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460 Cards in this Set

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Nerve that lies in the tonsillar fossa, deep to the palatine tonsil has what function?
CN IX; carries sensory and taste information from the posterior third of the tongue.
Where do olfactory bulbs send their axons to?
pyriform cortex
Disease caused by expansion of CAG repeats?
Huntington's disease
Huntington's disease caused by expansion of trinucleotide repeat on which chromosome?
Loss of what neurotransmitter in Huntington's disease causes symptoms?
Sumatriptan's MOA?
serotonin 5HT 1d/1b agonist
Superior laryngeal artery accompanies which nerve?
Internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve in the larynx
Loss of sensation in the laryngeal mucosa above the vocal folds is caused by a lesion to which nerve?
internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve
inability to recognize faces
impairment in reading caused by deficits in central language processing
deficit in cognition about one's illness
lack of knowledge about one's own body
Ganser syndrome
giving approximate answers instead of exact ones. Associated with amnesia
Ideomotor apraxia
inability to carry out an action after receiving a verbal command
Agent used to treat depression in a patient with Parkinson's?
MOA of amitriptyline in helping Parkinson's sx?
muscarinic blocker
Seminoma of testis and germinoma of ovaries differ significantly in ?
most common age of presentation (seminomas 40 yrs & germinomas 30 years) and occurrence (seminomas about 30% of testicular tumors germinomas 1% of ovarian tumors)
How is most phosphate reabsorbed in the PCT?
some active transport and some Na+ phosphate cotransport
MOA of salmeterol?
increases cAMP
4 month old develops endocardial fibroelastosis. In utero infection with which microbe causes this?
mumps virus
Tumor marker for serous papillary cystadenocarcinoma of the ovaries?
O2 consumption / (AV O2 diff) = ?
cardiac output
BRCA-1 located on which chromosome?
VHL disease associated with mutations on which chromosome?
APC mutations associated with colon cancer affect which chromosome?
p53 on which chromosome?
RSV viral characteristics?
Negative sense, single stranded RNA, non-segmented, helical, enveloped virus
FTA-ABS used to test for what?
Syphilis (fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test)
Drugs used for shingles?
acyclovir, famciclovir, valacyclovir.
Brain tumor with whorling pattern?
Small, laminated, concentric, calcific spherules are known as?
psmomma bodies
Maternal blood levels of estriol are dependent on what during pregnancy?
a viable fetus
Until puberty female eggs are stuck in which meiotic stage?
prophase of meiosis I
Region of brainstem affected with locked in syndrome?
Ventral Pons
IL 8, which is chemotactic for neutrophils is produced by which cells?
IL10 produced by which cells?
TH2 cells
Fasting hypoglycemia and hypoketosis suggest deficiency of?
long-chain acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Pemphigus vulgaris patients have antibodies to which protein?
desmoglein 3 (IgG antibodies)
Drug used pre and post operatively to maintain euglycemia in patients being treated for insulinomas? MOA?
diazoxide; opens ATP sensitive postassium channel decreasing insulin release.
Rota virus characteristics?
Double-stranded RNA, naked segmented virus
Organism causing pseudoappendicitis?
Yersinia enterocolitica.
Class of agents used to treat traveller's diarrhea?
Patient with signs of encephalitis that has numerous lymphocytes and some erythrocytes in the CSF most likely has encephalitis caused by what?
Child with perianal itching. Scotch tape test reveals oval eggs that are flattened along one side. Organism?
Enterobius Vermicularis.
Two forms of food poisoning that occur within 2 hours of food ingestion?
Bacilius cereus and S. aureus.
Test used to identify candida after scrape?
Germ tube test
CAMP test used for what?
identification of partial hemolytic agent produced by S. Agalactiea (group B strep)
ELEK test used to identify what?
C. diphtheriea that is pathogenic from normal flora diphtheriae.
Heterophile antibody tests are commonly used to dectect?
Syphilis (VDRL) and Monospot test for EBV
Weil-Felix test is used for what?
diagnosis of rickettsial diseases
Cholerae species causing wound infections from contact with contaminated water or shellfish?
V. vulnificus
Campylobacter is mostly acquired by undercooked what?
Organism found in fresh water that enters body via cribiform plate after patient jumps in?
Naegleria fowleri
Classic cause of CHRONIC meningitis?
Type of hepatitis that is a member of Hepviridae famliy?
Hepatitis E
Type of hepatitis that is a member of Flaviviridae family?
Hepatitis C
Type of hepatitis that is a member of the hepadnaviridae family?
Hepatitis B
Type of hepatitis that is a member of the Picornaviridae family?
Hepatitis A
Bacitracin sensitivity is found in which group of strep?
Group A strep (S. pyogenes)
Optochin sensitivity is found in which type of strep?
Strep. Penumoniae.
Complication of Rubeola that led to immunization of children at early age?
subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
White spots on bright red background on the buccal mucosa of 7 year old girl with cough and fevers. Dx? Microscopic findings?
Dx = measles with koplik spots, and microscopic finds will reveal syncytia (giant multinucleated cells)
Diphyllobothrium latum is known as ____ tapeworm?
Ecthyma gangrenosum is a black, necrotic skin lesion that is seen in septicemic patients infected with which organism?
P. aeruginosa
Dark-colored, faceted gallstones with irregular shapes can be associated with which organism?
Clonorchis sinensis (oriental liver fluke)
Neural crest derived cells?
Pseudounipolar cells in spinal cord, schwann clls, multipolar ganglion cells of autonomic ganglia, chromaffin cells of adrenal medulla, odontoblasts, melanocytes, and cells that make up leptomeninges
Marker present on all T cells?
