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22 Cards in this Set

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the continents of Europe and Asia combined.
a feature of SE England.
time zones
twenty-four standard zones (that roughly follow meridians) that start in Greenwich, Eng- land.
International date line
an imaginary line near 180 degrees longitude; time on the east side of the line is one day behind time on the west side.
Commonwealth of Nations
formed in 1931 to facilitate the conversion of the British Empire into an association of free & equal countries; con- sists of 50+ counries (approx. 30% of world's population & approx. 25% of it's land area); promotes democracy, human rights, & economic develop- ment among it's members.
a wasteland on a high, tree- less plateau that cannot be cultivated but that often has patches of peat bog or sphag- num moss; often called a heath because of the heather that grows on it.
a narrow valley carved by a glacier.
a deep, narrow lake carved by a glacier.
a fresh water lake in Ireland.
fjord (FYORD)
a long, narrow bay carved by a glacier and filled with sea water.
European Union
an organization of 27 count- ries that seeks to form a single European community that can compete on the world stage economically and politi-cally.
strong walls of stone and earth built to restrict or re-strain the flow of water.
a parcel of land reclaimed from the sea.
World Council of Churches (WCC)
leading voice for undermining true Christianity and for break-ing down barriers between religions; also known as ecu-menism.
North Atlantic Treaty Organiz-ation (NATO)
originally formed to counter the threat to Western Europe by the Soviet Union after WW II.
a country ruled by a duke.
Christian churches that follow the broad teachings of the Reformers.
a very fine silt that has been deposited by the wind.
a warm dry wind from the Alps that blows over the Swiss Plateau.
self-governing districts in Switzerland.
Roman Catholocism
the portion of Christianity that follows the teachings and traditions of the Roman Cath-olic Church and the pope.
Eastern Orthodoxy
differences between Roman Catholocism and Eastern Or-thodoxy:
1. authority of pope
2. dates for celebrating Easter
3. the ability of lower order priests to marry.
Other beliefs: Tradition has same auth-ority as Scripture. Salvation is not by grace alone in Christ alone. Man is born basically good.