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46 Cards in this Set

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Define constipation:



What does the motor function of colon depend on contraction of? How many patterns of contraction?

Where do stationary motor contractions present? What do they cause? How long do they last?

Directions that long duration travels? What does it assist in? Migrates toward what?

What is the type of movements?

What is the type of movements?

Giant migrating complexes of the colon

What causes increased segmental activity? Gastrocolic reflux may be mediated by what? What is the response proportional to?

Gastrocolic reflux = stimulation of colon after a meal.

Gastrocolic reflux = stimulation of colon after a meal.

What causes increased frequency and amplitude of segmental contractions? What stimulates longitudinal muscle contraction? What inhibits circular muscle contraction? What mediates intestinal peristalsis and secretion in GI tract as well as modulation of pain perception?

What is an important neurotransmitter in brain-gut interaction? What is it released by? (where)

What receptor antagonists can alleviate pain in IBS and functional dyspepsia?

What receptor against have prokinectic effect in human?

How common is constipation? More common in which individuals?

Ages? Sex?

Look over for exam. 
Think about whether constipation is primary or secondary.

Look over for exam.

Think about whether constipation is primary or secondary.

Don't just give fiber and forget about it...think about other possible causes. 
Primary = colon is not working (muscles not working)
Secondary = systemic disease and nerve problems 
1. Identify
2. Rule out secondary causes.

Don't just give fiber and forget about it...think about other possible causes.

Primary = colon is not working (muscles not working)

Secondary = systemic disease and nerve problems

1. Identify

2. Rule out secondary causes.

Separate primary (idiopathic) from secondary

Separate primary (idiopathic) from secondary

Rule out secondary causes => move to idiopathic.

Rule out secondary causes => move to idiopathic.

What is overwhelmingly the most common cause of pediatric constipation?

What ages encounter functional constipation? How long? Describe stool?

What is functional fecal retention?

Fear of toilet encounters...

Fear of toilet encounters...

What should you rule out first in constipation diagnosis? What steps do you move to next?

What are you always trying to rule out?

What are you always trying to rule out?

Secondary causes.

Secondary causes.

When do you order lab tests? Think dangerous symptoms. What labs should you get?

What is the purpose of colonoscopy?

To rule out malignancy

What are sitzmarks?

Take capsule and get Xray five days later. See how many are left. If 80% passed you're ok, less than 80% not good. 

Take capsule and get Xray five days later. See how many are left. If 80% passed you're ok, less than 80% not good.


Blow up balloon in rectum and measure pressure changes during defecation. 
Where should pressure increase and decrease?

Blow up balloon in rectum and measure pressure changes during defecation.

Where should pressure increase and decrease?

Rectal pressure should go up!

Anal (sphincters) pressure should decrease!

Abnormal = rectal pressure goes up but sphincter pressure does not relax.

What sex experiences severe idiopathic chronic constipations? What are the symptoms?

Three types of sitz marker results?

What muscle acts like a sling, makes an acute angle and prevents defecation in resting state?

Puborectalis => should relax during defecation.

Describe the process of defecation. What muscles relax?

What is dysynergic defecation

Three muscles fail to relax or inappropriate contraction

Three muscles fail to relax or inappropriate contraction

What does treatment of constipation always start with?

Next level?

Pharmacologic therapies?

Prucalopride not available in US yet. Know definition of lubiprostone.

Prucalopride not available in US yet. Know definition of lubiprostone.

What are some fiber options available?

Name of stool softener?

What are the two osmotic agents?

What are the two stimulant laxative?

Osmotic agents have fewer side effects and better compliance than stimulant laxatives

Osmotic agents have fewer side effects and better compliance than stimulant laxatives

What is a locally acting chloride channel activator that enhances chloride-rich intestinal fluid secretion? What is a prostaglandin analog?

What drugs is a 5HTA4 pro kinetic agent? Available in the US?

What is a congenital disorder (so seen in kids) characterized by obstipation from birth and colonic dilatation proximal to spastic, non-relaxing and non propulsive segment of distal bowel?

Is Hirshsprung common? Other name? Male or female? Seen with what other congenital condition? Are most cases sporadic?

What is the pathogenesis?

What genes are affected? Leads to defects in what?

What is missing in the ganglia in submucosa? What part of GI tract is always involved? Initial hypertrophy.

In later stages what outruns hypertrophy?

What are two causes of mortality?


Failure to pass ______.

Obstructive ______, occasional passage of ______.

Bouts of ____, abdominal distention.

What is the gold standard for Hirshsprung diagnosis?

What disease?

What disease?

Massive dilated colon = Hirshsprung disease

What is a big indicator of HS?

What is a big indicator of HS?

Inappropriate sphincter contraction during defecation.

What is the treatment for HS?

Remove and reconnect

Remove and reconnect

Acquired megacolon causes: What causes?

1. bacteria

2. Diseases

3. Blockage

4. Psychiatric

5. Trypanosomes

Always want to rule out tumor!

Always want to rule out tumor!

What is the condition?

What is the condition?

Chronic volvulus

What are the four major causes of intestinal obstruction? Most common type?

Adhesions from surgery, PID, etc. are the MOST COMMON!

Adhesions from surgery, PID, etc. are the MOST COMMON!

What is the  most common cause of bowel obstruction in pregnant women? Third leading after cancer and diverticulitis?

What is the most common cause of bowel obstruction in pregnant women? Third leading after cancer and diverticulitis?

Colonic volvulus.

What medication could be causing the pain

What medication could be causing the pain



?? No right answer

No right answer... Just think. Depends on lots of other factors.

Judgement call..

Judgement call..

Glycerin suppository was actually given... works fast.

PEG could also be an option.

They could all work.