Marker used to identify macrophages?
Markers prsent on NK cells?
CD16 and CD 56
Peripheral blood smear shows smudge cells. Px has lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, fatigue, and night sweats. What markers present on abnormal cells?
CD19 CD20 possibly CD5 DX: CLL
Px with restrictive heart disease. Biopsy shows fibrosis of endocardium and focal ocardial necrosis in the adjacent myocardium. Eosinophilic infiltrate is prominent in biopsy. DX?
Loeffler endocarditis
Treatment of choice for outpatient community acquired penumonia?
For detecting changes in DNA; which diagnostic method is best?
Primitive streak gives rise to?
nucleus propulsus of discs
Spinal cord derived from which germ layer?
neural ectoderm
Dorsal root ganglia derived from which embryonic cells?
neural crest
Treatment of choice for Leshmaniasis?
sodium stibogluconate
Ovarian cancer that causes pseudomyxoma peritonei/
mucinous cystadenoma
Curschmann spirals found in which type of px?
Increased Reid index found in patients with?
chronic bronchitis (ratio of gland depth to total thickness of bronchial wall is termed the reid index)
Bilirubin build up in erythroblastosis fetalis causes damage to which brain structure?
caudate nucleus (basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, cerebral gray matter and spinal cord)
Type of amyloid found in secondary amyloidosis?
Infantile botulism caused by ingestion of what?
Fungus with multiple budding yeast on microscopy in a patient from Brazil.
Surface markers present on malignant cells in Hodgkin's Disease?
CD30 and CD15
Cutaneous sensory innervation to the skin of the palmar surface of the 1st 3.5 digits and the corresponding portion of the palm of the hand is provided by which nerve?
Before the median nerve enters the carpal tunnel, it lies in a superficial postion between the tendons of which muscles?
Plamaris longus tendon and the flexor carpi radialis tendon.
Antibody marker for CREST syndrome?
Anticentromere antibodies
Anti smtih antibody and anit dsDNA antibody associated with?
Anti Scl 70 antibodies seen in patient with?
Failure of this structure's degeneration results in a cyst located midline near the hyoid bone.
thyroglossal duct
Only gatrointestinal hormone known to decrease gastric emptying?
Flow of blood through a PDA AFTER birth?
From aorta to left pulmonary artery
Types of cancers associated with Trousseau syndrome?
colon, lung, gastric, and pancreatic cancer
Laterally placed cyst located along the anterior border of the SCM is a persistent remnant of what?
2nd or third pharyngeal cleft.
1st pharyngeal cleft gives rise to which structures?
external auditory meatus and canal
First pharyngeal puch gives rise to which structues?
tympanic cavity and auditory tube.
Exposure to tobacco and coal dust leads to which type of emphyesema?
centriacinar emphysema
Type of emphysema associated with alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency?
Type of emphysema associated with pneumothorax in young patients?
Paraseptal emphysema.
MOA of Imatinib?
protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor used in CML
Neurotransmitter of primary importance for induction of REM sleep?
Intracellular STD that cannot make ATP?
Enlarged semimembranosus bursa
popliteal cyst aka Baker cyst
Intense fear of being out in unfamiliar situations?
2 to 5 um yeast with think cell wall but no true capsule?
4 to 10 um yeast with a broad, slimy capsule?
20 to 60 um nonbudding spherule filled with endospores?
Question mark shaped spirochete bacteria with hooks found in water contaminated with animal urine, Hawaii is the state of highest incidence.
Leptospira interrogans
Cellular site where recognition markers are added to proteins?
golgi apparatus
3 examples of Thiazides
Indapamide, metolazone, and hydrochlorothiazide
superficial fascial layer that is subcutaneous and contains fat?
camper fascia
Copper dependent modification of collagen occurs in what compartment?
lack of this enzyme leads to predominant product of the adrenal cortex in the fetus being DHEA
3 beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
Immunodeficiency Disease with a tyrosine kinase deficiency, low immunoglobulin of all classes and no circulating B-cells (no CD19 cells)
Bruton X-linked hypogamma-globulinemia
Immunodeficiency disease with high titers of IgM only probably has a deficiency in what on T-cells?
CD40L (X-linked hyper IgM syndrome)
Pleomorphic gram-negative rodin parallel short chain in a patient with painful chancre
Haemophilus ducreyi
increased sympathetic tone and decreased sodium delivery to macula densa lead to a _____ in renin production
Baroreceptors fall into which class?
Uncounscious adoption of the characteristics or activities of another person; mechanism for reducing the pain of separation or loss.
Negatively birefrent crystals appear yellow when viewed ______ to polarizer and blue when viewed ______ to polarizer.
yellow:parallel blue:perpendicular
calcific aortic stenosis calcium salts are made up of ?
calcium phosphate salts
Type of thyroid cancer associated with amyloid?
Medullary thyroid carcinoma
Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a tumor of which cell types?
neuroendocrine parafollicular cells of the thyroid (may produce calcitonin)
Uncounscious adoption of behaviour opposite to one's true feelings
reaction formation
Red cells with inclusions of oxidized and denatured hemoglobin seen in an African American patient after treatment with TMP/SMX
Heinz bodies; G6PD deficiency
HNPCC is due to a defect in which DNA repair mechanism?
Mismatch repair
HTLV-1 virus may lead to?
Test used to identify Pneumocystis Jiroveci?
Direct fluroscent antibody test
S. saprophyticus is Novobiocin ______
Two markers used to identify NK cells?
