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45 Cards in this Set

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The majority of digestion and absorption takes place in the _____

Small intestine

Which enzyme breaks down starches


What nutrient is the main source of energy for the body


The projection coming from the cecum is known as

Vermiform appendix

Where does protein digestion begin


_______ Begins the digestion of carbs and fats


What does intrinsic factor do

Required for absorption of vitamin B

Describe papillae

Projections on the tongue that contain taste buds

What is mesentery

Holds the small intestines in place

What structure drains bile from the gallbladder and liver

Common bile duct

What substances do pancreatic enzymes digest

Proteins fat and carbs

Define emulsification

Breaking down fat

List the layers of the digestive tract from deep to superficial

Mucosa submucosa muscularis serosa

What is peristalsis

Wavelike muscular contraction

The Narrow end of the esophagus is known as

Lower esophageal sphincter

The Liver is the ______ organ in the abdominal cavity. It stores ___________ and is located in the ___________ quadrant of the abdomen.

Largest, glucose, upper right

List the parts of the large intestine

Cecum, Colon, rectum

What are villi

Folds that allow for expansion

What is the lining of the abdominal cavity called

Perietal peritoneum

What structure supply the liver with blood

Hepatic artery

Describe the location of the kidneys


Where is the pyloric sphincter located

Between the stomach and duodenum

What is chyme

Food particles in the stomach

What structure stores fecal matter

Large intestine

What covers the organs of the abdominal cavity

Visceral peritoneum

What does the enzyme lipase do

Breaks down fat

List three functions of the digestive system

Breaks down food, absorption, eliminate waste

List the three parts of the small intestine

Duodenum, jejunum, ileum

The term that means excretion of waste products from the body is______


The enzyme ________ breaks down sugar and _______ breaks down lactose

Sucrase, lactase

The sum of all chemical reactions in the body is known as


Chewing is also known as _______ and swallowing is known as _______

Mastication and deglutition

______ is the good cholesterol and ______ is the bad cholesterol


The _____________ regulates the amount of chyme that enters the cecum

Ileocecal valve

What’s the functions of the liver

Manufactures plasma proteins, detoxifies, stores amino acids

Describe the Pharynx

Common Passage for food and air

Describe esophagus

Muscular tube that transports food to the stomach

Describe the stomach

Stores ingested food

Describe the duodenum

Bile secretions enter here

Describe pancreas

Secretes insulin

Describe liver

Manufactures bile

Describe gallbladder

Stores and concentrates bile

Describe appendix

Contains lymphoid tissue

Describe large intestine

Absorbs water and vitamins

Describe rectum

Last part of the digestive tract