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60 Cards in this Set

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The Dutch Colony at New Netherland

They had large reliance upon the fur trade; friendly relations with neighboring Amerindians; ethnic diversity of settlers; a desire for its own wealth; and a large population.

Seventeenth-century English settlers of New England differed from those in Virginia by...

Living in tightly clustered communities

From 1689 until 1763, England fought a series of wars with France for control of North America.

King Williams War; Queen Anne's War; The Seven Years' War; King George's War.

Colonial government in British North America did NOT allow...

Universal manhood suffrage

James Otis earned fame for his defense of American political freedom in...

The Writs of Assistance Case

I am directly opposed to any purpose of secession. The Constitution was made, not merely for the generation which then existed, but for posterity, undefined, unlimited, permanent, and perpetual...and for every subsequent state which might come into the Union, binding themselves by that indissoluble bond.

Henry Clay; Daniel Webster

The only debate in which William Seward, Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel Webster, Stephen A. Douglas, Salmon Chase, and Jefferson Davis all took part resulted in...

The Compromise of 1850

The Battle of Saratoga in 1777 was best known for...

Securing America an alliance with France

Prior to 1763, the British policy of mercantilism encouraged the American colonies to...

Supply England with raw materials

At the Philadelphia Convention of 1788, the author of the Great Compromise to the U.S. Constitution was...

Roger Sherman

Opposition to the Jay Treaty Centered around...

Its inability to stop the practice of British impressment.

"Millions for defense, not one cent for tribute" became the nation's rallying cry during...

The XYZ Affair

The "Burr Conspiracy" refers to...

Burr's scheme to create a new nation from the Southern territory of the United States.

Major events from the Revolutionary War

Winter at Valley Forge; Battle of Camden, South Carolinas; Cornwallis Surrenders; Treaty of Paris.

Major reform movements during the 1830s

Temperance; Revivalism; Women's Rights; Education.

Andrew Jackson's impact on the office of the presidency is characterized by a reliance on...

The veto as a political weapon; a "kitchen cabinet"; the Spoils System; Public Opinion.

Jackson's reasons for his veto of the Second Bank of the United States included...

The Bank of the United States was a monopoly; Fear of foreign control of the United States through the Bank; The Bank's political uses of its funding; The Bank was Unconstitutional.

The historian most associated with the view of slavery as crushing African-Americans into a "sambo personality" is...

Stanley Elkins

The slavery as a "positive good" argument was presented by...

George Fitzhugh

The Emancipation Proclamation immediately freed the slaves...

In the Southern States that the Union did not have control of.

During the Civil War, President Lincoln gave evidence of his democratic beliefs by...

Sponsoring the Homestead Act

The vast majority of settlers who traveled to the Far West because of the Homestead Act's grant of a free 160-acre farm...

Returned East after failing as farmers

According to most historians, the major failure of Northern Reconstruction was its inability to...

Provide economic independence to ex-slaves.

The President associated with the Sellout of 1876 was...

William Howard Taft

The snake cartoon drawn by Benjamin Franklin (1754) offered a warning to the 13 colonies if they...

Continued to follow the British policy of mercantilism.

The Know-Nothing Party's political philosophy achieved its peak in popularity around...


Roger Williams came into conflict with the Puritan authorities for advocating that...

Political Leaders could have no authority over religious matters.

Characteristics of French settlement in the New World.

They controlled access to the Mississippi River and the St. Lawrence River; They established trade in furs; They did NOT develop widespread settlement in the interior of the continent; They established a single government for all of New France; They generally established good relations with the Indians.

The key British victory in the French and Indian War was at...


Disagreement that prevented the entrance of Texas into the Union after it gained independence in 1836

Texas wanted to permit slavery

The "Middle Passage" refers to...

The Voyage between Africa and the Americas taken by the slave traders.

Advocates of religious toleration

William Penn; Roger Williams; Lord Baltimore; Thomas Jefferson.

NOT an advocate for religious toleration

John Winthrop

According to British mercantilist policy, the colonies WOULD perform all of the following functions

Provide markets for British goods; Provide raw materials for British manufacturing; Encourage the growth of a strong merchant fleet; provide bases for the Royal Navy.

According the the British mercantilist policy, the colonies should NOT perform the following function

Produce Manufactured Goods

Served as American Commander during the American Revolution

Nathaniel Greene

Alexander Hamilton's "Report on Public Credit" proposed....

Assume the state debts

Associated with the "American System"

Henry Clay; A protective tariff to stimulate new industries; The Second Bank of the United States; Federally funded internal improvements

NOT associated with the "American System"

Bonuses to new industries

The "Crime of '73" refers to

The removal of silver coins from the list of standard coins

By 1860 approximately how many slaves lived in the South?

4 million

The Declaratory Act of 1766

Stated that Parliament had the power to make laws binding on the colonies.

By the middle 1760s the most influential citizens in the New England towns were


The ordinances of 1785 and 1787 established

Division of the Northwestern lands into townships; Reservation of one section in each township for support of public schools; Establishment of territorial government; A procedure for achieving statehood.

The ordinances of 1785 and 1787 did NOT establish

Protection of slavery

Publication of "Uncle Tom's Cabin"

Contributed significantly to the growth of anti-slavery sentiment in the 1850s

The panic of 1857 fundamentally resulted from

Excessive investments in railroads

The French and Indian War resulted in WHAT after the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763

The Spanish obtained New Orleans and Louisiana

Southern Colonies

They were the most English of all the colonies; The plantations were on the coastal plains; Tobacco and rice were the chief cash crops; Most southerners lived on small farms; They were NOT largely urban.

The Iroquois Confederation Indian tribes

Mohawk; Seneca; Oneida; Cayuga

Problems the British government faced in 1763

War debts; Defense Costs; Government of Florida and Canada; Ownership of the western lands of colonial America.

Arguments that appear in the Declaration of Independence

A portrayal of the kind as an evil ruler; A statement of the basic principles of democracy; An announcement that a state of war existed with Great Britain; An argument for the right of Americans to revolt.

Argument the did NOT appear in the Declaration of Independence

An argument for religious toleration

The Jay Treaty 1794) provided for

Evacuation of English troops from their posts along the Great Lakes

Year the Massachusetts Bay grew by the largest percentage


Resolved by negotiation soon after the Treaty of Ghent (1814)

Disarmament of the Great Lakes

During the Civil War, the term "Copperhead" referred to

Northerners who opposed the Civil War

Radical Republican program for Reconstruction

Division of the South into military districts; The Fourteenth Amendment; Enlargement of the powers of the Freedmen's Bureau; Guarantees that the freed slaves could vote and hold office.

NOT part of the Radical Republican program for Reconstruction

Division of the plantations and distribution of the land to the freed slaves

The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (1848) included

The United States paid Mexico $15 million; Land south of the Gila River; The United States gained Texas, New Mexico, and Upper California; the United States promised to respect the religious preferences and civil and property rights of Mexicans in the newly acquired territory.