CD56 and CD16
CD marker found on macrophages?
Reservoir fo Mycobacterium leprae in the United states?
Splenectomy in sickle cell patients leads to susceptibility to which organisms?
salmonella and S. pneumococcus. (encapsulated organisms)
Location of AV node?
interatrial septum
Enzyme lacked in the zona glomerulosa that permits aldosterone synthesis?
17 alpha hydroxylase
Key cells seen in a choriocarcinoma?
syncytiotrophoblasts and cytotrophoblasts
Testicular cancer characterized by sheets of undifferentiated cells with focal glandular differentiation?
embryonal carcinoma
Testicular cancer characterized by lobules containing large cells with watery cytoplasm
Testicular tumor with structures resembing primitive glomeruli (endodermal sinuses)?
yolk sac tumor
Acute salicylate poisoning leads to what metabolic disorder?
respiratory alkalosis
Down's syndrome predisposes to which malignancy?
ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
Target cells seen in which 3 conditions?
liver disease, thalassemia, hemoglobin C disease.
Slow and indolent leprosy caused by?
Tuberculoid leprosy (mycobacterium leprae)
Protein necessary for transport of cholesterol from the outer to inner mitochondrial membrane in the adrenals and gonads?
Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
Patients with C3 deficiency are at risk for developing which type of hypersensitivity disease(s)? Why?
Type III because C3 helps remove immune complexes from the blood stream.
First line treatment for pneumocystis jiroveci?
Lead inhibits which enzyme in porphyrin synthesis?
ALA dehyratase (aminolevulinate dehydratase)
Iodine-staining intraepithelial inclusion bodies in a woman with complaints resembling PID?
O antigien in salmonella, erythrogenic toxin of steptococcus pyogenes, diptheria toxin, and botulinum toxins are all genetically encoded how?
lysogenic phage genome
Intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies in neurons of substantia nigra, limbic cortex, and nbasal nucleus of Meynert. Inclusions immunoreactive for ubiquitin. Dx?
Diffuse Lewy Dody disease
Flocculent radiodensities surrounding a radiolucent center seen on x-ray of an athlete. Dx?
myositis ossificans.
35 y/o man with painful, palpable masses of the groin. Exam shows multiple enlarged, abscessed lymph nodes draining through the skin through indolent sinuses. DX?
Lymphogranuloma venereum (Chlamydia trachomatis (serotypes L1-L3, bubonic plague)
Agonist at inhibin receptors would selectively decrease which of the following: FSH, LH, androgens?
Maximum effect produced by a drug regardless of dose?
Test used to confirm EBV diagnosis?
heterophile antibody test
STATIC exercise _____ blood flow and _____ vascular resistance
decreases blood flow and increases vascular resistance
Urease in H. pylori metabolizes urea into?
PEECoRnA viruseS?
Polio, entero, echo, coxsackie, Rhino, hep A
Picornaviruses genome characteristicts?
Positive sense single stranded RNA
Pneumonic for positive sense RNA viruses?
Call Henry, Pico, and Flo To Come Right away. (calcivirus, hepevirus, picornavirus, flavivirus, togavirus, coronavirus, retrovirus)
Virus families with double stranded DNA?
Poxviruses, herpesviruses, adenoviruses
Virus families with double stranded RNA?
Reoviruses (Rotavirus)
Virus family with single stranded DNA?
Parvoviruses (B19 aka slapped cheek fever aka erythema infectiosum)
Influenza virus genome?
negative sense RNA single stranded.
Important cytokine active in a positive PPD?
interferon gamma, produced by TH1 cells to activate macrophages
Opthalmic antihistamine that is an H1 receptor antagonist and mast cell stabilizer?
Main counterregulatory response to restore blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetic who took insulin forgot to eat and has a blood sugar of 35mg/dL
increased epinephrine secretion
4 month old shows listlessness, and matted, sparse, and very pale hair. Enzyme defect?
lysyl oxidase.
Reason Histoplasmosis is not transmitted person to person?
it forms intracellular bodies in reticuloendothelial cells.
Finasteride MOA?
inhibits 5 alpha reductase
RA increases risk for which type of cardiomyopathy?
restrictive cardiomyopathy (increase amyloidosis)
MOA of hammerhead ribozyme?
ribozyme-mediated degradation of mutant SOD1 mRNA
Patient with sickle cell gets mainly which type of gallstones?
calcium bilirubinate stones
Abnormality in sickle cell?
change from glutamic acid to valine @ sixth position of beta globin chain.
Howell jolly bodies in smear increase the risk of infections from encapsulated organisms. Seen in what disease?
sickle disease
Therapy for sickle cell?
hydroxyurea (increases fetal hemoglobin)
Acid fast stain of stool in AIDs patient reveals thick-walled oval structures that are 4 - 6 microns in diameter. Dx?
muscle that extends fingers @ the interphalangeal joints?
Muscles that abduct the fingers at the MCP joints?
dorsal interosseous.
Woman with bilateral renal artery bruits, hypertension, and beaded appearance of affected renal arteries. Dx?
Fibromuscular dysplasia
Oral legions more common in which of the following: pemphigus vulgaris or bullous pemphigoid?
pemphigus vulgaris
Tetracyclines secreted by non-renal routes?
doxycycline and minocycline
Xerostomia definition?
dry mouth
Synonym for Subacute granulomatous thyroiditis?
de Quervain
4 y/o with mental retardation brought in with poor vision. PE shows long limbs, tall stature, and kyphosis. Fundoscopic exam shows bilateral lens dislocations. Lab will reveal an increase of which amino acid?
methionine DX: cystathionine synthase deficiency aka homocystinuria.
