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75 Cards in this Set

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Air enter the nasal cavities of the respiratory system through the ______ ______. The nasal cavities are divided by the midline __________
external nares
the nasal cavity mucosa has several functions. its major functions are to ________, _________, and ________ the incoming air
warm, moisten and trap
mucous membrane-lined cavities called ________are found in several bones surrounding the nasal cavities. they make the skull less heavy and probably act as resonance chamber for ______.
the passageway common to the digestive and respiratory systems, the ____ is often referred to as the throat; it connects the nasal cavities with _____ below.
clusters of lymphatic tissue,_________, are part of the defensive system of the body. Reinforcement of the trachea will ______rings to prevents its collapse during ___________pressure changes with breathing.
The fact that the rings are incomplete posteriorly allows a food bolus to bulge _______during its transport to the stomach.
the voice box is built form many cartilages, but the largest are the signet ring-shaped ______ and the "Adam's Apple" or ________cartilage
within the voice box are the ______, which vibrate with exhaled air and allow an individual to _______
vocal cord
nasal mucous mucus secretes ______ , an enzyme that destroys bacteria
the pharynx is divided into 3 regions
the nasopharynx
the pharynx is funnel shaped passageway that is _____long. extends for skull to_____.passageway for both food and air.
C6 vertebra
is 2 " long
routs air and food into proper passageway, contains the vocal cords. cough reflex, thyroid passage and epiglottis.
trachea aka windpipe. descends from inferior larynx to enter the mediastinum. where it divides to become the right and left primary bronchi of the lungs.
4" long
1" diameter
the mucosa lining of the trachea contains________glands that produce a thick mucus. dust and debris is trapped in this mucus and is either swalled or coughed up
the lower respiratory system
contains the lungs, the brochi, and the bronchioles
the center of the thoracic cavity is filled by the __________ which contains the heart, great blood vessels, bronchi, trachea, and esophagus. it is flanked on either side by the lungs
each lung is suspended in its own__________ . with the anterior, lateral and posterior lung surfaces lying close tot he ribs.
pleural cavity
The ________on the mediastinal surface of each pleural cavity, is where blood vessels of the pulmonary and circulatory systems and the primary bronchus enter and exit the lungs.
The _____of each lung lies just below the clavicle and the base of each lung rests on the diaphragm
the lungs are elastic connective tissue, __________, and are soft and spongy. the lungs differ in size and shape the _______ lung is larger with three lobes
the vascular system of the lungs consists of the ________, which deliver blood to the lungs for oxygenation, and ________which deliver oxygenated blood to the heart.
pulmonary arteries
pulmonary veins
Within the lungs, the pulmonary arteries branch into a pulmonary capillary network that surrounds the alveoli. lung tissue receives its blood supply form the ________ and drains by the ___________
bronchial arteries
bronchial and pulmonary veins
there are ______alveoli in the lungs
The pleura is a _________ that covers the lungs and the inside of the ______ . The _______ lines the thoracic wall and mediastinum. it continuous with the visceral pleura, _________ the pleura produces______, a lubricating, _____ that allows the lungs to move easily over the thoracic wall during breathing.
double membrane
thoracic cavities
parietal pleura
which covers the external lung surfaces
pleural fluid
serous fluid
The sturcture of the pluera creates a slightly ______pressure in the pleural space ( which is a potential rather than an actual space). it is necessary for lung function
The trachea divides into ____ and ____ primary bronchi. the _____ primary bronchus is ____,_____, and ________
right and left
shorter, wider, and situated more vertically
the point where the trachea divides is innervated with ______ ______. activities such as tracheal suctioning may induce ________ and _______ from stimulation of these neurons.
sensory neurons
coughing and bronchospasm
the bronchi subdivide into smaller ______ and then into smaller ______. ending in the _______ ________, which are extremely small.
terminal brochioles
From the terminal bronchioles; air moves into ____ ___, which further branch into ____ ___ that lead to ____ ____ and then to the tiny ____
air sacs
alveolar ducts
alveolar sacs
tiny alveoli
during inspiration, air enters the lungs through the _____ _____ and then moves through the increasingly smaller passageways of the lungs to the____ where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange occurs
primary bronchus
Alveoli cluster around the ____ ____ which open into a common chamber called the _____
alveolar sacs
the walls of alveoli are ____ _____ ___ ____ _____ cells over a very thin basement membrane.
a single layer of squamous epithelial
the external surface of the alveoli are covered with ______, the alveolar and capillary walls form the _____ _____.
pulmonary capillaries
respiratory membrane
Gas exchange across the respiratory membrane occurs by____ _____. the alveolar walls also contain cells that secrete a _____ ______ fluid, necessary for maintaing a moist surface and reducing the surface ______ of the alveiolar fluid to help prevent ____-
simple diffusion
surfactant containing
lung collaps
the ____ pleura is the closest to the ribs. the ____ pleura is the furthest out
The lungs are protected by the ____ ___ ____ ___ ___. there are __ pair of ribs, which all articulate with the ____ _____.
bones of the rib cage
thoracic verbrae
the sternum has three parts:
manubrium, the body and the xiphoid process
the spaces between the rigs are call the ____ ____
intercostal space
each intercostal space is named for the rib_____
immediately above it
the space between the third and fourth ribs is designated as the ____ ____ _____
third intercostal space
the intercostal muscles between the ribs along with diaphragm are called the _______ _______
