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32 Cards in this Set

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A communication scholar from the University of Colorado who has defined seven traditions of communication theory.
Robert Craig
An empirical approach to interpersonal influence that stemmed from media research.
The Socio-Psychological Tradition
A Yale University researcher who was one of the founding fathers of the socio-psychological tradition.
Carl Hovland
The tendency for the impact of source credibility to dissipate over time, often because the audience remembers the message but forgets the source.
Sleeper Effect
The study of information processing, feedback, and control in communication systems.
The Cybernetic Tradition
A Bell Telephone research scientist who developed an influential mathematical model for signal transmission that formed the basis of the cybernetic tradition.
Claude Shannon
A scholar whose interpretive essay applying the concept of information loss to interpersonal communication was paired with Shannon’s diagram of information flow.
Warren Weaver
The opportunity to reduce uncertainty.
Anything that reduces the information-carrying capacity of the channel.
An MIT scientist who coined the term cybernetics and pioneered the concept of feedback.
Norbert Wiener
Information that adjusts future behavior by introducing learning into the system.
An ancient approach to communication theory and practice that emphasizes persuasion through artful public address.
The Rhetorical Tradition
An approach to communication theory that emphasizes the process of sharing meaning through signs.
The Semiotic Tradition
The mistaken belief that words have precise definitions.
Proper Meaning Superstition
A Cambridge University literary critic who was one of the first in the semiotic tradition to systematically describe how words work.
I.A. Richards
Anything that can stand for something else.
A special type of sign (including most words) that has no natural connection with the thing it describes.
Richards and Ogden’s graphic depiction of the indirect relationship between a symbol and its referent.
Semantic Triangle
Richards’s collaborator on the semantic triangle.
C.K. Ogden
An approach to communication that emphasizes how language produces and reproduces culture.
The Socio-Cultural Tradition
A University of Chicago linguist and his student who developed the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.
Edward Sapir and Benjamin Whorf
The proposition that the structure of a culture’s language shapes what people think and do.
Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis
An approach to communication theory that emphasizes reflective challenge of unjust discourse.
The Critical Tradition
A group of German scholars lead by Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse who critiqued the way in which discourse is controlled to perpetuate power imbalances.
The Frankfurt School
Theoretically reflective social action.
An approach to communication theory that emphasizes communication as the experience of self and others through dialogue.
The Phenomenological Tradition
A psychologist who developed a theory of personal and relationship growth.
Carl Rogers
According to Carl Rogers, the match or fit between an individual’s inner feelings and outer display
An attitude of acceptance of another person that is not contingent on his or her performance.
Unconditional Positive Regard
The active process of laying aside personal views and of entering into another’s world without prejudice.
Empathic Understanding
A Jewish philosopher and theologian who emphasized authentic human relationships through dialogue.
Martin Buber
A collection of nine principles of ethical communication recently adopted by the National Communication Association.
National Communication Association Credo for Communication Ethics