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33 Cards in this Set

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Conditions of the Roman Empire after the collapse

bad education, economy and leadership collapsed

What barbarians invaded rome?

the visigoths. my friend roman is a goth

Who invaded spain?

the vandals. the sands of spain (reverse some letter of vandals)

Who invaded England?

Saxons... Anglo-Saxon textbooks

Who invaded France?


What are the two types of monastacism

community and hermit

what are the three vows Benedictines take

chastity, poverty, obedience

What music is attirubted to st. gregory

Gregorian chant

what three traditions are woven into islam

jewish, pagan, christian

Life of Muhammad includes:

orphan, wild, lost five or six children, when he was thirty angel Gabriel came and gave him allah

What is the koran

the direct words of allah to muhammed

What are the five pillars

1)Shahada (statement of islam)

2) Pilgrimage to Mecca

3) The Hajj

4) pray 5x a day

5)Ramadan (holy month of fasting)

6) Zakah (alms for the poor)

DIfferences between sunis and shites

1) more sunis

2) sunis are iraq

2) shittes are in Iran

Why did bishops in the middle ages assume all authority?

rulers wer gone so the bishops stepped in

Describe the Family based conversation model

queens, Christians, ould exangelize the king and people would follow

main missionary to spain?

st. james

What brought st. Patrick originally to ireland

taken captive

Who was responsible for the conversion of the celts

st patrick

What bold act did st. Patrick perform

went to tara to easter and lit the paschal candle

There is an award at ohara named after hm

Bede award

What was started by Bede

AD/BC Distinction

Who was the apostle for germany

st. boniface

What did Sts Cyril and Methrodius do in missionary

create Russian alphabet (helped translation of bible)

Who is patron saint of hungary

st. Stephen the great

Patron saint of Czech Republic


What is an icon?

pictures of Christ, mary, saints


attacking cherished beliefs or established views.. periods where icons were destroyed.. no idols

How did the papal states come to be?


Who was Charlemagne

son of pepin.. based hi sprasctices on civil laws and canon laws; great person and loved ruler of west

Characteristics of the east church

byzantine church, greek, in constantinople

What did the west church speak and where was it located

rome, latin

considered to be one of the most perfect buildings in the world

itagia Sophia

A split beteen the easter and western churches often preceded by the word "great"
