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14 Cards in this Set

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composed of frozen gases, rocks and dust

- have an ice existence

Origins of comets

- The Kuiper Belt

- The Oort Cloud

Kuiper belt

- short period comets

- orbit for less than 200 years

Oort Cloud

- long period comets

- orbit 200 years to 30 million years

comet tails

- sun heat evaporates i’ve

- dust and gases are sent into space

- forming a glowing head and long tail


- small rocky structures that have no air and no atmosphere

-located in the asteroid belt

where is the asteroid belt

lies between Mars and Jupiter

small asteroids

10 m

- known as Meteors

large asteroids

100 km

- planetoids

c type

most common asteroids

- carbon based

s type

silicon based

m types

metallic asteroids

asteroid ceres

- largest asteroid in the asteroid belt

- contains water

-950 km diameter

asteroid vesta

2nd largest asteroids

530 kn diameter