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20 Cards in this Set

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primary activity

Economic activity concerned with the direct extraction of natural resources from the environment, such as mining, agriculture, fishing, etc.

secondary activity

Economic activity involving the processing of raw materials and their transformation into finished industrial products, manufacturing

tertiary activity

Economic activity associated with the provision of services, such as transportation, banking, retailing, education, and office-based jobs

quaternary activity

Service sector industries concerned with the collection, processing, and manipulation of information and capital. Examples include finance, administration, and insurance.

life expectancy

A figure indicating how long, on average, a person may be expected to live.

infant mortality rate

A figure that describes the number of babies that die within the first year of their lives in a given population.

rate of natural increase

The annual rate of population growth

birth rate

number of live births per 1,000 people in a population a given year.

death rate

number of deaths/ 1000 people in a population in a given year

per capita income

amount of money earned in one year in that nation by an average person

purchasing power parity

Measurement of what the same amount of money buys in different countries

gross national product

A measure of the total value of the officially recorded goods and services produced by the citizens and corporations of a country in a given year.

literacy rate

The percentage of a country's people who can read and write.

gross national income

The monetary worth of what is produced within a country plus income received from investments outside the country.

gross domestic product

The market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time.

human development index

Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy

physical quality of life index

A composite indicator of development composed from life expectancy, literacy rate, and infant mortality.

less developed country

Less developed country (LDC) A country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development.

more developed country

More developed country (MDC) A country that has progressed relatively far along a continuum of development.

newly industrialized country

A subgroup of developing countries that have experienced rapid industrialization of their economies. Taiwan, India, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil are examples.