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88 Cards in this Set

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What is a wave?

In oscillating disturbance by which energy is transferred.

What is an oscillating disturbance by which energy is transferred?

A wave

What is the definition of amplitude?

AKA height. The vertical distance from the midline of a wave to its peak or trough

What is the frequency?

The number of waves that pass a point in one second

What is the distance between identical points on successive waves?


What is the rate at which a point on a wave propagates forward


What is the equation for speed?

1.0 Hz is = to....

1.0 1wave/s, and 1.0 s^-1

The longer the wavelength the ____ the frequency


The shorter the wavelength the ____ the frequency


What is electromagnetic radiation?

A form of energy exhibiting wavelike behavior as it propagates through space and is the emission and transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves.

A form of energy exhibiting wavelike behavior as it propagates through space and is the emission and transmission of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves is....

Electromagnetic radiation

The higher the frequency the _____ and energy and ____ and wavelength.

Higher in energy, shorter the wavelength

Low frequency has _____ energy and the _____ the wavelength

Low energy, longer the wavelength

The longer the wavelength the _____ frequency and ____ energy

Low frequency, low energy

The shorter the wavelength the ,____ frequency and ____ energy

High frequency and high energy

The energy of light depends on its _____ and _____

Frequency and wavelength

What is the calculation for speed of light?

Speed of light = c = ...

3.00 x 10^8 m/s

What is a continuous or line spectra of radiation emitted by substances?

Emission spectrum

Describe continuous spectra

All wavelengths, sunlight and heated solids

Describe line spectra

Specific wavelengths, energized gas

Each element has its ______ spectra

Own unique line

What are the two different states described in the Neil's Bohr example.

Ground state and excited state

What is ground state?

Lowest energy level occupied by an electron

What is an excited state?

Energy level of an electron above its ground state

What is the force of attraction between oppositely charged ions called?

Ionic bond

What is a compound composed of oppositely charged ions?

Ionic compounds

Compounds forms between metals and nonmetals are ______

Ionic compounds

To name ionic compounds we give the ____ name followed by the ____ name

Cation, anion

Covalent bonds form between ____ atoms


In a covalent bond _____ _____ are shared between two atoms

Two electrons

What is drawn between the symbols of two atoms when they share electrons in a covalent bond?

A dash

Covalent compounds form _____


A dash between two chemical symbols indicates a ....

Covalent bond

The _____ group on the periodic table exists as diatomic molecules in their elemental form


Covalent compounds form when...

Elements combined through covalent bonds forming discrete molecules

This is the Lewis structure drawing of water

Covalent compounds to fill what role by sharing electrons?

Octet rule

What is the molecular formula?

Gives the actual number of atoms in the molecule rather than the simplest whole number ratio

When naming covalent compounds use ____ to indicate how many atoms are present


Binary covalent compounds are compounds containing...

Only two elements

Metal plus non-metal equals...

Ionic bond

Non-metal plus nonmetal equals

Covalent bond

What formula is used to describe covalent compounds?

Molecular formulas

Molecular formulas indicate...

The exact number of each atom contained in one molecule

To fulfill the octet rule atoms can...

Either gain or lose electrons to form ions or they can share electrons through covalent bonds

What formula do we use for ionic compounds

Why it's formula unit or empirical formula

What is the empirical formula?

The simplest whole number ratio of cations to anions in compound

What is the key to distinguishing between ionic and covalent compounds?

Identify the elements present

Ionic compounds total charge must...

Equal zero

What is the empirical formula. Give example

Give smallest whole number ratio of atoms in a compound. NaCl

What are leftover ions packed together in a structure of alternating positive and negative charges stretched out three dimensions

Ionic lattice

Periodic table and electron rules to remember: The group / column number for the main group is...

Is the number of valence electrons

The periods or row # for the main group tells you...

The energy level number

Columns in the periodic table also correspond to...

To sub-level electron configurations

The main group numbers in the periodic table indicate...

Number of electrons in each valence level

All alkali metals (group 1a) (lose or gain) ___ # of electrons to form +/- ___ ion

Lose, 1, +1

All alkaline earth metals (group 2a) (lose or gain) ___ # of electrons to form +/- ___ ion

Lose, 2, +2

Transition metals (d block on pic) (lose or gain) ___ # of electrons to form +/- ___ ion

Lose, 1-4, positive

Nonmetals (halogens) form ____ ions


Chalcogens ( group 6a ) +/- ____ io s


Group 5a gain ____ electrons, forma ions of ____ charge

+3, -3

Cations are...

Main group metals lose electrons to form pos charged ions

Anions are...

Ned charged ions formed by non metals gaining electrons

Which is written first and which is written second and empirical formula

Cation first then anions

What are polyatomic ions?

Groups of atoms that have an overall charge

What are oxyanions

Polyatomic ions that contain oxygen.

What is the rule of thumb when naming oxyanions?

Add -ate to the root of the element meaning ~ more. Add - ite when indicating ~fewer oxygen atoms present

What is the Lewis dot symbols?

They represent the valence electrons as dots around the atomic symbol

What is the octet rule?

All elements will lose or gain electrons to become like the nearest noble gas and has eight electrons in the valence shell.

What does the octet rule explain?

Explains why noble gases are so stable

What are isoelectronics?

Atoms with the same electron configuration.

What is the electron configuration? Give an example.

Shows the number of electrons in each occupied energy level and sublevel.. 1s^2,2s^2....

What does the electron configuration help determine

Helps determine how an atom behaves

What does this super script in an election configuration tell you

# of electron resides in the orbital

What is an orbital box notation?

A means of showing the location of electrons in an atom

What is the valence shell?

Outer motel, highest occupied energy level

What is the valance electron?

Electrons in a valence shell

What is a Kernel electrons

Electrons not in a valence shell

What does a Bohr model look like?

Using the periodic table where can you tell what the valence level is?

Looking at the row of the periodic table where the element is

Using the periodic table how can you tell what the valence electron is?

Looking at the column of the periodic table where the element is located

What does inner electrons mean

The first two levels in a configuration

What are outer electrons?

Essential to bonding, includes valence level and partially filled D&F sub levels

Describe noble gas notation

Replacing the inner electrons with brackets and the noble gas element symbol

Why do we use noble gases to help simplify the electron configuration?

Because they have complete octets in the inner level

What is the hunds rule?

If empty orbitals of the same energy are available, electrons will singly occupy orbitals rather than pairing up together