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89 Cards in this Set

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Exercise imposes a variety of biological stresses on the body. Challenges the homeostatic regulation of blood glucose, body temperature, blood pressure, and blood volume

How does exercise effect the body

The physiologic stresses imposed by exercise are regulated simultaneously through a systematic communication process involving these


Chemical messengers produced in one tissue that signals changes in other organs and tissues throughout the body. They interact with cell receptors


The study of hormones and effects on the body


What do hormones control?

The regulation of macronutrient fuel stores

The "fight or flight " responses

The adaptive responses to exercise and maturation

A branch of physiology dedicated to the systematic study of comtrol systems


Both of these systems sense information, organize a response, and then deliver the message to the proper organ or tissue

Nervous system

Endocrine system

How do the nervous system and endocrine system differ in their functions.

Endorcine- releases hormones directly into the blood

Nervous- uses synaptic signals to relay messages from one nerve to the other

How are hormones are classified

By their chemical makeup

Amino acid derivatives




Classes of hormones

The effect of a hormone exerts on a tissue is proportional to the hormone concentration in the plasma and the number of active receptors it binds to

Blood hormone concentration

Hormone concentration is dependent on

Hormone secretion rate from the endocrine gland

The rate of hormonal metabolism or excretion

Transport protein quantity

Changes in the plasma volume

Control of hormone secretion

The rate at which a hormone is secreted from an endocrine gland is dependent on the magnitude of input and whether it is stimulatory or inhibitory in nature

RELEASE of insulin in the blood is influenced by concentration changes

In facors: plasma glucose, amino acids, epinephrine, increased sympathetic and parasympathetic activity and hormone incretins

Metabolism and excretion of hormones

Metabolized [ inactivated]

Kidneys can metabolize a variety of hormones or excrete them in their active form

Metabolism and excretion of hormones


The rate at which hormones are inactivated or excreted decreases. Hormonal half life increases

Increases the elevation of the plasma level of the hormone over its secretion rate


Hormones must be free to interact with the receptor and not "bound" to the transport protein


The maximal quantity of hormone that can be bound to the transport protein


The chemical tendency of the transport protein to bind the hormone

Increase in the quantity, capacity, or affinity of transport protein reduces the amount of free hormone and its effect on tissue

Effects of transport protein

Plasma volume

Changes in plasma volume necessitate an inversely proportional change in the hormone concentration

Influences hormonal actions

During exercise a drop in plasma volume causes an increase in concentration of hormones in the plasma

Hormone receptor interaction

Receptor numbers may decrease when exposed to a chronically elevated level of a hormone resulting in a diminished hormonal response for a given concentration

Hormone receptor interaction

Chronic exposure to a low concentration of a hormone may lead to an increase in receptor numbers with the tissue becoming very responsive to the available hormone

Mechanisms of hormone action

Hormones modify cellular activity

They alter activity of DNA in the nucleus to initiate or suppress the synthesis of a specific protein

They are the reason why special proteins in the cells are activated by " sec9nd messangers"

They aid in the alteration of membrane transport mechanisms


Altering activity of DNA in the nucleus

Steroid hormones

Second messengers


They have a lipid like nature, can pass through cell membranes where they bind to a protein receptor in the cytoplasm of the cell. Enters the nucleus and binds to hormone-responsive elements on DNA. Activates gene that leads to the making of a specific messenger. The messenger carries the code from the nucleus to the cytoplasm where the "specific" protein is made

Steroid hormones

Second messengers

G-PROTEIN. located in the membrane of the cell. The middle man between the hormone and receptor interaction. They open an ion channel allowing calcium to enter the cell, or activate enzyme in the membrane

Cyclic amp

activates protein kinase A that will activate response proteins to alter cellular activity


Inactivates cyclic amp.

Caffeine can increase the effects of cyclic amp

Phospolipase C

Membrane bound enzyme

Membrane transport

After hormones bind to a membrane receptor , the carrier molecules are activated

Hormone regulation and actions

Pituitary gland. Located at the base of the brain. Attached to the hypothalamus


Anterior posterior lobe of pituitary gland

True endocrine gland. Hormones release is controlled by chemicals that originate in neurons located in the hypothalamus

Posterior lobe of pituitary gland

Receives its hormones from special neurons in the hypothalamus

Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland






they control the release of other hormones

Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland.

Frank likes taking showers sothatheappears clean taĺl handsome and professional

Follicle stimulating hormone- follicle development in females. Speed production in males

Luteinizing hormone- estrogrn and progesterone synthesis in females. Testosterone production in males

Thyroid stimulating hormone- stimulates thyroid gland, regulate metabolism

Somatotropic hormone- stimulates protein synthesis/ human growth hormone

ACTH- stimulates secretion of adrenocortisol hormone, maintains electrolyte homeostasis

PROLACTIN- CONTROLS product of milk by breasts. decreases Growth regulating hormone ( GnRH- inhibits ovulation

Oxytocin and antidiuretic hormones are released from this gland.


Hypothalamus controls pituitary gland. Located below the thalamus of the brain and above the pituitary gland

.name the hormones.

Growth hormone releasing hormone



Corticotropin releasing hormone

This gland secretes hormones that regulates the daily rhythms of your body and affects your mood. Placed in the body at the base of the brain

Pineal gland

Name hormones of the pineal gland


This gland is the brain of the endocrine system and secretes hormones that regulates the functions of other endocrine glands. Located at the base of the brain

Pituitary gland

Name hormones of anterior pituitary gland.

