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65 Cards in this Set

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chronic liver failure
C=clotting disorders
H=hepatorenal syndrome
P=Portal Hypertension
inflammation of the liver
What is hapatitis caused from?
from infection by viral agents or exposure to drugs toxic to the liver or occasionally bacterial infection
What are the symptoms of Hepatitis?
range from nearly none to life-threatening symptoms due to death of liver cells
Hepatitis is usually caused by 6 viruses:
Heaptitis A=infectious hepatitis
Hepatitis B=serum heapatitis
Hepatitis C=Non-A , Non B,(NANB)
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis E
Hepatitis G
Hepatitis A
Mode of transmission
Incubation period symptoms
Diagnostic tests
Preventative vaccine
Groups at risk
Mode of transmission=Oral-Fecal contamination of water, oysters, eating utensils or equipment
Incubation period symptoms= 3-7 weeks
early (prodromal): fatique, anorexia, malaise, nausea or vomitting
Later: Icteric-Jaundice, pale stools, amber or dark urine, RUQ pain,
Diagnostic tests=Elevated serum liver enzymes(ALT, AST), elevated serum Bilirubin,
Hepatitis Panel-HAV Antigen
Preventative vaccine=Immune Globulin-temp.passive, gives antibodies to fight with
Groups at risk=military and day care
Heapatitis B
Mode of transmission
Incubation period symptoms
Diagnostic tests
Preventative vaccine
Groups at risk
Mode of transmission=Blood or body fluids, such as: saliva, semem and breast milk; equipment contaminated by blood
Incubation period symptoms= 2-5 months
Early-Prodromal: 1-2 months of fatique, malaise, anorexia, low grade fever, nausea, headache, abdominal pain, muscle aches
may have no early symptoms
Icteric-Jaundice, rashes
Diagnostic tests=elevated serum liver enzymes(ALT, AST), elevated serum bilirubin, HBV antigen
Preventative vaccine=immune globulin, or HBIG
Groups at risk=IV drug abusers, homosexuals, health care workers, transplant, and hemodialysis patients
Hepatitis C
Mode of transmission
Incubation period symptoms
Diagnostic tests
Preventative vaccine
Groups at risk
Mode of transmission=blood transfusions, IV drug users, unprotected sex
Incubation period symptoms=1 week to months: same as HBV, usually less severe
Diagnostic tests=elevated liver enzymes (AST, ALT), serum bilirubin, HCV antigen
Preventative vaccine=none
Groups at risk=same as HBV
Hepatitis D
Mode of transmission
Incubation period symptoms
Diagnostic tests
Preventative vaccine
Groups at risk
Mode of transmission=blood or body fluids as with HBV, strongly linked as a confection with HBV
Incubation period =same as HBV and HAV but more severesymptoms=same as HBV
Diagnostic tests=same as HAV, HBV but HDV antigen
Preventative vaccine=HBIG
Groups at risk=same as HBV
Neurotransmitters pass through the synaptic knob's membrane into the ____ ___
Synaptic Cleft
Pancreas-Lab values
serum glucose >150mg%
abnormal-elevated because damage to the islets Langerhans causes decreased insulin production
Pancreas-Lab values
serum amylase>500 IU/L
the digestive enzyme amylase is released in large quantities by inflammed pancreas
Pancreas-Lab values
serum Lipase >15 IU/L
normal 0-160 IU/L
Pancreas-Lab values
pleural effusion
is caused by a local inflammatory reaction to the irritation from pancreatic enzymes
Pancreas-Lab values
blood pressure and pulse 15 % from Pt.'s baseline
Pancreas-Lab values
serum albumin<3.2 g/dl
normal-3.5 to 5.5 g/dl
abnormal because albumin is decresed usually from decresed protein metabolism
Pancreas-Lab values
positive Cullens sign
a positve Cullens sign indicates hemorrhage from pancreatic destruction
Pancreas-Lab values
urinary output <30 ml/hr
can indicate hepatorenal syndrome or shock from circulatory collapse
Pancreas-Lab values
positive Chvosteks sign
indicates neuromuscular irritability from decreased serum calcium levels
Pancreas-Lab values
foul smelling, fatty stools
indicates malabsorption of dietary fats from decreased lipase
what is important with a esophageal tamponade with a Senstaken-Blakemore tube?
keeping a pair of scissors by the bedside
having oral suction available
maintaining traction on the tube, if ordered
instructions to Pt. with portal hypertension?
avoid straining to have a bowel movement
Fulminant liver failure is most often caused by?
Hepatitis B virus
Pt with chronic liver failure has asterixis and fetor hepaticus and is confused...these symptoms are related to?
Hepatic Encephalopathy
risk factors for gallbladder disease?
multiple pregancies
age 40 or older
Pt. with biliary colic...nurse nonsurgical intervention?
administering probantheline(Pro-Banthine)
Pt. with pancreatic disease usually has a history of?
alcohol abuse
Pt with pancreatitis describe pain as?
dull, boring, begining in mid epigastrium and radiating to the back
fluid in the abdomen from decreased albumin
liver flaps
scarring and hardening of the liver from inflammation
neurological changes from excess ammonia
Fetor Hapaticus
foul breath
Hepatorenal syndrome
Oliguria and sodium retention without kisney defects
inflammation of liver cells
yellowing of the sclerae and skin from excess bilirubin
Portal hypertension
increased pressure in the portal circulation
removal of all or part of the pancreas
fatty, foul smelling stools
weakened, swollen veins
inflammation of the gallbladder
composition of gallstones
intestinal gas expelled via the rectum
Murphys sign
inability to take a deep breath when fingers are pressed under liver margin
pigment from the breakdown of red blood cells
Extrcorporeal shock wave lithotripsy(ESWL)
a procedure that shatters gall stones using sound waves
a surgical drain used to ensure that bile drains from gallbladder after surgery
Laparscopic cholecystectomy
removal of the gallbladder through a small abdominal incision
use of an endoscope to explore the common bile duct
visible veins around the umbilicus
caput medusae
liver shunt
liver flaps
Abreviations for infectious hepatitis
confusion and coma are symptoms
this syndrome causes anuria
hepatorenal syndrome
liver location
Right Upper Quadrant
chronic liver failure is?
Laennec's Cirrhosis
collection of fluid in peritoneal cavity
dilated esophageal veins
low vitamin K places Pt. with chronic liver failure at risk for?
IN Chronic liver disease, Lactulose gives Pt diarrhea to?
keep ammonia levels controled
Pt with jaundice and dark amber urine...what is most likely the cause?
bile duct obstruction
intervetntion that will help a Pt that has had and open cholecystectomy 24 hours ago?
provide analgesics for pain relief
encourage coughing and deep breathing
assist with splinting during coughing
serum amylase normal level
59-160 IU/L
white blood cell normal count
5000 to 10,000 cells per mm