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23 Cards in this Set

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Nuclei of cn9

Ambiguous motor

Inf.salvitory para symp. Motor

T.soliterius sensory

Cn 9 superior branch consists of

Tympanic nerve

Tympanic plexus

Lesser petrosal n

Otic ganglion

Inferior branch on cn 9 consists of

Pharyngeal plexus




Innervation of afferent fibers from cn9

Cn9 afferent fibers are from trectus soliterius.. which inv. Pharynx, posterior tongue and carotid sinus

Nuclei of cn 10

Dorsal vagal. motor

Ambiguous. Motor

T.soliterius. sensory

Spinal trigeminal. Sensory

Course of cn 10

Starts in medulla

Runs through jugular foramen

Then forms superior and inferior ganglion

Branches on cn 10

Pharyngeal. Motor

Internal sup. Laryngeal. Sensory

External sup.larungeal. Motor

Right and left recurrent. Motor

Cardiac branch. Para symp

Ant. Post. Bronchial

Esophagal, gastric, celiac, hepatic

What forms the oesophagal plexus

Anterior vagal trunk (left)

Posterior vagal trunk (right)

Comes together to form the oesophageal plexus

Cn 10

Vagus nerve.. motor nuclei

Motor Comes from

Nu. Dorsal vagus

Nu. Ambiguous

Cn 7.. facial nerve nuclei

Facial nuc. Motor

Sup.salvitory. motor para sym


Intracranial Course of cn 7

Begins at pons/medulla as motor and ses nerve.

To IAM.. to Facial canal (becomes one nerve) forms geniculate ganglion.. give rise to GPN, SN, CT. Exits through SM foramen

Extracranial branch of facial nerve

Posterior Auricular



Terminal branches of cn 7

In patotid gland terminal branches originate.. Temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical

Trochlear nerve nuclei and innervation

Trochlear nucleus


Course of occulomotor nerve

Interpeduncular fossa

Lat.part of Cavernous sinus

Peirces dura mater..and leaves dura matter just before it enters through supra orbital foramen

What happens when cn 3 enters supra orbital foramen

Splits into superior and inferior branch

Efferent nuclei of cn3

Edinger westphal for para symp function

Course of Tochlear nerve

Back of midbrain.. crosses over posteriorly.. moves anterior.. between the cerebellar arteries.. lateral wall of Cavernous sinus.. superior orbital fissure, common tendinous ring

Abducens nerve cn6, course

Forms facial colliculi on the rhomboid fossa.. exits between pons and medulla.. through arachnoid and pia mater.. through petrosal and cavernous sinus.. superior orbital fissure.. common tendinous ring

3 divisions and its branches of opthalmic branch of trigeminal, V1


Lacrimal and frontal

Course of maxillary nerve V2

Trigeminal ganglion.. lat.wall of Cavernous sinus.. for.rotundum enters pterygopalatine fossa.. infraorbittal fissure.. infra orbital canal.. infra orbital foramen

Branches on V2



Mandibular nerve course

Trigeminal ganglion.. for.Ovale .. divides into anterior and posterior division