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50 Cards in this Set

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What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?

- Socialization

- Personality

- Human nature

- Behaviorism

- Socialization

What concept refers to a person's fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling?

- Socialization

- Behavior

- Human nature

- Personality

- Personality

In the nature versus nurture debate, sociologists claim that:

- Nature is far more important than nurture.

- Nurture is far more important than nature.

- Nature and nurture have equal importance.

- Neither nature nor nurture creates the essence of our humanity.

- Nurture is far more important than nature.

Our basic drives or needs as humans are reflected in Freud's concept of:

- Superego.

- Ego.

- Id.

- Generalized other

- Id.

When Cooley used the concept "looking-glass self," he meant to say that:

- People are self-centered.

- People see themselves as they think others see them.

- People see things only from their own point of view.

- Our actions are a reflection of our values.

- People see themselves as they think others see them.

Family is important to the socialization process because:

- Family members are often what Mead called "significant others."

- Families pass along to children social identity in terms of class, ethnicity, and religion.

- Parents greatly affect a child's sense of self.

- All of the above are correct.

- All of the above are correct.

On average, a U.S. household has at least one television turned on for how many hours a day?

- Two

- Five

- Seven

- Fifteen

- Seven

What is the term sociologists give to a category of people with a common characteristic, usually their age?

- Age subculture

- Generation

- Age group

- Cohort

- Cohort

Which of the following concepts refers to a setting where a staff tries to radically change someone's personality through carefully controlling the environment?

- Anticipatory social center

- Cohort community

- A total institution

- A degradation ceremony

- A total institution

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is:

- To help integrate a troubled patient into the outside world.

- To give a person greater choices about how to live.

- To radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

- To encourage lifelong learning in a supervised context

- To radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

Below is a list of traits linked to a total institution; all but one are correct. Which one is NOT correct?

- Staff members supervise all the daily life of inmates.

- Staff members encourage the individual growth and creativity of inmates.

- Inmates have standardized food, clothing, and activities.

- Formal rules direct people's daily routines

- Staff members encourage the individual growth and creativity of inmates.

Which of the following best sums up Goffman's idea of the resocialization process?

- Break down an old identity, then build up a new identity

- Reward inmates for being creative

- Help integrate inmates into the larger society

- All of the above are correct.

- Break down an old identity, then build up a new identity

An inmate who loses the capacity for independent living is described as:

- Unsocialized.

- Integrated.

- Institutionalized.

- Dissociated.

- Institutionalized.

The Harlow studies found that six months of social isolation was sufficient to permanently damage infant rhesus monkeys.

- True

- False

- True

Even years of social isolation in infancy may not cause permanent and irreversible developmental damage.

- True

- False

- False

While many researchers have studied outward behavior, George Herbert Mead focused on symbolic meaning—specifically the meaning people attach to behavior.

- True

- False

- True

George Herbert Mead used the concept "the looking-glass self" to refer to significant people in our lives.

- True

- False

- False

Of all social institutions, the family has the greatest impact on socialization.

- True

- False

- True

Schools provide children with early experience of bureaucracy.

- True

- False

- True

During adolescence, the family's influence on children virtually stops.

- True

- False

- False

Anticipatory socialization refers to trying to avoid unpleasant social experiences.

- True

- False

- False

During the last century, the mass media have had a declining influence on people in the United States.

- True

- False

- False

Childhood and other stages of the life course are defined in much the same way in all societies.

- True

- False

- False

In the United States, many young girls feel they are expected to excel at school, to be feminine, attractive, and to "be themselves" as well—which is often difficult.

- True

- False

- True

Industrialization brings with it a rise in the social standing of old people.

- True

- False

- False

The process by which people act and react in relation to others is called:

- Social connectedness.

- Social construction.

- Social dynamics.

- Social interaction

- Social interaction

Which of the following concepts defines who and what we are in relation to others?

- Role

- Status

- Role set

- Presentation of self

- Status

At a given time you occupy a number of statuses. These statuses make up your:

- Master status.

- Role set.

- Achieved statuses.

- Status set.

- Status set.

What concept refers to a social position that is received at birth or involuntarily assumed later in life?

- Passive role

- Master status

- Ascribed status

- Achieved status

- Ascribed status

Which concept refers to a social position that is assumed voluntarily and that reflects a significant measure of personal ability and effort?

- Active role

- Master status

- Ascribed status

- Achieved status

- Achieved status

Which concept refers to a status that has special importance for social identity, often shaping a person's entire life?

- Social status

- Master status

- Ascribed status

- Achieved status

- Master status

Julie is a police officer who finds that, wherever she goes in her small town, people seem to think of her as a cop. Julie is experiencing the effects of which of the following?

- Role exit

- Master status

- Ascribed status

- Status conflict

- Master status

Akbar is an honors student. In sociological terms, being an honors student is an example of which of the following?

- Role conflict

- Master status

- Ascribed status

- Achieved status

- Achieved status

Sociologists use what concept to refer to behavior people expect of someone who holds a particular status?

- Role

- Master status

- Status set

- Role set

- Role

A role set refers to:

- All the roles found in a society.

- A number of roles attached to a single status.

- All the roles that are similar in function.

- A number of roles within any particular organization

- A number of roles attached to a single status.

What is the concept that refers to the conflict among roles corresponding to two or more statuses?

- Role conflict

- Role strain

- Role set

- Role exit

- Role conflict

Which concept refers to the tension among roles connected to a single status?

- Role conflict

- Role strain

- Role ambiguity

- Role exit

- Role strain

Which of the following is involved when a plant supervisor wishes to be a good friend and confidant to the workers but must remain distant to rate the workers' performances?

- Role conflict

- Role strain

- Role ambiguity

- Role exit

- Role strain

What is the term for the process by which people disengage from important social roles?

- Role rejection

- Role reversal

- Role loss

- Role exit

- Role exit

Which concept is used to designate the process by which people creatively shape reality as they interact?

- Status interaction

- Social construction of reality

- Interactive reality

- Role reality

- Social construction of reality

Garfinkel's research, called ethnomethodology, involves:

- Studying the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings.

- Tracking people's roles over the life course.

- The study of interaction in terms of theatrical performance.

- Studying unfamiliar cultural systems.

- Studying the way people make sense of their everyday surroundings.

Which of the following is likely to play a part in the reality we construct through social interaction?

- Social class background

- The country we live in

- Our ethnicity

- All of the above are correct

- All of the above are correct

The study of social interaction in terms of theatrical performance is referred to as:

- Ethnomethodology.

- Dramaturgical analysis.

- The Thomas theorem.

- The social construction of reality

- Dramaturgical analysis.

Which sociologist developed the approach called dramaturgical analysis?

- George Herbert Mead

- Harold Garfinkel

- Erving Goffman

- W. I. Thomas

- Erving Goffman

What does the term "presentation of self" mean?

- Efforts to create impressions in the minds of others

- Being very self-conscious

- Interaction that is highly formal

- Trying to take attention away from others

- Efforts to create impressions in the minds of others

According to Erving Goffman, we engage in a _____ when we use costumes, props, tone of voice, and gestures to convey information to others.

- Role

- Performance

- Status

- Self

- Performance

Nonverbal communication refers to:

- Body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

- Instant messaging and other e-communication.

- Written language.

- Beliefs assumed to be true by everyone

- Body movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

Which of the following is an important element of non-verbal communication?

- Hand gestures

- Eye contact

- Body language

- All of the above are correct

- All of the above are correct

"Personal space" refers to:

- Owned property, such as a house or land.

- Unowned space in a public place.

- The surrounding area over which an individual makes some claim to privacy.

- A feeling of needing isolation from others

- The surrounding area over which an individual makes some claim to privacy.

In terms of dramaturgical analysis, another term for helping a person to "save face," or avoid embarrassment, is:

- Role exit.

- Tact.

- Idealization.

- Creating personal space

- Tact.