Altered thyroid follicular cells with very eosinophilic cytoplasm?
Hurthle cells
Nasopharyngeal mass biopsied; shows plasma cells. Serum electrophoresis shows small monoclonal IgG spike. Bone marrow normal whle by x-rays normal. Dx?
Plasmacytoma aka solitary myeloma
Person with MLH1 gene mutation who has colon cancer. What changes will occur in this person's DNA in dinucleotide repeat segments?
dinucleotide repeat instability
Decrescendo diastolic murmur expected in:
aortic regurgitation
Diastolic rumble best heart in left lateral decubitus position indicates:
mitral stenosis
Holosytolic murmur radiating to the apex indicates?
mitral regurgitation
Crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur indicates?
aortic stenosis
Smear with > 30% myeloblasts and > 50% erythroblasts is what FAB class?
This AML is characterized by > 30% blasts with more than 50% of the blasts being myeloblasts and promyelocytes.
AML with Auer rods and characterized by > 30% blasts?
Mean > median ____ skew
positively skewed distribution
tachypnea, hypoxemia, crackles, wheezing and eosinophillia in a 4 week old. Previously had a conjuctivitis. Organism?
Chlamydia trachomatis
Brucella abortus associated with which animal?
3 organisms causing athletes foot?
Trichophyton sp., Microsporum sp., and Epidermophyton sp.
Sporothrix schenkii associated with what hobby?
gardening; pruning rose bushes
Blotch hypopigmentation os the skin of the chest or back caused by?
Malasssezia furfur
Increased G1P to Glucose ratio think?
alpha 1,4 to alpha 1,6 glucan transferase deficiency.
Mutation where a purine is replaced by a pyrimidine
Mutation where a purine is replaced by a purine or a pyrimidine is replaced by a pyrimidine.
Maternal contribution to the placenta?
lacunar network that communicates with maternal spiral arterioles
Cleidocranial dysostosis affects bones that form from intramembranous ossification including:
bones of the skull, facial bones, and clavicles
Fixed splitting of S2 seen with?
ASD with L to R shunting. Increased flow via pulmonic valve; regardless of breath, pulmonic closure is greatly delavyed.
Small intraperenchymal aneurysms that are related to hypertension?
Charcot-Bouchard aneurysms
Amylin is the type of amyloid deposited which disorders?
endocrine; diabetes type 2
Amyloidosis type found in the heart?
amyloid ttr: transthyretin. Seen in primary amyloidosis
Amyloidosis type found in the tongue?
serum amyloid A
Chronic hemodialysis results in accumulation of which amyloid type?
beta-2 microglobulin (beta 2 M): derived from MHC class I proteins.
Primary amyloidosis has which amyloid type?
AL; light chain
Secondary amyloidosis seen in RA, SLE, TB, Crohn's, neoplasia, and osteomyelitis?
AA from serum amyloid A (SSA) acute phase reactant
Lipid storage disease associated with X-linked recessive inheritance?
Fabry's disease
Fatty liver encephalopathy post viral illness in a child
Reyes syndrome
PGE2 analog used in labor induction?
PGF2 alpha analog used to treat glaucoma?
"Stage" of TB infection that is symptomatic, with fever, night sweats, weight loss and cough, with lesions found in the apex of the lung?
re-infection or "active" TB, or secondary TB
X-linked immunodeficiency characterized by recurrent respiratory infections caused by extracellular organisms
Bruton agammaglobulinemia
Maximum velocity of shortening of a muscle is dictated by?
ATPase activity
Amlopidine works on calcium channels in which type of muscle?
smooth muscle.
Elongated intracytoplasmic neuronal inclusions found in a patient with altered mental status.
Negri bodies; rabies
Immunosuppressant that works by inhibiting IL-2 production
How does Staph aureus protect itself from opsonization?
Protein A binds the Fc component of IgG
Stimulation of D2 receptors leads to?
decreased cAMP in the cell
deficient alpha galactosidase A?
Fabry's disease
Deficient glucocerebrosidase?
Both NF1 and p53 suppressor gene's are located on which chormosome?
Orange-yellow tonsils and low serum cholesterol. Dx? Cause?
tangier disease; deficient ABCA1 cholesterol transporter
Reidel thyroiditis features:
marked fibrous reaction with gland destruction
Finding common in thalassemia AND sickle cell disease
bone marrow expansion in the calvarium
Transfer of tissue between genetically identical individuals.
syngeneic graft aka isograft
Abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis brevis innervated by which nerve?
Cyclosporine MOA
inhibits production and release of IL2; grapefruit juice increases its bioavailability. Binds cyclophilin leading to inhibition of calcineurin which leads to decreased activation of T-cell transcription factors for cytokines
Alpha 1 receptors work by increasing which second messenger?
Pre-eclampsia like syndrome prior to 20 weeks gestation?
think hydatidiform mole.
Only diuretic that works upstream of macula densa?
Glucocorticoid therapy associated with what electrolyte defects?
hypocalcemia, fluid retention, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, and hypernatremia
High pitched tinkly bowel wounds heard over abdomen are those of small intesinal obstruction. Which parasite can cause that?
Ascaris infection
Actinic keratosis predisposes to which malignancy?
squamous cell carcinoma of the skin
3 day old w/ crusted infection near umbilical stump. 24 hrs later progresses to dender, reddened patches near crusted area, progressing to painful generalized skin erythema. Next day, large flaccid blisters. Dx?
Staphlyococcal scalded skin syndrome
Saphenous vein travels through which fossa?
Fossa ovalis
Part of hearing phys/anatomy that is destroyed by constant loud noise?
organ of corti
Type of mole with no fetal tissue evident and a 46 XX karyotype?
Type of mole with fetal tissue evident and a 69 XXY karyotype?
partioal hydatidiform mole
Drug that inhibits de novo purine synthesis? (inhibits IMP to XMP) Inhibits IMP dehydrogenase
2 drugs that work on calcineurin and inhibit IL 2 transcription.
cyclosporine and tacrolimus
Panic attacks are associated with what visceral manifestation?
peptic ulcer disease
In bacterial genetics genes for resistance closest to oriT are ______ likely to be sucessfully transferred.
most likely to be transferred
MOA of rapid acquisition of multi-drug resistance in bacteria?
Autosomal dominant disorder due to gain of function point mutations in gene coding for FGF receptor 3?
achondroplasia (constant activation of FGF R3 inhibiting chondrocyte proliferation)
DSM-IV criteria for alcohol abuse includes:
recurrent use resulting in failure to fulfill obligations, recurrent use in hazardous situations, recurrent legal issues, use despite negative consequences.
How does severe anemia affect pulse pressure?
It increases since SV increases BP rises and falls to greater extent.
How does chronic renal failure affect serum phosphate?
serum phosphate increases
Inflammatory bowel disease that can cause fistulae?
Crohn disease.
Tick that has Rckettsia rickettsii?
Ixodes tick carries lyme disease organism and what other organisms?
Babesia microtic (malaria like symptoms) and Ehrlichia phagocytophila (disease similar to Rocky mtn. spotted fever)
Spreading annular skin lesion describes rash caused by what organism?
Borrelia burgdorferi
Generalized bleeding occurs @ what platelet count level?
15K - 20K /mm^3
Thyroid cancer with polygonal cells in nests and amyloid deposits seen in intervening fibrovascular stroma. Most likely secrets what hormone?
Calcitonin: medullary thyroid cancer. Associated with MEN types 2A and 2B
Pleomorphic clear cells with vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei of many cells of tumor are indented by cytoplasmic vacuoles which stain positively for lipid. Dx?
Liposarcoma (pleomorphic clear cells)
Lung tumor that arises peripherally and can cause coin lesions that is specifically associated with previous scarring of lung tissue.
Ventricular aneurysm likely to develop how long post MI?
4-8 weeks
PaRaMyoxoviruses: Parainfluenza (croup) RSV, Rubeola (Measles) Mumps.
Metabolic markers for osteoclastic activity seen in lytic tumor metastasis.
tartrate resistant acid phosphatase and urinary hydroxyproline
Means by which strep pneumo attaches to respiratory mucosa?
production of an IgA protease
X-linked recessive immunodeficiency presents with TTP, eczema, and recurrent oppotunistic infections with organisms having polysaccharide capsules like S. pneumo. Px has decreased IgM normal IgG and elevated IgA/IgE.
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Progressive loss of B and T cells.
In utero exposure to what causes granulomatosis infantiseptica
Listeria monocytogenes
Multi-kinase inhibitor approved for treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma.
Structure that plays an important role in short term memory that is affected by neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer's. Affected early in course of disease.
Cause of amenorrhea in px with Turner's syndrome?
Ovarian dysgenesis
Site of RNA polymerase I?
Stage of sleep associated with sleep K-complexes and sleep spindles?
Stage 2
Pneumonic for EEG wave forms from wakefullness to REM sleep.
at night, BATS Drink Blood (beta, alpha, theta sleep spindles, delta, beta)
Autosomal recessive disease characterized by atrophy of the spinal cord from a mutation in the gene that codes for frataxin, located on Chromosome 9.
Freidreich ataxia (GAA repeat expansion)
Antihistamine with profound anticholinergic side effects?
Vessesl with greatest ratio of wall to lumen cross sectional area?
AIDs patient or premature baby with respiratory distress and biopsy showing spherical bodies with sharply outlined walls when stained with methenamine silver. Dx?
Pneumocystis jiroveci
Agent that cuases nasopharyngeal tumor with anaplstic cells immunoreactive for cytokeratin.
Neurocutaneous disorder characterized by harmatomas in the CNS, skin, and other organs. Cardiac rhabdomyoma, renal angiomyolipoma, hypopigmented spots, and sebaceous adenomas are also seen. Disease is Autosomal dominant.
Tuberous sclerosis
Molecules found in urine of a patient with multiple myeloma.
Vkappa Ckappa (kappa light chains)
Aortic stenosis effect on Pulse Pressure
decreases PP
Arteriolosclerosis effect on PP?
increases PP
Pharyngeal arches that will derive blood supply from the common carotid and internal carotid arteries?
pharyngeal arch 3
Which pharyngeal arches give rise to arteries that contribute to the blood vessels in the circle of willis?
arches 3 (internal & common carotids) & 4 (subclavian)
Substance found above microvilli that prevent the fragile structures from trauma
Adult with intermittent hemoglobinuria that is prominent upon voiding in the early morning. Patient is probably deficient in?
phosphatidylinositol glycan A (RBCs sensitive to lysis by complement)
Alternating constriction and dilatation of intrahepatic bile ducts in a patient with ulcerative colitis?
primary sclerosing cholangitis
Non-lactose fermenting oxidase positive gram negative rod that causes hot-tub folliculitis
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Patient with elevated plasma glutamine, absent citrulline, and high urine orotic acid has a deficiency of what?
ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
Lymph node with the following: multiple large germinal centers, recognizable light and dark zones, frequent mitotic figures, tingible body macrophages.