inspiratory muscles
phases of respiration
ventilation-movement of air
inspiration (diaphram flattens)
expiration (diaphram rises, muscles relax
perfusion-flow of blood
diffusion- gas exchange between the blood and alveoli
Factors affecting respiration
changes in volume and capacity, air pressures, oxygen, CO2, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen ion concentrations in the blood, airway resistance, lung compliance and elasticity, and alveolar surface tension
pulmonary function tests measure
respiratory volumes and capacities
tidal volume
the volume inhaled and exhaled with normal quiet breathing 500 ml.
Vidal capacity
the total amount of air that can be exhaled after a maximal inspiration. it is calculated by adding together the IRT, TV, and the ERV.
the two pressures that are normally present int the thoracic cavity are:
intrapulmonary and intrapleural pressure
the intrapleural pressure___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___, rises and falls constantly as a result of ____ and ___. the intrapleural pressure, __, also rises and falls with each inhalation and exhalatiion, but it is always less than to the ___ ____
within the alveoli of the lungs
inhalation and exhalation
within the pleural space
intrapulmonary pressure
inspiration is
difficulty breathing _____
difficulty breathing while laying down is _____
respiratory passageway resistance, lung compliance, and lung elasticity also affect respiration
respiratory passageway resistance is created by the friciton encounters as gases move along the respiratory passageways, by constriction of the passageways, bu accumulations of mucus or infectious materal, and by tumors.
as resistance increases, gas flow __
lung compliance is ___
the distenability of the lungs. it depends on the elasticity of the lung tissues and the flexibility of the rib cage.
compliance is decreased by:
factors that decrease the elasticity of the lungs. block the respiratory passageways or interfere with movement of he rib cage
Lung elasticity is essential for lung distention during inspiration and lung recoil during expiration. decreased elasticity from disease such as ___ impairs respiration
A liquid film, primarily composed of __, covers the alveolar walls. at any gas-liquid boundary, the molecules of ___ are more strongly attracted to each other than to __ molecules. this produces a state of tension called ___ ___ that draws liquid molecules even more closely together
surface tension
the water content of he alveolar film compacts the ____ and aids in the lungs ___ during expiration
the blood carries both oxygen and co2 as dissolved gases and in chemical combination w hemoglobin. in addition, co2 is changed to and transported as ___
P02 in ABG means
partial pressure of oxygen
normal values are 80-100 if low indicates hypoxia
PCO2 in ABG means
partial pressure of carbon dioxide. normal levels are 35-45 mmHg. if below 35 it is alkolotic above 45 is acidosis.
oxygen is carried in the blood either ___or ____bound to _____. as oxygen is relatively insoluble in solution, its ability to bind w hemoglobin is essential. approx. ___% of O2 is transported on hemoglobin, as ____. the reaming 1 or 2 % is dissolved.
the affinity of oxygen and hemoglobin ___ as the temp of body tissues rises above normal. resulting in less oxygen binding w hemoglobin, and o2 unloading _____. as the body is chilled, 02 unloading ____
the o2-hemoglobin bond is weakened by increased ____ __. concentrations
hydrogen ion
as the blood becomes more ___ o2 unloading to the tissues increases. the same process occurs then the partial pressure of co2 increases becasue this decreases the pH
the organic chemical 2.3-DPG is formed in red blood cells and increases the release of oxygen from ___ by binding to it during times of ncreased metabolism. this binding alters the structure of ___ to facilitate o2 unloading
when the blood reaches the capillary level, it is critical that oxygen be able to dissociate from hemoglobin as only dissolved oxygen that is not bound to hemoglobin is able to pass thru the capillary wall, diffuse thru the cell membrane, and be available for use in cell metabolism.
the relation between the o2 carried in combination w hemoglobin and the PO2 of the blood can be illustrated in the ________, which demonstrates the release of 02 from hemoglobin at the tissue capillaries.
hemoglobin dissociation curve
Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
the percent o2 saturation of hmglb, and total blood o2 volume are shown for different oxygen partial pressures (Po2). arterial blood in the lungs is almost completely saturated. during one pass thru the body about___% of hemoglobin-bound o2 is unloaded to the tissues. thus, venous blood is still about ___% saturated w 02, the steep portion of the curve show that hemoglobin readily off-loads or on-loads o2 at ____ levels below about 50mmHg
P02 (02 partial pressures)
cells produce about ___ of co2 a minute. this is equal to the amount of c02 excreted by the lungs per minute
C02 is transported in three forms:
bicarbonate ions in the plasma -mostly
dissolved in plasma
bound to hemoglobin
when the P02____, with a corresponding ___ in O2 saturation____ amounts of co2 can be carried in the blood.
c02 entering the __ ___ from the cells causes more ____ to dissociate from hemoglobin, in turn allowing more c02 to combine with ____ and more bicarbonate ions to be generated. this situation is reversed in the ____ ___, where the uptake of ____ facilitates the release of ______
systemic circulation
pulmonary circulation
of oxygen
types of breath sounds

soft, low-pitched, gentle sounds. heard over all areas of the lungs except the major bronchi, have a 3:1 ratio for inspiration and expiration, w inspiration lasting longer than expiration.
types of breath sounds


heard over lungs w fluid
medium pitch and intensity of sounds. have a 1:1 ratio, with inspiration and expiration being equal i duration. heard anteriorly over the primary bronchus on each side of the sternum, and posteriorly between the scapulae
types of breath sounds


heard over lungs w fluid
loud, high pitched sounds. gap between inspiration and expiration. have a 2:3 ratio for inspiration and expiration, with expiration longer than inspiration. heard over the manubrium