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34 Cards in this Set

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Infection such as endophthalmitis can occur following cataract surgery and is marked by what?

Pain, decrease in Vision, eyelid redness or edema, and or a yellowish/green discharge from the eye

What is cataract

It is a loss of transparency to the eye lens and results and blurry vision, decreased visual Acuity and sensitivity to glare

What are some risk reduction strategies for cataracts

Reducing weight, smoking cessation, optimizing blood sugars and using sunglasses when Outdoors

Why shouldn't D5W be used in the presence of increased intracranial pressure

Because the D5W is both isotonic and hypotonic

Viral conjunctivitis is highly contagious and is marked by?

Conjunctival hyperemia, lid edema, ptosis, foreign body sensation, and a watery discharge

How does cranial nerve 2 optic nerve function

It has nerve fibers from the right and left eye. Cross over before sending impulses to the occipital lobe

What conditions increases the risk for retinal artery or vein occlusion and loss of vision

Diabetes, glaucoma and aging in addition to hypertension and atherosclerosis

What is the result of myopia (near-sighted) in the result of hyperopia (farsighted)

Myopia results in Blurred distant vision and

hyperopia result and blurred near vision

Some safety measures to use when interacting with a visual impaired client include?

Keeping objects close by, identifying where the objects are, not distracting their safety animal, using the clock method when ambulating, having the client hold your arm above the elbow and walking a half step behind you

How should chemical burns be treated in the eye

By irrigating the eye with water immediately

When blood pressure is severe in the setting of acute kidney failure, pheochromocytoma, and pregnancy-induced hypertension retinopathy can occur why shouldn't the blood pressure be lowered too quickly

Because you to send the blood pressure too quickly could result in ischemia to the optic disc and brain, blood pressure should be lowered slowly

How is ophthalmic solution be in instill

Remove contact lenses, hold lower lip down, and so I dropped before ointment, apply gentle pressure to the inner canthus to occlude the punctum for 1 to 2 minutes and would 5 minutes before installing another medication 10 minutes for ointments

Clients should avoid to do what when ocular medications are administered

Avoid blinking

What occurs after ocul appointment has been administered

Vision is blurred and stinging and burning may occur

How does mitotic (pilocarpine) increases the outflow of aqueous humor

By constricting the pupil but this could also make it difficult to see in the dark (pupil dilation is needed when lighting is low)

Beta blockers are contraindicated in what setting?

In the setting of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or heart failure since bronchodilation is inhibited and the heart rate is decreased

What are some systemic effect of using beta blocker timolol

It decreases production of aqueous humor which can be observed as bradycardia and hypotension

What should be monitored when using Acetazolamide (Diamox) and why

Electrolytes should be monitored and avoid with sulfur allergies because Diamox has diuretic effects and contain sulfa

Tonometry is used for what

To measure intracranial pressure and screens for glaucoma

Signs and symptoms of glaucoma may be absent which is also called Silent thief of sight or may include

Blurred vision, difficulty focusing or decrease in peripheral vision

Acute angle closure (pupillary block) glaucoma is associated with what

Quick rise in intraocular pressure and is an ocular mergency

Acute angle closure glaucoma is accompanied by what?

Pre ocular pain, conjunctival hyperemia, and a fixed semi dilated pupil

What can happen with conditions that result in increased intraocular pressure

It could impair blood flow to the retina, damage the optic nerve and lead to blindness

What are some actions that increase intraocular pressure

Sneezing, coughing, holding their breath, squeezing the eyelids in the valsalva maneuver

Following eye surgery what are some activities that should be avoided that can increase intraocular pressure

Lifting, pushing or pulling objects greater than 10 lb, bending or stooping for prolonged periods of time, strenuous activity, lying on the affected eye, and limit your movements (limiting walking, reading, watching television, and vacuuming)

How is intraocular pressure determined

It is determined by the amount of aqueous humor that is produced in drained between 10 to 21 mmhg

What is the macula and what happens with macular degeneration

The macula is the area of the retina that provide central vision

macular degeneration result in central vision loss

What is the Amsler grid used for

To detect macular degeneration and patients should be taught to use the grid to detect changes early

Which eye medications decrease equation humor production

Alpha adrenergic Agonist brimonidine and Carbonic anhydrase Inhibitors acetazolamide

What is mydriasis and what caused it

It is impaired pupil dilation and can cause by Alpha antagonist such as tamsulosin (Flomax)

Severe myopia increases the risk for what

Retinal detachment

What are signs of retinal detachment

Sudden flashing lights, floaters (spots or strings), decrease in vision, and or a curtain covering a portion of one's vision

Following a pneumatic retinopexy a client should be placed in what position and why

Client should be placed in a prone position so the injected bubble is able to float and serve as a tamponade over the retinal detachment

What happens if an object is impaled in the eye

Should never be removed