mitral valve shut
what valve problem causes hyperdynamic pulses
compensated AI
in what valve problem do you operate before symptoms
do you operate on AS before or after sx start
after sx
what is the advantage of porcine valve
no long term anticoagulation
what is a con of porcine valve
poor hemodynamics
progressive calcification
what is the procedure of choice for aortic valve endocarditis complicated by abcess
homografts-- cryopreserved explanted human aortic root implants into recipient as entire new aortic valve and root
what is the advantage of a mechanical valve
good hemodynamics
bad-- thrombosis
T or F bio valves are much more likely to degenerate than mechanical
what is the first thing to compensate increased fluids in increased LAP
T or F. the mitral valve can be reduced by 50% before any significant pressure gradient develops
why does exercise capacity decrease quickly in mitral stenosis
decreased diastolic filling
decreased CO
increased LAP
increased lung edema
a consequence of MS ______ is caused by elevation of pressures in the pulmonary venous and capillary system which develops hemorrhages in the pulm vasculature and can cause chronic bronchitis and pink froth
what is the primary hemodynamic abnormality in mitral stenosis
what changes in heart sounds occur due atrial stenosis
OS opening snap
increased S1
diastolic rumble
what are MDM and PSM
mid diastolic murmur
presystolic murmur
due to aortic stenosis
do you need surgery for MS
yes absolutely
T or F. endocarditis can cause Mitral insuff
what happens to preload and after load in mitral insufficiency
increased pre
decreased after
when does surgery focus on repair and not replace
mitral insufficiency
what does a huge v wave tell you
mitral insufficiency
holosystolic murmur with S3 is
mitral insufficiency
virtually all cases of pulmonic stenosis are ___ in origin
almost all tricuspid stenosis is caused by
rheumatic valve disease
what valve is most prone to trauma
heart failure caused by endocarditis is a result of acute valve ____
what are duke criteria for
what does the HACEK group tend to cause
new murmur, blood infection... could be
what is your low rumble murmur
is MR high or low
infective endocarditis that causes HF which is attributed to acut_____
in _____ mitral regurg, atrial pressure increases at end systole and is indicated by a large V wave