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55 Cards in this Set

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Very flexible and general technique, and the principles can be applied to a wide range of statistical tests.


What variable do we measure in ANOVA?

outcome variable

What is the other term for the outcome variable?

dependent variable

This outcome must be measured on a

continuous scale

It is called dependent because it depends on one or more __________ variables.


variables that can be Manipulated or simply measure

Predictor Variables

In ANOVA, predictor variables are mostly ______?


When predictor variables are categorical, they are also called ___________ or _____________


what statistical test measures the differences between groups


In ANOVA, differences happen for two reasons: (a) because of the effect of ______ variables (b) because of _________

predictor; other reasons.

What do we call the difference in ANOVA


Variance due to ________ measures differences between Group


Variance due to __________ measure differences within Group


In ANOVA, the variance is conceptualized as sums of SDs from the _________.


Sum of SDs can be denoted as ____?


the variance that represents the difference between the groups


What other term can we use to denote SS(between)?


The ________ variance is the variance that we are actually interested in


also called within-groups sum of squares.

Error Sum of Squares

people, who have had the same treatment, have different scores and it's because of error. So this is variance is called either _____ , or ________

SS(within) ; SS(error)

sum of squared differences between the mean and each score


Effect Size goes under two different names: these are

_______ or _______.

R-Squared or eta-Squared

df between = ___?

(no. of groups) g- 1

What is the statistic (symbol) for ANOVA?

F or F-ratio

How many sets of df we need to find the probability value (p-value) associated with F

2 - df(within) and df(between)

ANOVA and ____ are exactly the same test


is we squared the value of t, what will we get?

F-ratio value

In ANOVA, what do we assume as normally distributed?

the data within each group

As with the t-test, we assume that the SD within each group is approximately equal. What states this?

Homogeneity of Variance

also called as simple-randomized groups design, independent groups design, or the single factor experiment, independent groups design.

One way ANOVA

one in which the effects of two or more factors or IVs are assessed in one experiment

Factorial experiment

With __________, conditions or treatments used are combinations of the levels of factors

Factorial experiment

More complicated ANOVA

Two way ANOVA

If factor A had three levels, the experiment would be called a 3 x 2, _______.

two way ANOVA

In a 2 x 4 x 3 design, there would be 3 factors having 2, 4, and 3 levels, respectively – this is called a _______

3 way ANOVA

here, the levels of each factor were systematically chosen by the experimenter rather than being randomly chosen

Fixed effects design

what do we call it when we want to determine whether factor A has a significant effect, disregarding the effect of factor B.

the main effect of factor A

what do we call it when we want to determine whether there is an interaction between factors A and B.

interaction effect of factors A and B.

In analyzing data from a two-way ANOVA, we determine four variance estimates: (give atleast 2)

1. MS within cells

2. MS rows

3. MS columns

4. MS interaction

The other estimates are sensitive to the effects of the ________

Independent Variables

The estimate MS rows is called the _________

row variance estimate

The estimate MS columns is called the __________.

column variance estimate

The estimate MS interaction is the ________.

interaction variance estimate

If variable A has no effect, MS rows is an independent estimate of the _______.


In a 2-way ANOVA, we partition the SS (total), into four components:

1.SS (within-cells) ,

2. SS (row)

3. SS (column)

4. SS (interaction)

what tests do we use to answer the question of where the differences come from.

Post Hoc tests

“Post hoc” is Latin, and means.

after this”

What problem might occur if we just use t-test when comparing groups?

alpha inflation

What type of error does alpha inflation is

Type 1

A Type I error is where we reject a null hypothesis that is _______


What assumption do we make for Bonferroni Correction

homogeneity of variance

Calculate df in Bonferroni correction

df= N-2

The problem with Bonferroni is that it's not that precise. And the p-values required for statistical significance rapidly become _____.

very small

Why is homogeneity of variance is important?

Homogeneity of variance means that the variances (standard deviations) of each of the groups that we are investigating are approximately equal. This is an assumption made by ANOVA and t-tests, and it is important for two reasons.

First, we use the variance to estimate the standard error (and hence the confidence intervals and p-values). If we can assume homogeneity of variance, we can pool the variances from each group. If we estimate the variance with a larger number of people, the standard error will be smaller (because se = σ/√Ν ). And a smaller standard error means reduced confidence intervals, and lower p-values.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, if we can assume homogeneity of variance, the calculations are much, much easier.

Post hoc tests are based on ____?
