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17 Cards in this Set

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functions of the nervous system
- control
- coordination
- supporting cells
central nervous system (CNS) consists of:
- brain
- spinal cord
peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of:
- cranial nerves: group of axons in the head.
- ganglia: cell body
- spinal nerves: group of axons in the spine.
structure and function of a hollow nerve cord
- characteristic of a chordate.
- neural crest houses the neural tube.
- leads to the central canal of the spinal cord and ventricles of brain.
- filled with cerebrospinal fluid to filter blood and wastes, and carry nutrients and hormones.
anatomy of CNS
- gray matter: cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons. more integration.
- white matter: bundled axons with myelin sheaths. more transmission.
- location: in the brain and spinal cord.
structural cells of the CNS
-oligodendrocytes: similar to the schwann cells of the PNS. insulate with myelin.
- astrocytes: structural support. regulate ions and neurotransmitters.
protection of the CNS
- bone: skull and vertebrae
- connective tissue layers: meninges are three layered and fill with cerebrospinal fluid to cushion.
- MAIN function of the CNS
- simple integration: reflexes and the spinal cord.
- complex integration: brain
parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the PNS
- parasympathetic: calming
- sympathetic: fight or flight
regions of the brain (4)
- brainstem
- cerebellum
- diencephalon
- cerebrum
- consists of: midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
- functions: transfer information between PNS, midbrain, and forebrain, homeostasis, movement, control of arousal and sleep.
- part of the hindbrain
- functions: coordinates movements and balance, learning and remembering motor skills.
- hypothalamus: homeostasis, hormone release, biological clock, fight or flight, sexual behaviors, pleasure.
- thalamus: relay center for sensory input going to the cerebrum, regulation of emotion.
- pineal gland: secretes melatonin.
- two cerebral hemispheres
- corpus callosum: strip of axons that connects the two hemispheres.
cerebral cortex of the brain
- controls voluntary movement and cognitive functions.
- motor cortex
- somatosensory cortex
lateralization of the brain
- right side: dominant in recognition of faces and patterns, spatial relations, nonverbal thinking.
- left side: dominant in math, language and logical operations.
- involve changes in synaptic connections.
- neural plasticity: remodeling and refinement of the nervous system in response to it's own activity.
- use it or lose it.