Growth hormone

Thyroid stimulating hormone

Follicle stimulating hormone

Luteinizing hormone


Name hormones of the posterior pituitary gland


Anti-diuretic hormone

This gland produces and discharges hormones that regulates your metabolism. Located on the front of the neck. Name its hormones

Thyroid gland


Thyroid stimulating hormone

Controls the rate of thyroid hormone formation and secretion from the thyroid gland

anterior pituitary gland

Adrenocornotropic hormone

Stimulates the production and secretion of cortisol in the adrenal cortex

Lutenizing hormone

Stimulates the production of testosterone in testies and ovaries

Located . Anterior pituitary gland

Growth hormone is inhibited by hypothalamus somatostatin. Where is the hormone located

Anterior pituitary gland

Which hormones exert a negative feedback on the continued secretion of growth hormone

GH and IGH levels in blood

Exercise is the most potent stimulus of GHs

This gland is A storage site for two hormones: oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone

Posterior pituitary gland

Hormone stimulates smooth muscle especially during childbirth and is involved in the release of milk from the breast


Antidiuretic hormone

Reduces water loss from the body

Increased by high plasma osmolality- low water concentration

Hormones establish the overall metabolic rate

Thyroid hormones

Hormone regulates plasma calcium and is important for normal muscle and nerve function

Negative feedback mechanism:

Found in thyroid gland


As calcium concentration increases

, ------- increases, and blocks the release of ca+ from bone, and stimulates ca+ excretion at the kidneys to lower the plasma concentration


Negative feedback mechanisms

Adrenal gland has two parts

Adrenal medulla

Adrenal cortex

This gland secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine

Hormones respond to strong stimuli

" fight or flight"

The hormones bind to receptors on target tissues

bind to receptors on target tissues

Adrenal medulla

Receptors are divided onto two major classes: alpha, and beta and

Those classes have subgroups:


Adrenal medulla

This gland secretes steroid hormones

Adrenal cortex

Name three categories of steroid hormones

Mineralcorticoids-- aldosterone

Glucocorticoids-- cortisol

Sex steroids--- androgens and estrogens

Regulates na+ reabsorption and k+secretion

Controlled by plasma k+ concentration


When kidneys undergo a stress, their special cells secretes this hormone


Angiotensinogen converts to ( l and ll)

Renin substrate

Hormone maintains plasma glucose during long term fasting and exercising

Blocks the entry of glucose into tissues, forcing those tissues to use more FFA as fuel


Hormone stimulates the breakdown of tissue protein to form amino acids which can be use at the site of tissue damage for repair


Secreted from alpha cells

Works opposite of insulin

Secretes in response to a low plasma glucose concentration

Stimulates the release of glucose from liver stores and FFAs from adipose tissue using second messenger mechanism


Regulates insulin secretion


Hormonal control of substrate mobilization during exercise

Fuel substrate control is regulated by multiple mechanisms, hormonal or cellular influence

The higher the intensity of exercise , the faster the glycogen is broken down

What initiates this?

Second messengers which activate protein kinase in the muscle cell

Some ca+ bond to calmodulin which activates protein kinase need for glycogenolysis

How is blood glucose maintained during exercise

Mobilizing existing glucose from liver glycogen stores to maintain the plasma glucose level

Mobilize plasma FFA from adipose tissue to increase the use of fat as a fuel and spare plasma glucose

Synthesize new glucose in the liver from other substrates (`glucogeonesis)

Hormones influence the number of receptors on the surface of a cell, or the affinity of the receptor for the hormone

Thyroid hormones

T3 and t4

Hormones mobilizes tissue protein to yield amino acids for glucose synthesis in the liver ( gluconeogenesis)

Decreases the rate of glucose utilization by cells

Primary glucocorticoid


Hormeone influences fat and carbohydrate metabolism

Supports the act of cortisol

Provides a slow acting effect

Growth hormone

Hormones quickly return the plasma glucose to normal

Name 2

Epinephrine and norepinephrine

Plasma NE increases when the sympathetic neurons enter the blood.

Primary when a stress occurs, when a challenge is brought onto the body

I,g. High blood pressure


Trained individuals have a greater capacity to secrete epinephrine ,

During exercise when the vo2 max is met or exceeded


These Hormones account for the vast majority of glucose mobilized from the liver during moderate to vigorous exercise

Insulin and glucagon

After a meal, the elevated insulin levels drives the uptake and storage of glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids to lower the levels in the plasma


What happens to the insulin concentration during exercise

Decrease up to 50 percent as exercise workloads EXCEED moderate intensities

What causes the insulin secretion to decrease and glucagon secretion to increase

Ne and E stimulates alpha receptors on the beta cells of the pancreas to decrease insulin secretion during exercise when the plasma glucose concentration is normal

With insulin secretion decreasing can glucose still be delivered through out the body?

Yes. With increased blood flow to the muscle

Exercise increases the number of glucose transporters at the membranes of cells

Increase in ca+ concentrations initiate the increase in transporters

Nervous and endocrine systems work together to regulate various functions throughout the body


Hormones alter the activity of tissues that possess receptors to which the hormone binds


Increased metabolism, or inactivation of hormones occurs at the hormone receptor in the liver


During exercise, fluid shifts out of blood into tissues, making hormone more concentrated

Plasma volume fluid volume changes



Decrease in receptor number in response to chronically high concentration of hormone.

I.g insulin insensitivity


Increase in receptor number in response to low concentration of hormone

I.g- increased sensitivity

Hormone directly enters the cell and binds to protein receptor in the cytoplasm

Hormone-receptor complex enters cell nucleus

Binds to DNA to activate specific gene

Gene codes for specific Protein synthesis

Altering activity of DNA to modify protein synthesis

Adenylate cyclase is activated

Converts ATP to cAMP

cAMP activates protein kinase

Protein kinase initiates cellular response