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8 Cards in this Set

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What 2 commands each make a new named pipe file?



What does the


command do?

Why is it useful?

It displays the output of a command in the console and then redirects the output to a file or device.

It's useful if I want to see the stdout AND simultaneously have a file created or rewritten with that content.

cat /etc/hosts | tee filea

What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable?

Local only exists the process it was created.

Global variables are defaults that apply to all users.

What configuration files are read when a user logs on or when a command is executed that requires a logon?

/etc/profile and ~/.bash/profile

What file is read each time a new process starts?


What does the source command do?

It's used to read changes in configuration files into memory.

What does redirection do?

It alters the stdin, stdout, stderror device or file.

Name 3 commands are associated with environmental variables

export <variablename>

export <variablename>=value
