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44 Cards in this Set

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Lacrimal Apparatus

- Facial Nerve (CN 7) Innervates

Tears: Salt, lysozyme (antibacterial), mucus, ions

Flows into nasolacrimal duct into the nose

Eyelid with Tarsal Plate

- Glands that secrete sebum to lubricate eyes

- Inflammation and subsequent blockage of the glands lead to chalazion (cyst)


- Deep to eyelid

- Loosely bound sac attached to sclera on inner surface of eyelid

- With mucus membrane and blood vessels for lubrication

Oculomotor CN 3

- Superior Rectus (Elevates, medial)

- Inferior Rectus (Depresses, medial)

- Medial Rectus (Medial)

- Inferior Oblique (Elevates, lateral)

Trochlear CN4

- Superior Oblique (Depresses, lateral)

Abducens CN 6

- Lateral Rectus (Lateral abduction)

6 Extrinsic Eye Muscles

- Cranial Nerve

- Action



Fibrous Layer Components (2)

Also called Uvea

- Iris

- Choroid

- Ciliary body

Vascular Layer Components (3)


AKA Retina

- Pigmented Part

- Neural Part

Nervous Neural Layer Components (2)



- Collagen and elastic fibers

- Covers most of surface of eye

- Innervated and blood vessels

- Supports/protects

- Extrinsic eye muscle tendons insert into here


- Collagen

- Clear part of eye covering iris and pupils

- Trigeminal Nerve CN 5 - Sensory

- No blood vessels: gets nourishment from tears flowing over surface of eye and from aqueous humor in back

- Most sensitive


- Contains melanin, helps to absorb excess light

- Blood vessels - Provide nourishment to retina

Ciliary Body

- Process: Secretes aqueous humor to fill anterior and posterior chamber in front of eye

- Muscle: Smooth muscle to control shape of lens


- Blood vessels

- Pigment cells

- Dilator pupillae muscle innervated by sympathetic nerve fibers

- Constrictor pupillae muscle (CN 3) Oculomotor nerve


From back to front

- Pigment epithelium: Simple squamous

- Photoreceptors

Rods: Dim light vision

Cones: Color and visual acuity, project to fovea centralis

- Bipolar neurons: Synapse with rods and cones

- Ganglion cells: Synpase with bipolar neurons and processes from other end form Optic Nerve CN 2

Rods: 125 million, located around periphery of retina

Cones: 6 million, more close to center, most are at region called fovea with sharpest vision

Are there more rods or cones?


Canal of Schlemm

Aqueous humor from ciliary body leaves posterior chamber through pupil into anterior chamber and through this canal


Bending of light rays by lens onto surface of the retina

Focal Point

Focal Distance

_____________ is where the light rays from an object intersect on the retina and the _____________ is between the center off the lens and that point.


- Made of protein to give elasticity

- Ciliary muscles (smooth) surround lens and are attached to via the suspensory ligaments


Changing the shape of the lens to keep the focal distance constant

Distant Vision

- Lens is flattened for distance vision

- Ciliary muscle relaxes and pulls on suspensory ligaments attached to lens

Close Vision

- Lens bulge

- Ciliary muscle contracts, suspensory ligaments relax, lens is not pulled on

Emmetropic Eye

- No vision problems, not too short or too long.


- When there is not enough absorption of the aqueous humor

- Build up puts pressure on the back of the eye and damages the nerves that make up the optic nerve

Medial Retina Fibers

- Fibers cross over to other side at optic chiasm, for peripheral view

Lateral Retina Fibers

- Fibers do not cross over, responsible for receiving light from medial side


External auditory canal/meatus

Tympanic Membrane

3 Parts of External Ear


- Collect sound waves and funnel them to external auditory canal

External auditory canal

- In temporal Bone

- Cerumen glands: Produce cerumin (earwax - antibacterial properties)

- Otitis Externa: An infection of this region is called swimmer's ear. Antibacterial drop treatment

Tympanic Membrane

- Stratified squamous epithelium on external surface

- Simple cuboidal internal surface

- Elastic fibers between these two epithelial layers

- Sound comes in causing these elastic fibers to vibrate, which cause parts of middle and inner ear to vibrate




Eustachian Tube

4 Parts of Middle Ear


- Attached to tympanic membrane


- Between malleus and stapes

- Synovial fluid exist between the spaces between malleus and ______


- Attached to oval window

- Synovial fluid between incus and ________

- Conduct vibrations to cochlea inner ear

Eustachian tube

- Connects middle ear to nasophayrnx (Throat)

- Functions to equalize pressure in middle ear

- Bacteria in middle ear can cause infection called (Otitis Media)


The cavity that holds malleus, incus and stapes


* Fluid filled chambers

- Sound waves - Stapes - Oval window membranous entrance

- Scala Vestibule (Superior chamber) - Scala Tympani (Inferior Chamber) - Sound stops at round window

- Vibrations in the two chambers go to Perilymph and endolymph (cochlear ducts - Internal chambers)

- Receptors located in Organs of Cortii with cilia (Hair cells - machenoreceptor)

- Auditory vestibulocochlear nerve CN 8 carries sound to brain


- Contains utricle and saccule that sit at right angles to each other

- These contain hair cells with stones called otoliths on top

- Utricle and saccule filled with endolymphs (cochlear ducts - internal chambers)

Static Equilibrium

- As head it tilted, otoliths push down on hair cells in utricle and saccule

- Send action potential to Auditory Vestibulocochlear CN 8 to brain

Semicircular Canals

Contain Crista ampularis

- Hair cells surrounded by endolymph

- When body moves, hair cells move

- Balance while moving

- Dynamic equilibrium

Conduction Deafness

- Anything that causes damage to the structures of external, middle or inner ear (Pinna, external acoustic canal, malleus, incus, stapes)

- Cannot hear

- Cause: Something blocking passageway infects the structures to not move as well as they should

Sensorineural deafness

- Damage to the sensory pathway to cause deafness

- Auditory vestibulocochlear nerve CN 8 - medulla - inferior colliculli (midbrain) - thalamus - temporal lobe



- Superior part of nasal epithelium

- Olfactory epithelium

- Bipolar neuron extensions synapse on olfactory bulb

- Sensitive, threshold

- Adaptation: Repeated odors can cause decrease in stimulation

Olfactory Cortex

- Pathway bypasses the thalamus, ______________, hypothalamus, part of limbic system involved in memory and emotions



- Papillae, chemoreceptors


- Facial Nerve 7

- Glossopharyngeal Nerve CN 9 (Ingestion)

- Vagus Nerve CN 10