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3 Cards in this Set

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Digestive organs

1. parotid gland

2. submandibular gland

3. pharynx

4. esophagus

5. liver

6. transverse colon

7. ascending colon

8. ilium

9. cecum

10. vermiform appendix

11. rectum

12. sigmoid colon

13. descending colon

14. stomach

15. sublingual gland

16. tongue

Structures of the tooth

1. crown

2. neck

3. root

4. bone

5. cementum

6. periodontal membrane

7. periodontal alignment

8. root canal

9. gum

10. pulp cavity

11. dentin

12. enamel

The Stomach

1. cardiac sphincter

2. esophagus

3. gastroesophageal opening

4. lesser curvature

5. pylorus

6. pyloric sphincter

7. duodenal bulb

8. duodenum

9. rugae

10. greater curvature

11. submucosa

12. mucosa

13. oblique muscle layer

14. circular muscle layer

15. longitudinal muscle layer

16. serosa

17. body

18. fundus