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35 Cards in this Set

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The largest organ of the body is​ the


The set of neural tracts in the brain that must be functioning to allow consciousness to occur is known as​ the...

Reticular Activating System (RAS)

The islets of Langerhans are located in​ the
pancreas and make insulin.
Beta1 stimulation has each of the following effects on the​ heart, EXCEPT:
slows the conduction velocity of the heart
The two primary muscles used for breathing are the diaphragm and​ the
intercostal muscles.
The type of joint that permits primarily flexion and extension in a single direction is called​ a
hinged joint.
The​ spleen, stomach, and pancreas reside primarily in which abdominal​ quadrant?
The left upper quadrant
An imaginary line drawn vertically from the middle of the armpit to the ankle is called​ the:
midaxillary line
To cause the heart to contract​ normally, an electrical impulse must travel through the following structures in what​ order?:
the SA​ node, the AV​ node, the bundle of​ His, and the Purkinje fibers
The cervical spine is formed by which​ vertebrae?
The first seven vertebrae.
The portion of the brain that coordinates muscle activity and maintains balance through impulses from the eyes and ears is called​ the:
The hormone epinephrine has which effect on the​ heart's conduction​ system?
It speeds up conduction.
Systemic circulation starts when blood is ejected from what chamber of the heart through vessels to all parts of the​ body?
Left ventricle
The nerves located outside the spinal cord and brain are parts of​ the:
peripheral nervous system.
In order to BEST understand what is wrong with the​ body, the EMT will need to​ understand
what is normally right with the body.
When​ stimulated, the alpha receptors of the sympathetic nervous system result in which of the following​ effects?
The structure that is responsible for storing the sperm is called​ the:
A chambered muscular organ that lies within the thoracic cavity and provides the forward propulsion of blood is called​ the:


What is the BEST reason that the EMT should be knowledgeable about normal anatomy and​ physiology?
It will help the EMT to recognize when​ life-threatening findings are present.
What is the BEST reason that the EMT should assess breath sounds on both sides of the thorax of an adult​ patient?
There is a lung in each hemithorax.
The joint at the wrist permits the hand to move up and down and side to​ side, but not to rotate completely. This type of joint is​ a:
condyloid joint.
The ankle can only turn inwards slightly while moving up and​ down, and is defined as what type of​ joint?
What type of joint allows for the greatest amount of movement in each​ direction?
​Ball-and-socket joint
What is the name of the flap that closes over the trachea to prevent foreign substances from entering​ it?
The epiglottis
The membrane that envelops each lung and is directly attached to the lung tissue itself is called​ the:
visceral pleura.
The first tube that carries inhaled air from the larynx down towards the lungs is​ the:
When​ stimulated, the alpha receptors of the sympathetic nervous system result in which of the following effects on the cardiovascular​ system?
To cause the heart to contract​ normally, an electrical impulse must travel through the following structures in what​ order?:
the SA​ node, the AV​ node, the bundle of​ His, and the Purkinje fibers.
The right ventricle pumps blood to​ the:
pulmonary artery.
The upper chambers of the heart are known as​ the:


Deoxygenated blood FIRST enters the​ heart's:

Right Atrium

The​ double-walled sac that encloses the heart is called​ the:
The​ "fight-or-flight" response is generally tied to​ the:
sympathetic nervous system.
The word part ​brady- is considered what part of a medical​ term?
The word part​ -ology is referred to as​ a:
