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40 Cards in this Set

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refers to events that occur from the time of fertilization (conception) until the infant is born.
The pregnant woman's developing offspring is called the __________.
Development occurs during the gestation period which is approximately_____days.
From fertilization through week 8, the embryonic period, the ______ is called an _______, and from week 9 through birth, the fetal period, the conceptus is called a _____, and at birth is called an ______.
For fertilization to occur, the sperm must reach the ovulated _________.
secondary oocyte
The oocyte is viable for ___ to ___ hours after it is cast out of the ovary, and sperm generally retain their fertilizing power within the female reproductive tract for ___ to ___ hours after ejaculation.
For fertilization to occur, sexual intercourse must occur no more than ____ days before ovulation and no later than ______ after.
24 hours
If sperm are deposited in a female's vagina at the approximate time of ovulation, they are attracted to the _______by chemicals allowing the sperm to locate the ________.
Only a few hundred to a few thousand of the millions of sperm deposited make it to the egg's vicinity. When the swarming sperm reach the oocyte, their cell surface enzymes break down the wall that the ________ radiate have around the oocyte.
Once a path has been made, thousands of sperm undergo the _________ reaction in which the ________ membranes break down, releasing enzymes that digest holes in the oocyte membrane.
Then, when the membrane is adequately weakened and a single sperm makes contact with the oocyte's membrane receptors, the head of the sperm is pulled into the _______ ______.
oocyte cytoplasm
__________ occurs at the moment the genetic material of a sperm combines with that of an ovum to form a fertilized egg, or _______.

The zygote represents the first cell of the new individual.
As the zygote journeys down the uterine tube it undergoes rapid mitotic cell divisions. This early stage of embryonic development is called _________.
The embryo continues to develop until it has about ____ cells, and then it hollows out to form a structure called a _______or a __________ vesicle.
The embryo now begins to secrete a hormone called ____________________________, which prods the corpus luteum of the ovary to continue produce its hormones.
human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG)
The _______ has two important functional areas: the __________, which forms the large fluid-filled sphere, and the _______________, a small cluster of cells on one side.
inner cell mass
Three primary germ layers are being formed from the inner cell mass including the _________ which becomes the nervous system and dermis of the skin, the __________ which forms mucosae and associated glands, and the __________ which becomes everything else.
After it is securely implanted, the _________ part of the blastocyst develops elaborate projections, called ____________, which combine with tissues of the mother's uterus to form the ________.
chorionic villi
Once the placenta has formed, the embryonic body, now surrounded by a fluid-filled sac called the ________, is attached to the placenta by a blood vessel-containing stalk of tissue, the __________.
umbilical cord
By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the placenta has also become an endocrine organ and is producing _________, ________, and other hormones that help to maintain the pregnancy.
Beginning in the ninth week of development, the embryo is referred to as a ______.
From this point on the major activities are growth and organ specialization, accompanied by changes in body proportions. By approximately _____ days after fertilization, the fetus is ready to be born.
Pregnancy has many effects on the mother, both physical and _________.
Starting as a fist sized organ, the uterus grows to occupy most of the pelvic cavity by __ weeks.
As birth nears, the uterus reaches the level of the __________ and occupies the bulk of the abdominal cavity.
xiphoid process 

The crowded abdominal organs press superiorly against the diaphragm, which intrudes on the thoracic cavity.
xiphoid process

The crowded abdominal organs press superiorly against the diaphragm, which intrudes on the thoracic cavity.
Gastrointestinal system:
Many women suffer nausea, or morning sickness, during the first few months of pregnancy, until their system adjusts to the elevated levels of progesterone and estrogens. Heartburn and constipation are also common.
Urinary system:
The kidneys have the additional burden of disposing of fetal metabolic wastes, and they produce more urine during pregnancy. The uterus also compresses the bladder, and urination becomes more frequent and urgent.
Respiratory system:
The nasal mucosa responds to estrogen by becoming swollen and congested; thus, nasal stuffiness and occasional nosebleeds may occur. Vital capacity and respiratory rate increase during pregnancy, but residual volume declines, and many women exhibit dyspnea during the later stages of pregnancy.
Cardiovascular system:
Total body water rises, and blood volume increases by 25% to 40% to accommodate the additional needs of the fetus. The rise in blood volume also acts as a safeguard against blood loss during birth. Blood pressure and pulse typically rise and increase cardiac output by 20% to 40%; this helps propel the greater blood volume around the body. Because the uterus presses on the pelvic blood vessels, venous return from the lower limbs may be impaired resulting in varicose veins.
Childbirth, or _________, usually occurs within 15 days of the calculated due date.
The series of events that expel the infant from the uterus is referred to as ______.

Several events trigger labor.
During the last few weeks of pregnancy, _______ reach their highest levels in the mother's blood.

This has two important consequences. It causes the myometrium to form abundant oxytocin receptors, and it interferes with progesterone's quieting influence on the uterine muscle.
Weak, irregular uterine contractions begin to occur. These contractions are called ___________________ or false labor.
Braxton Hicks contractions
As birth nears, two more chemical signals cooperate to convert these false labor pains into real contractions. Certain cells of the fetus begin to produce _______, which in turn stimulates the placenta to release _________.

Both hormones stimulate more frequent and powerful contractions of the uterus. The increasing emotional and physical stresses activate the mother's hypothalamus, which signals for more oxytocin release by the posterior pituitary.
The combined effects of rising levels of _______ and __________ initiate the rhythmic, expulsive contractions of _______.
true labor
Once the hypothalamus is involved, a __________ ________ _____________ is propelled into action.
positive feedback mechanism

Stronger contractions cause the release of more oxytocin, which causes even more vigorous contractions, forcing the baby ever deeper into the mother's pelvis.
positive feedback mechanism

Stronger contractions cause the release of more oxytocin, which causes even more vigorous contractions, forcing the baby ever deeper into the mother's pelvis.
The process of labor is divided into ____ stages.
Stage 1: The ________ stage is...

the time from the appearance of true contractions until the cervix is fully dilated by the baby's head. The dilation stage is the longest part of labor and usually lasts for 6 to 12 hours or more.

the time from the appearance of true contractions until the cervix is fully dilated by the baby's head. The dilation stage is the longest part of labor and usually lasts for 6 to 12 hours or more.
Stage 2: The _____ stage is...

the time from full dilation of the cervix to delivery of the infant. In this stage, the infant passes through the cervix and vagina to the outside of the body. During this stage, a mother experiencing natural childbirth has an increa...

the time from full dilation of the cervix to delivery of the infant. In this stage, the infant passes through the cervix and vagina to the outside of the body. During this stage, a mother experiencing natural childbirth has an increasing urge to push, or bear down, with the abdominal muscles.
Stage 3: The _________ stage is...

the delivery of the placenta and is usually accomplished within 15 minutes after birth of the infant. The strong uterine contractions that continue after birth compress uterine blood vessels, limit bleeding, and cause the placenta to ...

the delivery of the placenta and is usually accomplished within 15 minutes after birth of the infant. The strong uterine contractions that continue after birth compress uterine blood vessels, limit bleeding, and cause the placenta to detach from the uterine wall. The placenta and its attached fetal membranes, the afterbirth, are then easily removed by a slight tug on the umbilical cord.