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26 Cards in this Set

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international monetary fund

organization gives loans to poor countries (justin huynh)

industrial revolution

social and economic changed in agriculture commerce and manufacturing that resulted from technological innovations and specialization in the late eighteenth century in Europe (justin huynh)int

intermodal connections

places where two or more modes of transportation meet (including air road rail barge and ship)

just in time delivery

method of inventory management made possible by efficient transportation and communication systems, whereby companies keep on hand just what they need for near term production (justin huynh)

least cost theory

model by alfred weber that said according to which the location of manufacturing establishments is determined by the minimization of three expenses: labor transportation and agglomeration (justin huynh)

newly industrialiIng countries

states that underwent industrialization after ww2 and whose economies have grown at a rapid pace (justin huynh)


with reference to production, to outsource to a third party located outside of the country ex. ford parts made in mexico (justin huynh)


with reference to production, to turn over to a third party in part or in total ez. outsource call center service jobs to india

product life cuclr

introduction, growth, maturation and decline of a product (justin huynh)

product life cuclr

introduction, growth, maturation and decline of a product (justin huynh)

rust belt

post industrial region of the northeast and midwest, referring to its economic decline, population loss, urban decay due to shrinking of its once powerful industrial sector (justin huynh)

product life cuclr

introduction, growth, maturation and decline of a product (justin huynh)

rust belt

post industrial region of the northeast and midwest, referring to its economic decline, population loss, urban decay due to shrinking of its once powerful industrial sector (justin huynh)

spatial fix

the movement of production from one sit to another based on the place based cost advantages (justin huynh)

product life cuclr

introduction, growth, maturation and decline of a product (justin huynh)

rust belt

post industrial region of the northeast and midwest, referring to its economic decline, population loss, urban decay due to shrinking of its once powerful industrial sector (justin huynh)

spatial fix

the movement of production from one sit to another based on the place based cost advantages (justin huynh)

sun belt

the south and southwest region of us where climate is warm

product life cuclr

introduction, growth, maturation and decline of a product (justin huynh)

rust belt

post industrial region of the northeast and midwest, referring to its economic decline, population loss, urban decay due to shrinking of its once powerful industrial sector (justin huynh)

spatial fix

the movement of production from one sit to another based on the place based cost advantages (justin huynh)

sun belt

the south and southwest region of us where climate is warm


centers or nodes of high tech research and activity around the high technology corridor (justin huynh)

vertical integration

ownership by the same firm of a number of companies that exist along a variety of points on a commodity chain (justin huynh)

vertical integration

ownership by the same firm of a number of companies that exist along a variety of points on a commodity chain (justin huynh)

world trade organizatjon

organization of 100+ governments who work to promote freer trade among member states (justin huynh)