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15 Cards in this Set

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Minimum weekly physical activity recommended for the average adult

30 minutes of moderate physical activity 5 or more times a week (150 minutes/week)

Define physical activity

How much physical activity you do daily

Define exercise

Purposeful physical activity

3 factors on which the physical activity guidelines are based

Intensity: how hard a person works to do the activity

Frequency: how often a person performs aerobic activity

Duration: how long a person performs an activity during any one session

Physical activity guidelines for children, adults, & older adults

Children/adolescents: atleast 60 mins/day

Adults: atleast 150 mins/week

Older Adults: 150 mins/week or as much physical activity as they can tolerate

Health benefits of exercise?

Reduced risk of coronary heart disease

Hypertension-blood pressure reduced

Reduced risk of diabetes- improves insulin sensitivity, enhances glucose uptake

Weight management- energy output increased, regulates appetite, increased basal metabolic rate

Bone disease- weight-bearing activities increase osteoblast activity (builds bone)

Mental health- exercise stimulates production of endorphins, improves quality of life, lower risk for anxiety and depression

Basic modes of physical activity?

Resistance training: builds, maintains muscle and bone strength

Aerobic exercise: swimming, running, bicycling, aerobic dancing, etc.

Weight-bearing exercise: can include both aerobic and resistance-type exercises; important for bone structure and strength

What is needed before starting physical activity?

Assess individual health, current fitness, needs, & resources

What is needed to achieve aerobic benefits?

Raise pulse 60%-90% of maximal heart rate

At least 10 min @ a time 150 min/week

Exercise prep/care?

Warm up before, cool down after, listen to body

Basic role of oxygen in exercise?

1) the fitness of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels

2) body composition

How does the body lose fluid during exercise?


Basic concept of rehydration?

Water lost must be replaced. If the physical activity is 1 hour or less strictly water is recommended. After 1 hour other sports drinks with electrolytes or glucose

Benefit of adequate nutrient stores in relation to exercise?

Well balanced, varied diet helps to prevent exercise-induced malnutrition and risk of injury and infection

Describe ergogenic aids and why they may be detrimental to an athletes health

Ergogenic aids are aids that enhance performance such as steroids. Side effects include; masculinization & gynecomastia