Benign reactive lymphadenitis
Type of cancer that most often causes SVC syndrome?
small cell carcinoma of lung
MOA of Daclizumab?
inhibits IL-2 receptor activation
Spontaneous, fluent speech. Language confused and without meaning. Unable to follow commands, except for closing eyes. Unable to read and cannot repeat words when asked. Structure damaged?
Superior temporal gyrus: wernicke's area
Prokinetic agent used in treatment of GERD and diabetic gastroparesis
Aluminum hydroxide and sulfated sucrose indicated for treatment of duodenal ulcer?
Angiotensin II insensitivity of vascular smooth muscle
Bartter syndrome
Symmetrical ascending weakness following respiratory infection. Dx?
Guillain Barre syndrome
DOC for rickettsia illness in man with renal failure?
Possible explanation for glucosuria in a pregnant patient with normal blood glucose?
tubal reabsorption threshold falls from 195 mg/dl to 155 mg/dl
Patients with selective IgA deficiency have a tendency to have increased amounts of which immunogloblin isotype?
IgE, leading to increased atopic allergy
Thryoid mass with solid balls of neoplastic follicular cells, with fibrous stroma in the centers of the balls. Dx?
papillary carcinoma of thyroid: "ground-glass" nuclei, psammoma bodies. Associated with childhood radiation exposure
Calcification of which structures may initially be thought to be a lung mass?
costal cartilage
Progesterone derivative that increases appetite?
Gram positive cocci, catalase negative, alpha hemolytic inhibited by optochin.
S. penumoniae
Property of N. gonorrhoeae that allows recurrent infections?
Its pili undergo antigenic and phase variation
RER makes proteins destined for what?
incorporation into lysosomes
Ataxia-telangiectasia is a disease where a mutation of a _______ ________ gene leads to various cancers
tumor suppressor: encodes for DNA dependent protein kinase which is essential for p53 activity
Changes in Sleep for the depressed?
increased REM, faster to REM, less deep sleep
Lack of which hormones can cause gastrointestinal atrophy?
Gastrin, Secretin, CCK
Zinc is present in semen and comes from which accessory organ?
the prostate
46 XY who is appears female, but has no cervix, uterus, or ovaries. What kept these structures from forming?
Mullerian inhibitory factor
Disorder in which neutral amino acids cannot be absorbed due to a transport protein defect leading to increased excretion of neural amino acids.
Hartnup disease; presents like pellagara because of loss of tryptophan
Threshold for skeletal muscle action potential?
negative 60 to negative 70
Budd-Chiari syndrome due to?
hepatic bein obstruction, usually due to thrombus
Enzyme used in extremely primitive lymphocytes for VDJ rearrangement of heavy chain?
terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
Most important chemotactic factors for neutrophils?
C5a and IL-8
Production of spontaneous speech that is fluent, but nonsensical is associated with ____ aphasia
Phentolamine MOA
nonselective alpha receptor antagonist
MOA of isoproterenol?
non selective beta agonist
Effect of chronic magnesium deficiency on PTH?
decreased PTH secretion and functional hypoparathyroidsim, and therefore a decrease in serum calcium
An acute decrease in magnesium will do what to PTH secretion?
increase it.
Marker for mixed connective tissue disease?
Non-gram staining intracellular pathogen causing urethitis in a sexually active male
Chlamydia trachomatis
Newborn with dysmorphic facies develops a seizure. Labs normal except decreased serum calcium. He's been admitted for fungal and viral infections. Dx?
Velocardiofacial syndrome aka DiGeroge syndrome
Gram positive organisms capable of producing exotoxin mediated toxic shock?
S. pyogenes and S. aureus
Drug that binds free IgE used in asthma
MOA of infliximab?
binds TNF alpha
Most common heart defect in Down's syndrome?
Endocardial cushion defect
Signs of congenital syphilus?
Cleft palate, rhinitis, and desquamating rash.
Equation for renal clearance of a substance?
Clearance = (U*V)/P
Sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one's usual place of work, with inability to recall the past.
Dissociative fugue
Cerebellar abscess in 3 yr old with bilateral papilledema most likely stemmed from what underlying cause?
otitis media
Syndrome seen in adrenalectomized patients who had Cushing disease.
Nelson syndrome
Local anesthetics that are esters have how many "I"s in their names?
One or none.
Tetracyclines MOA?
Prevents A-site tRNA binding @ 30s unit preventing protein elongation.
Linezolid MOA?
Binds 50s unit at P site. (used for vanco resistant organisms) Blocking ribosomal initiation complex formation
Macrolides MOA?
Prevent translocation during translation by binding 50s unit.
Which class of antibiotics causes misreading @ translation initiation?
Aminoglycosides (bind 30s)
Drug that inhibits ribosomal peptidyl transferase?
Sole manifestation of galactokinase def.?
Galactosemia caused by lactk of?
Galactose 1 phosphate uridyltransferase
Glucose 6 phosphatase deficiency causes?
Von Gierke disease; fasting hypoglycemia
Alpha 1 receptors are coupled to which G protein?
Gq: stimulation of phospholipase c; cleaving PIP2, creating IP3, triggering releas of intracellular calcium.
MOA of Bordetella pertussis exotoxin?
inactivates inhibitory subunit of G-protein complex, thus activating adenylate cyclase within the cells. (Lymphocytosis, hypoglycemia, increased histamine sensitivity)
What causes the rash in scarlet fever?
pyrogenic exotoxin
Treatment for onychomycosis? (of the toenails)
Molecule used for the syntehsis of carbohydrate component of glycoproteins?
