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32 Cards in this Set

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Bering strait

Land bridge

Clovis tradition

A new and sophisticated style of tool making


native Americans who lived in the northwest around 5000 bce

How did humans first arrive in the Americas?

Sailed south along the West coast

How, and to what extent, did Native American societies develop cities and trade networks?

Native American cities were very big. The trade networks had many connections and different cities specialized in different products.


The region from central Mexico to Central America


A warrior people who ruled the Valley of Mexico in the early 1000's


People who lived in the four corners region


Maize farmers who lived along the Mississippi


Largest mississippian city

Iroquois confederacy

Alliance of 5 tribes

South culture

Farmers and hunters living in villages and small towns


Large dense farmer cities


Individualist river farmers

When, where, and how did agriculture develop?

5,000 years ago, central Mexico, through scattering seeds

How did agriculture affect society?

More social complexity, less nomads, more hierarchy

Who lived in the Southwest when Europeans arrived?


Who lived in the South when Europeans arrived?


Who lived in the Northeast when Europeans arrived?

Iroquois confederacy

Bartolome de las Casas

A priest who stood up for natives

Hernán Cortés

Conquered the Aztecs

Francisco Pizarro

Conquered the Incas

Encomienda system

Conquistadors were granted a group of natives who paid tributes for his protection


Mixed, Spanish and indigenous

Fur trade

France's biggest business in the new world

Northwest passage

Everyone was looking for a way to go through the Americas

Elizabeth/Spanish Armada

England invaded Spanish colonies, Spain attacked, stopped by storm, act of god


Sir Walter Raleigh's failed English colony

3 things that caused European conquest

Growing merchant class, alliance between monarchs and merchants, renaissance

How was the Old World affected by the Columbian exchange

Got precious metals and crops

How was the New World affected by the Columbian exchange

Got diseases and domesticated animals

How was Spanish colonization different from English and French colonization?

Didn't pretend to be safe, created a caste system