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58 Cards in this Set

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What is cellular respiration?

Process by which living cells obtain energy from organic molecules

Where does cellular respiration take place?

Inside the mitochondrion

What is the primary aim of cellular respiration?

To make ATP and NADH

Aerobic respiration uses oxygen how?

O2 is consumed and CO2 is released.

What does the chemical equation look like?

Organic molecules + 02 ---> CO2 + H2O + Energy

What is a main organic molecule used in the cellular respiration process?


Glucose Metabolism's chemical equation looks like what?

(C6 H12 06) + 6O2 ---> (06C O2) 6(H2O)

What are the 4 metabolic pathways in Glucose Metaboslism?

1. Glycolysis. .

2. Breakdown of Pyruvate to an acetyl group .

3. Citric acid cycle. .

4. Oxidative Phosphorylation. .

Glucose Metabolism: Stage 1


What is the process of Glycolysis

The breakdown of Glucose into pyruvate.

Can glycolysis can occur with or without what?

Oxygen, but it kinda sucks when it happens without oxygen. It will happen without oxygen in very specific situations.

The steps in glycolysis are (similar/different) in all living species?


Where does glycolysis occur?

Inside the cytosol

How many phases of glycolysis are there?

How many steps in total?

3 phases and 10 steps

What are the 3 phases of glycolysis?

1. Energy investment. .

2. Cleavage. .

3. Energy liberation. .

What happens in the Energy Investment phase of Glycolysis?

Steps 1-3

2 ATP hydrolyzed to create fructose-1,6 bisphosphate.

(6-carbon thingy).

What happens in the Cleavage phase of Clycolysis?

Steps 4-5

6-carbon molecule broken into two 3-carbon molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (G3P)

What happens in the Energy Liberation phase of Glycolysis?

steps 6-10

Two glyceraldehyde-3phosphate molecules broken down into two Pyruvate molecules producing 2 NADH and 4 ATP

What is the Net yield of ATP in Glycolysis?
What Stage makes what?

1. Energy investment makes 2 ATP.

2. Cleavage makes zero.

3. Energy liberation makes 4 ATP.

Total ATP = 6

What is the net yeild of NADH in Glycolysis?

What stage is it made in?

Net yield of 2 NADH.

Made in the Energy liberation stage.

What happens in Glucose Metabolism: Stage 2?

Breakdown of Pyruvate to an acetyl group

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. How many pyruvate molecules came from Stage 1?

Two molecules of Pyruvate

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. For eukaryotes(multicell), pyruvate is transported to what?

Mitochondrial matrix

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. What eyzme breaks down Pyruvate?

Pyruvate dehydrogenase

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. What is removed from each pyruvate? What is the other part left?

CO2 is removed. Acetyl group is left behind.

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. What happens to the acetyl group left over after the CO2 is broken off of the Pyruvate?

Acetyl Group attached to CoA to make Acetyle CoA

In Glucose Metabolsim Stage 2. How much NADH is made for each pyruvate?

1 NADH is made. Totaling 2 because 2 pyruvate came into the process.

What is Stage 3 in Glucose Metabolism?

The Citric Acid Cycle (Kerbs Cycle)

Generally what happens in Stage 3 in Glucose Metabolism?

It's a metabolic cycle. Particular molecules enter while other leave, involving a series of organic molecules regenerated with each cycle. You end with what you started with. Cycle.

Stage 3 in Glucose Metabolism. Acetyl is removed from Acetyl CoA and attached to what?

This forms what?

Oxaloacetate and this forms citrate or citric acid.

Stage 3 in Glucose Metabolism. Series of steps release what?

2CO2, 1ATP, 3NADH, and 1 FADH2 for each cycle.

Stage 3 in Glucose Metabolism. At the end of the cycle what is regenerated so that the process can start over again?


What is the 4th stage of Glucose Metabolism?

Oxidative phosphorylation

What happens in the 4th stage of Glucose Metabolism?

High energy electrons are removed from NADH and FADH2 to make ATP.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism typically requires the presence of what?


4th stage of Glucose Metabolism is an oxidative process involving what?

The electron transport chain.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. Phosphorylation occurs by what Enzyme?

ATP synthase

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. What is the Electron transport chain? (ECT)

Group of protein complexes and small organic molecules embedded in the inner mitochondrial membrane

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism . The ECT can accept and donate electrons in a linear manner in a series of what reactions?

Redox - one molecules looses an electron and another molecules gains an electron. The electrons are passed around.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ECT. Movement of electrons generates what kind of gradient?

H+ electrochemical gradient/proton-motive force. There is an excess of positive charge outside of the matrix.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ECT. Since there is a greater number of H+ molecules on the outside what do they want to do?

Go inside.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ETC. Lipid bi-layer of inner mitochondrial membrane is relatively (impermable/permable) to H+

impermable, but there is a place it can get through.

ECT 4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. Where does the H+ get through the ECT?

It passes through ATP synthase. (Enzyme)

What happens with H+ goes through ATP Synthase?

ATP Synthase(enzyme) harnesses free energy released to synthesize ATP from ADP

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism ECT. What is Chemiosmosis?

The Chemical synthesis of ATP as a result of pushing H+ across a membrane

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ATP Synthase. How is the energy converted?

H+ electrochemical gradient pushes stuff into a chemical bond energy to form ATP.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ATP Synthase. What is the ATP made up of?

ADP + Pi and H+ make ATP through ATP Synthase.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ATP Synthase moves in what way? Why?

ATP Synthase moves in a rotary machine that makes ATP as it spins

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ATP Synthase. What is the first turn for? What is the second turn for? 2 part process.

First turn bonds tightly to form the molecule, second turn bonds weakly and release the molecule.

4th stage of Glucose Metabolism. ATP Synthase. How many ATP molecules per glucose?

30-34 ATP

What other organic molecules can be used for energy?

Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

What is the difference with the other organic molecules and Glucose that create energy?

The other organic molecules enter in glycolysis or citric acid cycles at different points

Why do these organic molecules use the same pathways as Glucose for breakdown?

It increases efficiency

What is anabolsim?

It is the same process as metabolism but on other molecules. It gets a different name.

In environments that lack sufficient oxygen how is energy made? What are the processes called?

Anaerobic metabolism and fermentation

Anaerobic metabolism. What is it?

Use of substances other than O2 as final electron acceptor in electron transport chain.

Fermentation. What is it?

ATP made via glycolysis ONLY. Needs to regenerate NAD+ to keep glycolysis running. It produces far lessATP

What are some examples of Fermentation?

Muscles producing lactate and Yeast making ethanol.