Urinary tract infection with positive leukocyte esterase test and negative nitrite test think of what two organisms?
Enteroccocus faecalis or Staph. Saprophyticus
When a patient adducts an eye and then is asked to elevate or depress it, which muscles are being tested?
superior and inferior oblique muscles.
Pearly papules on sun-exposed skin with microscopy revealing palisading nuclei. Dx?
basal cell carcinoma
MOA of Dronabinol?
cannabinoid that is taken orally used as an antiemetic to control chemoinduced nausea.
Drug that blocks dopamine receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone, used as an antiemetic
Celiac disease primarily affects which intestinal site?
jejunum (proximal small bowel)
Heterophile negative mononucleosis caused by which organism?
Cranial nerve most likely compressed by a tumor at the cerebellopontine angle?
facial nerve
Gram negative, oxidase positive bacillus describes what organism?
P. aeruginosa
Location of the facial nucleus?
Myeloperoxidase deficiency results in a deficiency of what?
NADPH deficiency leads to deficiency of what?
Gram negative rod causing painful lymphadenopathy. Biopsy reveals granulomas filled with necrotic debris. Likely causal organism and treatment?
Bartonella henselae (cat scratch disease) Tx: azithromycin or doxycycline
Uses for chlroambucil include:
CLL, ovarian carcinoma, hodgkin disease.
Splenomegaly, isolated lymphocytosis, mature appearing lymphocytes. Dx?
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Tx: chlorambucil
Alpha hemolytic streptococcus inhibited by optochin?
S. pneumoniae
Alphat hemolytic strep not inhibited by optochin
S. mutans
Gram negative oxidase negative bacillus causing thick, bloody sputum in alcoholic
Klebseiella pneumonia
Decreased porphobilinogen deaminase activity in erythrocytes leads to increased urinary excretion of which substrates?
delta aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and porphobilinogen (PBG)
Treatment for amphetamine induced psychosis?
Diazepam, olanzapine, ammonium chloride to acidify the urine
Hepatomegaly, cardiomegaly, and heart failure secondary to cardiomyopathy in a 1 year old boy. Deficient in which enzyme?
Lysosomal alpha 1,4 glucosidase
Child with hypchormic anemia (not responsive to folate B12, pyridoxine, or Fe administration) low hemoglobin, excretes urine that has white needle shaped crystals, treatment with uridine corrects megaloblastosis, returns Hgb to normal. What enzyme is deficient?
Orotidine 5' phosphate decarboxylase
Thrombocytopenia, eczema, and recurrent sinopulmonary infections. What will platelet and serum IgM levels be? Dx?
low; Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
What cells contain lipoprotein lipase that shrinks chylomicrons?
endothelial cells
Given plasma volume and inulin space how would you calculate interstitial space?
Inulin space - plasma volume
Pseudoappendicitis caused by what organism? How is it acquired?
Yersini enterocoliticaa; contaminated milk
Increased bleeding time and PTT think about what autosomal dominant disease of platelet adhesion?
von Willebrand disease
Intracellular organism causing blindness in Africans and forms reticulate bodies in culture.
Chlamydia serotypes A,B,Ba, and C
When are the first necrotic changes likely to be visible (microscopically) post MI?
4-12 hours
Antihistamines with few anticholinergic effects?
Cetirizine, loradtadine, fexofenadine (2nd gen H1 blockers)
Test used to detect presence of circulating IgG anti Rh antibodies in mom's blood?
indirect Coombs test
Test used to detect IgG antibodies bound to the surface of RBCs in the fetus?
Direct Coombs test
Pregnant woman with medical history of hypertension presents with bp of 158/105 mm Hg what drug is suitable to give?
MOA of zileuton?
inhibit 5 lipoxygenase
5 yr old with small, pigmented macules over body, face, including buccal mucosa, lips, palms, soles, and skin not exposed to sun. Dx? What malignancies is he at risk of?
Dx: peutz-jeghers syndrome. At risk for carcinomas of the: pancreas, colon, stomach, small intestine, (breast ovary uterus and cervix if female) and lung.
Artery defect of the anterior communicating artery produces what ophtalmologic deficit?
bitemporal hemianopia
Artery defect of the internal carotid produces what ophthalmologic deficit?
binasal hemianopia
Ophthallmic artery lesion produces which opthalmologic deficit?
monocular blindness
Posterior Cerebral artery lesion produces which ophthalmologic deficit?
homonymous hemianopia with macular sparing (contralateral to lesion) So left PCA stroke leads to right homonoymous hemianopia.
Gilbert syndrome due to deficiency of?
Oncogene associated with small cell carcinoma of the lung?
Oncogene associated with follicular and undifferentiated lymphomas?
Oncogene associated with carcinomas of breast, ovary, and stomach?
N-myc is associated with what malignancy?
Typical pneumoniae attracts which cell type to the area of conolidation?
Dermal collection of foamy histiocytes containing cholesterol and lipids.
Munro microabscesses are small collection of neutrophils in the cornified epidermis. They occur in which disease?
DOC in actue lead poisoning?
EDTA (edetate calcium disodium)
Drug used to confirm diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome?
progestin challenge
Cancer that produces bony metastasis that are osteolytic and osteoblastic?
Breast cancer
Cancer that produces bony metastasis that are osteolytic?
Lung, renal, thyroid cancer
Cancer that produces bony metastasis that are osteoblastic?
Prostate cancer
Increase left atrium pressure near the end of systole may be caused by regurgitation of which valve?
