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28 Cards in this Set

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A set of rules for how applications under the Microsoft Windows operating system should share information
Buffer overflow attack
An attack that occurs when a process attempts to store data in RAM beyond the boundaries of a fixedlength storage buffer
Command injection
Injecting and executing commands to execute on a server.
Denial of Service
An attack that attempts to prevent a system from performing its normal functions by overwhelming the system with requests
Directory Traversal attack
An attack that takes advantage of a vulnerability so that a user can move from the root directory to restricted directories
DNS cache poisoning
AnattackthatsubstitutesDNSaddressessothatthe computerisautomaticallyredirectedtoanattacker’sdevice
Drive-by download attack

results in a user’s computer becoming compromised
just by viewing a webpage and not even clicking on any content. This type of attack,
known as a drive-by download, is a serious threat. Attackers first identify a vulnerable
web server and inject content by exploiting the server through vulnerable scripting applications.

Flash cookie
Another name for locally shared object (LSO)
Session Hijacking

is an attack in which an attacker attempts to impersonate the user by using
her session token.

Host Table
A list of the mappings of host names to IP addresses
How can you erase an entire SQL database table?

whatever’; DROP TABLE members; --

How do you control where users can go on your website?


HTTP Header
Part of HTTP that is comprised of fields that contain the different characteristics of the data that is being transmitted.
Microsoft IIS

Microsoft's web server (Make your own webpage) Can be turned on in "Turn on/off windows features"

Passive man-in-the-middle

the attacker captures

the data that is being transmitted, records it, and then sends it on to the original recipient

without the attacker’s presence being detected.

Privilege Escalation
An attack that exploits a vulnerability in software to gain access to resources that the user normally would be restricted from accessing
An attack that makes a copy of the transmission before sending it to the recipient
Session Hijacking
An attack in which an attacker attempts to impersonate the user by using the user’s session token
Session Token
A form of verification used when accessing a secure web application.
Smurf attack
An attack that broadcasts a ping request to computers yet changes the address so that all responses are sent to the victim
SQL Injection
An attack that targets SQL servers by injecting commands to be manipulated by the database
Syn flood attack
An attack that takes advantage of the procedures for initiating a TCP/IP session
What does ../ do in Linux? Why is it dangerous?

Traverses up one directory level.

Could display the contents of a document

What is ARP poisoning?
An attack that corrupts the ARP cache
What is significant about web-based attacks?

is a serious threat. Attackers first identify a vulnerable

web server and inject content by exploiting the server through vulnerable scripting applications.

These vulnerabilities permit the attacker to gain direct access to the server’s

underlying operating system and then inject new content into the compromised website.

To avoid visual detection, the attackers often craft a zero-pixel IFrame

whatever' OR full_name LIKE ‘%Mia%’

Find specific users

whatever; AND email IS NULL; --

Determine the names of different fields in the


XSS (Cross Site Scripting)

XSS injects

scripts into a web application server to direct attacks at unsuspecting clients.