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78 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of First Aid?
To save a life, reduce pain, prevent injury and reduce permanent disability.
What is a responsibility of an EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatcher)?
Answer emergency calls, obtain info from the caller and send personnel and equipment.
What should be performed when providing emergency care?
Obtain info as to what happened, follow OSHA standards and not moving the patient unnecessarily.
What is the term that describes a progressive lung disorder in which there is a loss of elasticity of the alveoli of the lungs?
What is another name for a stroke?
CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)
What is the name of the type of shock caused by a reaction of the body to a substance to which an individual is highly allergic?
What is the name of the type of bleeding in which there is a slow and steady flow of blood that is dark red in color?
What are symptoms of a fracture?
Pain, deformity & swelling and loss of function.
What is the name of the type of fracture in which the broken ends of the bone are forcefully jammed together?
What is the name of the type of fracture in which the bone is splintered or shattered into three or more fragments?
What is the name of the type of seizure in which the abnormal electrical activity is localized into very specific areas of the brain?
What is an example of an ingested poison?
Aspirin overdose
What snakes are poisonous?
Rattlesnake, copperhead, cottonmouth and coral snake.
What animal tends to have a high incidence of rabies?
What may result in insulin shock?
Skipping meals
What emergency situation should be managed first?
Occluded airway
What is the initial step in giving first aid to a patient with a second-degree chemical burn?
Flood the affected area with water.
What should you administer for the first treatment of a patient having insulin shock?
Glucose (sugar)
What is the appropriate step for the MA to take to protect the patient having a grand mal seizure?
Loosen clothing around the patient's neck.
What is used to control hemorrhage and shock aka Adrenaline?
What is used for Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), helps make the heart beat stronger and with a more regular rhythm?
What is the term for the inability to control your bowels and bladder?
What is the term when a foreign material like vomit, food or liquid is accidently inhaled or blown into the trachea or lungs?
What is used to induce vomiting?
Syrup of Ipecac
What is used to control seizures?
What is used as a topical anesthetic?
What is an AED (Automated External Defibrilator) used for?
Heart Rhythms
What is another word for CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident)?
What is a sprain?
Ligament injury
What is a strain?
Muscle Injury
What is another name for epistaxis?
What does a person suffer from when he or she excretes more water than is taken in?
What is the medical term for high blood sugar?
What is caused by severe hypoglycemia, which occurs when the patient has taken too much insulin, has not eaten enough or has exercised an unusual amount?
Insulin Shock
What results from hyperglycemia, which develops because the body is not producing enough insulin, the patient ate too much food or is stressed or the patient has an infection?
Diabetic Coma
What is the name of the actual freezing of tissue; it occurs when the skin temperature falls to a range of 14 to 25 degrees F?
Frost Bite
What does a patient have when they have red, hot, dry skin; altered levels of consciousness; tachycardia; and rapid, shallow breathing?
Heat Stroke
What is the medical term for nosebleed?
Using this you can estimate the percentage of the body surface are burned.
Rule of Nines
What is the condition in which blood is present in the urine?
What is transient and occurs with a rapid rise in fever over 101.8 degrees F (38.8 degrees C)?
Febrile Seizure
What artery should you put pressure on if a patient is bleeding profusely from an arm laceration?
What can you get if you are bitten by a tick?
Lyme Disease
What kind of overdose can a patient get with diabetes and may go into shock?
What is an example of an open wound?
Heat stroke is what kind of an emergency?
What enables glucose to enter the body's cells and be converted to energy?
What is a progressive lung disorder in which there is a loss of elasticity of the alveoli of the lungs?
Symptoms that include rapid and deep respirations and tachycardia is called what?
What is the first priority for hypovolemic shock?
To control bleeding
What is the name of the type of fracture in which the bone is intact on one side, but broken on the other?
Greenstick Fracture
What is the name of the type of fracture in which the break occurs perpendicular to the long axis of the bone?
Transverse Fracture
What is the name of the type of fracture in which the break occurs diagonally across the bone?
Oblique Fracture
What emergency care should you give a patient for insulin shock?
Give sugar immediately
What does OPIM mean?
Other Potentially Infectious Materials
What must you look for on a persons wrist or neck when they are unable to speak?
Medical Alert Tag
When a patient is breathing but is having great difficulty is called?
Respiratory Distress
A term meaning having difficulty breathing.
During an asthma attack, what constricts and can become clogged with mucus?
If Asthma is not treated what serious complication can occur?
Lung damage
A yeast infection that develops in the mouth and throat and on the tongue.
A severe, prolonged asthmatic attack that is life threatening and can only move a small amount of air.
Status asthmaticus
Fluid in the lungs.
Pulmonary Edema
Blood clot.
Pulmonary Embolism
What is also known as Myocardial Infarction (MI)?
Heart Attack
When given Nitroglycerin for a heart attack, how many tablets must you give under the tongue?
When someone is having a stroke how many hours (window time) do you have to get them to the ER?
Three hours
Failure of cardiovascular system to deliver enough blood to vital organs.
What is the meaning for Pallor?
Discoloration or paleness.
During shock, the organs are irreparably damaged in how many minutes?
4-6 minutes
What can cause fluid in the lungs?
Sever Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
If you place a patient in a supine position with their legs elevated, how are they positioned?
Laying on their back
What artery should you use to control severe bleeding in the leg?
Femoral Artery
What can you do to stop a nosebleed?
Apply direct pressure by pinching your nostrils together.
Who is most likely to have Diabetes 1?
Who is most likely to have Diabetes 2?
What known spider has a bite that can result in a life-threatening reaction?
Black widow
What is the most popular dressing or gauze used on a patient?