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27 Cards in this Set

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Preparation of reagent grade water

1. Pre-filters

2. Activated carbon

3. Submicron filters

4. Distillation

5. Deionization

6. Reverse Osmosis

composed of glass or cotton microfibers


removes 98% of partiulate matter


removes organic materials & chlorine

Activated Carbon

removes all particales & microbes larger than the spore size (~0.2um)

Submicron filters

Oldest method of water purification


In distillation what compounds that precipitate ions in hard water?

NH4OH, Ca(OH)2, Na2CO3

May be ______ __ _____ distilled water

double or triple

Ions have bee nremoved by the process of ion exhange or with commercial resins


Deinonization removes ____ and ___ ____ replacing it w/ Na


MG++ ions

Water is forced through a membrane (molecular filter)

Reverse osmosis

In reverse osmosis ig removes ______ of organics, bacteria & other patriculate matter


In reverse osmosis ig removes 95- 99% of ?

organics, bacteria & other patriculate matter

Glasswares [Factors determining thermal durability]

1. Strain point

2. Annealing Point

3. Coeeficient of Expansion

T resulting to deformation due to heat stress


T at w/c glass is heated in order to prevent brittlenesss

Annealing point

Refers to the dimension change w/ temperature (Ideally, it should be low)

Coeeficient of Expansion

Properties of glass

1. Breakability

2. Thermal durability

3. Transparency

dependenton silicate anion content (greater amount - more durable)


Dependent on boron oxide, nickel, & ferric in content

Thermal durability

dependent on ferric ion content only


Types of glass

1. High thermal resistant glassware

2. High silica glassware

3. Boron-free glassware

4. Low-actinic glassware

5. Flint glassware

6. Borosilicate

Boroscilicate glass w/ low alkali content

High thermal resistant glassware

Low coefficient of expansion

High thermal resistant glassware

Used during heating or sterilization by heat

High thermal resistant glassware

Provide example of high thermal resistant glassware

Pyrex, Corex, Kimax

High silica glassware contains how much silica?

96% silica