Microsatellite instability is characteristic of individuals with loss of function of which type of genes?
mis-match repair genes (loss of hMLH, hMSH, HNPCC)
Mentally retarded child with low serum calcium, high serum phosphate, high serum PTH, and shortened metacarpals. Decreased expression of Gs in erythrocytes. Dx?
Serum phosphate levels in vit. D deficiency?
Retinochoroiditis is a complication of T. gondii infection during which trimester?
2nd or 3rd
Necrotizing encephalitis is a complication of T. gondii during which trimester?
HLA type least likely to get diabetes type 1? Most likely to get it?
homozygous for DR2 least likely. Heterozygous DR3/DR4 most likely.
HLA type likely to get celiac?
DQ2 or DQ8
HLA type likely to get SLE, psoriasis, IBD, or Reiter syndrome?
HLA type likely to get RA?
HLA type likely to get Graves?
Dose related sideffect of cyclosporine?
Nephrotoxicity due to renal vasoconstriction.
Fever, myalgias, cough, acute respiratory distress, following minor GI disturbances in someone exposed to mouse/rodent excrement. Dx?
Gram-negative cysteine requiring facultative intracellular bacillis; acquired from handling infected deer, rabbits, and small rodents or tick bites. Px presents with disseminated granulomatous lesions. Dx?
Tularemia: Francisella tularensis.
Defect of glycoprotein Iib/Iia receptors for fibrinogen
Absence of platelet glycoprotein Ib ( a receptor for von Willebrand Factor)
Why does serum haptoglobin decrease in a hemolytic anemia?
free hemoglobin is rapidly bound to haptoglobin.
Hypertonia, irritability, hyperesthesia, psychomotor retardation due to Krabbe disease. Deficieny in what enzyme?
Scabies treatment for preganant women and infants?
Sulfur petrolatum
Scabies treatment for normal individuals?
Permethrin cream
Marked hyperplasia of mucous cells in the stomach seen in what disease?
Menetrier disease
Gram positive branching rods grown anaerobically from exudate of removed IUD. Organism?
Actinomyces israelli
Alkaptonuria affecting cartilage
Pustule that ruptures to form black eschar surrounded by expanding edema. Sample reveals a boxcar shaped gram positive rod
Bacillis anthracis
Cigar shaped yeast
sporothrix schenckii
Deficiency in arylsulfatase A; dx?
Metachromatic leukodystrophy
What separates pathogenic C. diphteriae from diphtheroid?
pathogenic strain has beta prophage DNA and produces exotoxin.
Progressive ataxia, severe dysarthria, loss sense of position, spasticity, loss of tendon reflexes, impaired vibratory sensation, usually wheelchair bound by childhood. Dx?
Freidrich's ataxia (autosomal recessive)
Apolipoprotein that is cofactor for lipoprotein lipase?
Eczema, thrombocytopenia and recurrent infections in a young boy. Dx?
Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome (X-linked recessive defect of progressive deletion of B and T cells)
Which serum Ig's will be elevated and which will be low in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome?
increased IgA and IgE with absence of IgM
Premature menopause leads to decreased estrogen levels, which is consequently associated with low levels of?
Only set of Tcells that do not require education and selection in the thymus?
gamma delt t cell
Congenital malformation of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches?
DiGeorge syndrome.
Pyruvate carboxylase catalyzes transformation of pyruvate to which molecule?
oxaloacetate (requires biotin and ATP)
PEP carboxyknase catalyzes transformation of pyruvate to which molecule?
Verotoxin produced by what organism?
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli. Acts similar to shiga toxin.
Heat labile toxin of Enterotoxigenic E. coli acts similar to what other toxin?
cholera enterotoxin.
Muscarinic antagonist used as adjunctive therapy in Parkinson's disease?
spherical, quadrinucleate, thin-walled cysts measuring 10-20 um in diameter from a stool analysis of a px with persistent bloody diarrhea for one week. Dx?
Entamoeba histolytica
Antibodies against mumps sometimes ineffective due to which property?
syncytia formation (spread from cell to cell via cell fusion)
2 causes of multidrug resistance is pseudomonas?
mutation of porin protein (#1) and plasmid mediated beta lactamase production
Patient with vascular tumor of the retina, and cerebellum, and/or medulla, is likely to develop which complication of their mutation?
Bilateral renal cell carcinoma (vHL)
Two beta blockers with intrinsic sympathomimetic activity?
acebutolol and pindolol
Nerve innervating abductor pollicis longus?
Patient with gastroenteritis following ingestion of raw oysters. Dx?
Vibrio vulnificus or V. parahaemolyticus. (gram negative comma shaped rods isolated on alkaline media.
Downey cells seen in which disease?
Infectious mononucleosis
Antibodies from patient that agglutinate animal red blood cells indicate infection with what?
Neuroblastoma that has a poor prognosis is associated with amplification of which gene?
Heart defect seen in Fragile X syndrome?
mitral valve prolapse
Which baroreceptors respond first to increased PCO2?
Peripheral receptors respond directly to increased arterail P CO2
Major source of blood supply to nasal mucosa and what artery does it branch from?
sphenopalatine artery; branch of maxillary
Absence of both kidneys is due to failure of which embryonic structure to develop properly?
Urteric buds
Alpha 1 agonist lead to ______ of the uterus?
Equation for plasma osmolarity?
(total body osmoles - urine osmoles)/(total body water - urine volume)
Goodpasture antibodies also affect which strutcure?
lens of the eye
Minimal change disease may be caused by lymphokine prodcution from which cells?
T cells
Virus family associated with Paget's disease?
paramyxovirus (infects osteoclasts)